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Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge


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Dec 11, 2023
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Korean War casualties statistics.


China and Vietnam fought for control of Cambodia in 1979. Both sides suffered heavy losses in just a month but Vietnam maintained its grip on Cambodia. This is not surprising because Vietnam had a battle-hardened force that understood warfighting tactics well enough courtesy of the lessons learned from earlier conflicts. Vietnam also learned from the Chinese in earlier conflicts.
All those Chinese causalties in the Korean war were estimates by Westerners, they dont have accurate and credible sources on the grounds of the number of deaths because they couldnt do something like accurate dead bodies counts of Chinese soldiers because US troops were pushed away from the battle fields down to south, only Chinese army had the ability to do bodies count after the fights because they in most cases controlled the battle fields afterward. Lol, there are such wild estimates in the chart by Westerners that over 1.0 millions Chinese soldiers died in the war. Chinese side says there were about 180,000 Chinese soldiers died in the Koean war that is more reasonable.
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Dec 20, 2023
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Oh, suddenly, India saved China from Tibet separation in the 50s and 60s, what a joke. Tibet was a region of China and it had no right to sign any border treaty with Bitain, even Tibetan local gov refused to accept the negotiation results between them because Chinese central gov didnt not accepte the negotiation as valid too.
Tibet and Mongolia declared their independence from China, after collapse of Qing empire.

Today Mongolia js an independent country because it lay between China and Russia.

Where as Tibet was conquered by China in 1949. And India decided to support communist China instead of Tibet.


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Dec 11, 2023
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Tibet and Mongolia declared their independence from China, after collapse of Qing empire.

Today Mongolia js an independent country because it lay between China and Russia.

Where as Tibet was conquered by China in 1949. And India decided not support communist China instead of Tibet.
You just BS, Tibet was never independent from China. Mongolia didnt became independent from China after the WW II in 1945 because of Stalin intervention. Dont make up your bullcrap here.


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Dec 20, 2023
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You just BS, Tibet was never independent from China. Mongolia didnt became independent from China after the WW II in 1945 because of Stalin intervention. Dont make up your bullcrap here.
My point exactly, when Stalin intervened, all the Chinese claim over Mongolia evaporated into thin air.

If India had intervened or allowed Americans to intervene(as they wanted to, so bady) from Indian territory, similarly Chinese claim to Tibet too would have evaporated.

You Chinese created an eternal enemy out of friend who supported you in your worst days.

P.S. Mongolia declared its independence in 1911, was free from Chinese control by 1921.


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Dec 11, 2023
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My point exactly, when Stalin intervened, all the Chinese claim over Mongolia evaporated into thin air.

If India had intervened or allowed Americans to intervene(as they wanted to, so bady) from Indian territory, similarly Chinese claim to Tibet too would have evaporated.

You Chinese created an eternal enemy out of friend who supported you in your worst days.

P.S. Mongolia declared its independence in 1911, was free from Chinese control by 1921.
Bull, Mongolia never became independent until 1945, period, dont talk nonsense. Keep your wet dreams Indians, If India intervened then Tibet woulf became inndependent, you people just tried to do that in 1962 by invading Tibet, and what happened ? As for US, it is 10k miles away from Tibet, they couldnt fight a ground war with China in Tibet, and see what happened in Korea war. Just keep your delusions, Indian, lol.


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Dec 20, 2023
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Bull, Mongolia never became independent until 1945, period, dont talk nonsense. Keep your wet dreams Indians, If India intervened then Tibet woulf became inndependent, you people just tried to do that in 1962 by invading Tibet, and what happened ? As for US, it is 10k miles away from Tibet, they couldnt fight a ground war with China in Tibet, and see what happened in Korea war. Just keep your delusions, Indian, lol.

In 1945 China was forced to accept Mongolian independence by Russia. They had been independent long before that.

Had Indian wanted to conquer Tibet. India would never accepted Chinese claims over Tibet in the first place.

You Chinese have deluded yourself in creating enemies everywhere, you insatiable lust for land, have causes you have territorial dispute of 17 of your neighbors, despite having border with only 14 countries.


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Dec 11, 2023
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In 1945 China was forced to accept Mongolian independence by Russia. They had been independent long before that.

Had Indian wanted to conquer Tibet. India would never accepted Chinese claims over Tibet in the first place.

You Chinese have deluded yourself in creating enemies everywhere, you insatiable lust for land, have causes you have territorial dispute of 17 of your neighbors, despite having border with only 14 countries.
China only has land disputes with your delusional greedy India, period. We don't have 17 neighbors, only 14, and only your greedy India is hostile. You accepted Tibet is part of China because you had no choice, but when opportunity strikes, you people will invade Tibet just as you did in 1962 when China was enemy of both US and Soviet Union, you thought China was totally isolated and dared not to fight back. Can you show me a world map by the US or Westerners, showing Mongolia was not part of China before 1945 ? Don't make a fool of yourself.


Mar 20, 2022
All those Chinese causalties in the Korean war were estimates by Westerners, they dont have accurate and credible sources on the grounds of the number of deaths because they couldnt do something like accurate dead bodies counts of Chinese soldiers because US troops were pushed away from the battle fields down to south, only Chinese army had the ability to do bodies count after the fights because they in most cases controlled the battle fields afterward. Lol, there are such wild estimates in the chart by Westerners that over 1.0 millions Chinese soldiers died in the war. Chinese side says there were about 180,000 Chinese soldiers died in the Koean war that is more reasonable.

Go read the book by David Halberstam
The Coldest Winter

Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.

That lie of Chinese using human waves in Korean war and dying like flies in face of ‘American firepower and shells and bullets can be examined in the casualty statisics.


Korean War Casualty Stats

Bullshit to all those crap talk of Chinese human waves and sending of Chinese into the meat grinder.

Feeble excuses as to how ‘American and their gang forces got fxcked and kicked back south of parallel by single bolt action rifles.

China told you all to get south of parallel and China stopped there.

Or they drive all of you down South of Pusan.

See the table of casualties.

That war became largely a war between Chinese and the rest.

Chinese suffered less dead and wounded than the rest of the ‘Muricans and UN doggies not withstanding single bolt action rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and kitchen sinks and battleships with 16″ guns.

If Chinese used human waves as so often lied about, China would have casualties 10 times worse than the rest combined.

Go read Coldest Winter
The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War: David Halberstam: 9780786888627: Amazon.com: Books


Mar 20, 2022
Yes, China was supporting Vietnam in the war. China was providing arms to Vietcong and also allowed Vietcong to recover and regroup in Chinese lands from time-to-time. This support was crucial to Vietcong as a fighting force and its survivability.




USA dared not cross the parallel.

China told them if USA cross the parallel, China will put Chinese boots on the ground below the parallel in numbers that pale what China did when Dugout Doug approached the Yalu River.

USA remembered what happened when they encountered Chinese even though most of the Chinese had only single shot bolt action rifle against USA battleships and artillery and Ma Deuces and unlimited ammo.

USA blinked and blinked and tail between legs and did not have the cojones to cross.

Yellow is Okay

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Dec 14, 2023
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Not only fighting against US, but also France

Vietnamese girl goes to a Chinese PLA cemetery in Vietnam to clean the tombs and pay respect to the 104 fallen Chinese PLA heros who helped Vietnam fighting in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu against French colonialists

Vietnamese girl goes to a PLA cemetery in Vietnam to pay respect to the fallen PLA heros who helped Vietnam fight US agressors

Vietnamese girls go to a PLA cemetery in Vietnam to pay respect to and sing for the fallen PLA heros who helped Vietnam fight US agressors

PLA cemetaries are everywhere in Vietnam

The majority of these tombs are located in the north. In the southern versions of history books, there's no mention of PLA military involvement in the Indochina War or Vietnam War. Instead, the VCP extensively mention the USSR aiding PAVN or at least that used to be the case in the 1990s and 2000s.
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Yellow is Okay

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Dec 14, 2023
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The majority of these tombs are located in the north. In the southern versions of history books, there's no mention of PLA military involvement in the Indochina War or Vietnam War. Instead, the VCP extensively mention the USSR aiding PAVN or at least that used to be the case in the 1990s and 2000s.
*History books, the media, and propaganda in the south in general. And no, we do not have different textbooks, I didn't phrase that sentence well.


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Jan 11, 2024
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Not only fighting against US, but also France

Vietnamese girl goes to a Chinese PLA cemetery in Vietnam to clean the tombs and pay respect to the 104 fallen Chinese PLA heros who helped Vietnam fighting in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu against French colonialists

I am moved wow she understands the meaning of gratitude


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Mar 15, 2024
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*History books, the media, and propaganda in the south in general. And no, we do not have different textbooks, I didn't phrase that sentence well.
The North and South of Vietnam were chaotic after their reunification due to their different social systems


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Nov 21, 2018
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China lost a minimum of 200,000 soldiers in Korean war. Not really something to boast about.

USA had military advantage and fire power at least 100 times that of China in 1950

In 1950, the weakness of China very very real and not imaginary at all. Armed largely with single shot bolt action rifle a noch above black powder muzzle loader.

How can China ever hoped to prevail against battleships with 16 inch guns and planes and artillery and Ma Deuces with unlimited ammo supply and the claimed battle savy of USA army and Marines?

Dugout Doug and his generals laughed at those chink laundrymen and promised that they be crushed to red paste with firepower and laughed at the China warning not to approach Yalu river.

The military might and strength of USA with heavy artillery and planes and tanks and battleships with 16 inch guns cannot be resisted by China with economy slightly out of stone age and with single shot bolt action rifles. Bolt operated rifles were just one stage above using muzzle loading muskets and black powder.

That Chinese be slaughtered and turned into red pulp should they dare to fight good old Dugout in Korea.

Chinese whacked USA and the UN combined that they had to flee south of the Parallel as demanded by China.Chinese fought with bolt operated rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and battleships with 16″ guns.

Go read the book by
David Halberstam
The Coldest Winter

Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.

That lie of Chinese using human waves in Korean war and dying like flies in face of ‘American firepower and shells and bullets can be examined in the casualty statisics.


Korean War Casualty Stats

Bullshit to all those crap talk of Chinese human waves and sending of Chinese into the meat grinder.

Feeble excuses as to how ‘American and their gang forces got fxcked and kicked back south of parallel by single bolt action rifles.

China told you all to get south of parallel and China stopped there.

Or they drive all of you down South of Pusan.

See the table of casualties.

That war became largely a war between Chinese and the rest.

Chinese suffered less dead and wounded than the rest of the ‘Muricans and UN doggies not withstanding single bolt action rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and kitchen sinks and battleships with 16″ guns.

If Chinese used human waves as so often lied about, China would have casualties 10 times worse than the rest combined.

Or you telling me David Halberstam is a liar and fiction writer!


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