Chinese Missile News

Has China fired any missiles yet to hit the Houthis?
Cunning British, China should stop the western ships rushing to change their registration to pretend to be Chinese ships.

“黄埔”号目前由香港公司Hera Gam Ltd拥有和运营,此前的船东为英国联合海事有限公司,直到今年1月,该船的名字仍为“阿纳瓦托斯-2”号(Anavatos II)。由于英国联合海事有限公司注册的另一艘船曾被胡塞武装攻击,因此有分析认为,胡塞武装攻击“黄埔”号,或许是错误地将其认作是英国公司的船只。

The "Huang Pu" is currently owned and operated by the Hong Kong company Hera Gam Ltd. The previous ship owner was the British United Maritime Co., Ltd. Until January this year, the ship's name was still the "Anavatos-2" (Anavatos II) ).

Since another ship registered by British United Maritime Co., Ltd. was attacked by the Houthi armed forces, some analysts believe that the Houthi armed forces attacked the "Whampoa" and may have mistakenly identified it as a ship belonging to a British company.
Has China fired any missiles yet to hit the Houthis?
"Until now Chinese ships appeared to have little to fear — so much so that other ships had reportedly hoisted Chinese flags or changed identification data to suggest they’re Chinese ships. Bakeer suggested such cat-and-mouse games could have “created confusion” as to what ship the Houthis thought they were targeting, as the M/V Huang Pu had reportedly previously been registered to a British firm."

"Until now Chinese ships appeared to have little to fear — so much so that other ships had reportedly hoisted Chinese flags or changed identification data to suggest they’re Chinese ships. Bakeer suggested such cat-and-mouse games could have “created confusion” as to what ship the Houthis thought they were targeting, as the M/V Huang Pu had reportedly previously been registered to a British firm."

That is why the Indians have gone to sleep in this thread. 😴
"Until now Chinese ships appeared to have little to fear — so much so that other ships had reportedly hoisted Chinese flags or changed identification data to suggest they’re Chinese ships. Bakeer suggested such cat-and-mouse games could have “created confusion” as to what ship the Houthis thought they were targeting, as the M/V Huang Pu had reportedly previously been registered to a British firm."

Exactly, they were deliberately targeting Anglo European ships.
Or are they considering making themselves look like Indian boats? 😂😂😂
it's not like the houthis will be attacking any indian boats. We probably took care of that issue when our foreign minister visited iran in january.
really. Everyone knows that Indian Navy will strike every enemy from Indian ports.
you really don't keep up with the news, do you ? How many anti hijacking and anti piracy missions has india conducted since the start of the crises ? how many similar operations has PLAN conducted ? Indian navy has been the most active security provider in the region apart the USN ofcourse, meanwhile PLAN is torturing filipino fishing boats with water cannons to make a point. all of these operations happened within the last 4 months. What has the PLAN and it's marines sitting in dijbouti done to match the scale and complexity ?

Daddy America is pulling the strings on India. There goes your friendship and promise of standing with Russia for an eternity.
You should buy a pair of spectacles or go back to school and learn how to read

All Indian Refiners Now Reject Russian Crude Shipped by Sovcomflot Tankers​

India continues to be the largest buyer of russian crude following china
No direct link to this Xinhua News Agency
Next time you can't understand Chinese, don't post such fake news, okay? I hate people like you who spread rumors. Look at the Chinese report here, he is spreading rumors about the recent natural gas explosion as a missile! I have already posted on this forum about the natural gas pipe explosion and the obstruction of journalist interviews, reporting it

And the incident occurred on March 13th, and there were already two reports on the explosion on this forum at that time
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