Covid-19 News and Discussions

Unvaccinated: Still at Risk for Severe COVID? (2024)​


COVID-19 cases touch slightly higher than last summer​

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(File photo)

Bob Bellacicco
CTV Windsor News Reporter
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Published Aug. 19, 2024 5:29 p.m. EDT
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Local pharmacist Tim Brady is well aware COVID-19 is still a thing.

“We have to know it's still here,” Brady told CTV News Monday after his wife and daughter caught COVID during a recent vacation. “New strains and new variants coming out of it all the time so it's constantly changing so we just got to keep an eye on it and be diligent.

This summer, Windsor Regional Hospital has averaged about five patients a day with COVID.

“We have seen it climb up to about 13 patients today, but there's still numbers very low compared to, say, January of last year,” said Erika Vitale, the hospital’s Infectious Prevention and Control Manager who points out cases tend to pick up towards the end of the summer. “In august last year, we had a 12 per cent positivity rate for COVID, so meaning out of everybody that got tested, 12 per cent were positive. This year, right now we're seeing about 13 per cent positivity.”

Provincially at this time last year, Vitale said Ontario had about 71 COVID-19 outbreaks, and this year the province has seen 75.

“We currently have two Covid-19 outbreaks and none at the hospital, just in long term care rest homes,” said Vitale.

While some cases may be severe, the majority have been mild, according to Vitale who anticipates an increase moving into the fall, “We did start to pick up in in September and October. [It was] more of a slow increase, and then we peaked in around November- December, and then right after that, the flu really peaked and that's a very rapid increase and a decrease quickly as well.”

Officials feel now is a good time to start talking to medical professionals and pharmacists about vaccine shots this fall. Brady said a new COVID vaccine is expected in the coming weeks.

“You get the vaccination, it lessens your chance of getting it. Could you still get it? Yes, you can. It's not 100 per cent, but usually if you do, it's a lot less severe and you're usually healthier a lot quicker,” said Brady.

Major Scandinavian Study Confirms Pfizer Pushed ‘BAD BATCHES’ of Covid Shots onto Public​

A major study by leading Scandinavian researchers has confirmed that Pfizer distributed dangerous “bad batches” of the pharmaceutical giant’s Covid mRNA shots for public use.​

AUG 19, 2024

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By Frank Bergman August 19, 2024

A major study by leading Scandinavian researchers has confirmed that Pfizer distributed dangerous “bad batches” of the pharmaceutical giant’s Covid mRNA shots for public use.

The study was launched after a previous Danish study in 2023 found that recipients of Pfizer’s mRNA injections suffered high rates of side effects and mortality.

The new study, led by physician-scientist Dr. Vibeke Manniche and prominent University of Copenhagen cardiologist Professor Peter Riis Hansen, sought to identify the source of the surge in serious adverse events and deaths recorded in Denmark and Sweden.

The findings were published in the MDPI medical journal.

The team of four collaborating researchers sought to confirm previous findings from the 2023 Danish study in an independent data set by analyzing publicly available records of suspected adverse events.

They analyzed official government data from the Swedish Medical Products Agency.

They obtained 57,000 records from the populations of Sweden and Denmark spanning 3 years of reports.

The nationwide Danish study from 2023 found an unexpected batch-dependent safety signal for Pfizer’s Covid mRNA shot.

The findings suggested that people had received “bad batches” of the injections.

However, the study was unable to confirm the bad batch theory.

The new study led by Dr.Manniche sought to confirm the findings from the previous study by comparing batch-dependent rates of suspected adverse events (SAEs).

Those SAEs were reported to national authorities in Denmark and Sweden.

The two nations share a database for such reports which serves as an equivalent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

The researchers analyzed SAEs and vaccine batch data from national authorities in Denmark and Sweden.

The investigators then analyzed the relationship between the number of vaccine doses and SAEs per batch.

They also compared SAE rates and severities for batches that were shared between the two countries.

Analysis of Swedish data found that reports of side effects were distributed between batches of vaccines that showed 3 very different side effect profiles.

This reveals that batches of the Covid shots recorded surging side effects in Denmark that were also confirmed in Sweden’s data.

The same pattern has also been reported in an independent study from the Czech Republic published in June 2024 (Fürst et al., 2024).

This is highly irregular as a medical product should present a single side effect profile, not 3 different ones.

A second important aspect of this research is that the Swedish data shows a large degree of side effects underreporting.

Experts warn that it is a major red flag when side effects are not being reported, particularly from health professionals.

According to Associate Professor Jonathan Gilthorpe, who was part of the new study team, the findings “reveal serious concerns about vaccine safety.”

“The purpose of an adverse event reporting system is in the early identification of side effects associated with a medical product, particularly serious side effects,” Gilthorpe notes.

“In the case of BNT162b2 [Pfizer’s Covid shot] and other COVID-19 vaccines, for some reason, this did not happen, and safety signals were missed.

“Our findings show that the official reports reveal serious concerns about vaccine safety, which have not been properly addressed.

“Evidence suggests that the official data we were provided with has not been analyzed for batch-dependent safety signals.”

The new study also exposes that the large majority (75%) of reported side effects affected women.

This discovery also supports other recent studies analyzing adverse event data and coming to similar conclusions.

According to another one of the study’s authors, statistician Max Schmeling:

“There could be several reasons for such an observed gender difference.

“But whatever the reason, it is a safety signal that should have been scrutinized by the authorities.”

The batch-dependent safety signal observed in Denmark and now confirmed in Sweden revealed that Pfizer dispatched dangerous batches of its BNT162b2 Covid shots.

The new study confirms that the “bad batches” were different from other injections and appear to have caused a high rate of adverse events.

The researchers are calling for authorities to further investigate how and why dangerous batches of the injections were rolled out for public use.

The research showed that in both Sweden and Denmark, the likelihood of experiencing side effects after Pfizer’s Covid shots depended largely on which batch of the product the person received.

However, side effects and mortality rates remained high, suggesting many of the dozes issued were from dangerous batches.

According to the authors:

“The current validation by Swedish data of the batch-dependent safety signal reported from Denmark adds weight to the hypothesis that early commercial BNT162b2 vaccine batches may have differed from the latter batches and that batch-level product quality surveillance and pharmacovigilance may have been suboptimal during the BNT162b2 vaccine roll-out.”

Dr. Vibeke Manniche went on the record to state:

“With this new study, we have been able to confirm a major safety issue with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

“The Swedish data shows that this was not just a phenomenon in Denmark, as our earlier study has shown, but likely to be a widespread problem.”

According to Dr. Manniche, such large differences in adverse event reports, related to specific batches of a medical product, would normally have led to safety reviews and product recalls.

However, these signals were ignored by government health officials, raising deeper concerns.

The researchers have confirmed are now further investigating the soaring mortality rates associated with the Covid shots and expect to publish their findings later this year.


BREAKING PUBLICATION--COVID-19 Vaccines Cause far More Myocarditis than Infection, Overall Risks Greatly Outweigh Theoretical Benefits​

Reiterates Global Moratorium on Mass Vaccination Campaign​

AUG 19, 2024

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

When the Springer Nature CUREUS Journal of Biomedical Sciences retracted one of the most comprehensive and valid risk-benefit analyses of the COVID-19 vaccines, they probably had no idea the message would be greatly amplified and now fully published in a pair of papers in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

This manuscript evaluated all of the published data and has completely overturned a false narrative held by government agencies and the American College of Cardiology who erroneously assert that SARS-CoV-2 infection poses a greater risk of heart damage than vaccination. Mead et al importantly conclude the vaccines cause actual adjudicated and oftentimes fatal myocarditis while the infection remains a theoretical risk without adjudicated, autopsy proven cases.

COVID-19 Modified mRNA “Vaccines”: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials, Mass Vaccination, and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, Part 2. (2024). International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research , 3(2), 1246-1315.
The paper goes into great depth to enumerate harms from the shot along the lines of six domains where observed adverse events greatly outweigh claimed, theoretical benefits:

“We then categorize the principal adverse events associated with the modmRNA products with a brief systems-based synopsis of each of the six domains of potential harms: (1) cardiovascular, (2) neurological, (3) hematologic; (4) immunological, (5) oncological, and (6) reproductive. We conclude with a discussion of the primary public health and regulatory issues arising from this evidence-informed synthesis of the literature and reiterate the urgency of imposing a global moratorium on the modmRNA-LNP-based platform.”

The final call is clear, the COVID-19 mass, indiscriminate vaccination campaign should come to an end and with it, the four-year long false “safe and effective” narrative from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.

More evidence that the COVID shots did NOT reduce mortality​

The Lancet paper claimed 20M lives have been saved by the COVID shots. Two data sources (both in public view for years) show the shots were all downside risk.​

AUG 19, 2024

Executive summary​

Mainstream medicine, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and others believe that the COVID shots have saved 20M people from dying from COVID worldwide.

I’ve been looking for these 20M people and still haven’t found any.

But what I did find is two more authoritative gold-standard sources that confirm that the shots did not reduce COVID mortality.

Previous evidence​

In the past, I’ve cited:

  1. The US Nursing Home data as proof that the COVID shots didn’t reduce COVID death rates in nursing homes
  2. The JAMA VA study as proof that COVID shots didn’t reduce the risk of hospitalization from COVID
  3. The Cleveland Clinic study as proof that the COVID shots increased the risk of being infected with COVID
  4. The lack of any success stories. I couldn’t find a single one.
  5. The COVID shot failure anecdotes like Apple Valley Village where the all-cause death rate skyrocketed by 8x post shot (and the CFR went from 0% to over 30%) and Jay Bonnar.

Cases and deaths from OWID​

We’ve always had the data proving the vaccines didn’t work. It was hiding in public view.

Yet despite the data availability, there wasn’t an epidemiologist in the world who would look at it!

What data am I talking about?

The case and death data from Our World in Data!

I extracted that data and plotted the case fatality rate:

CFR with OWID data = Deaths/Cases from 2 weeks earlier. The .012 level seen pre-vax rollout isn’t consistently breached until Omicron launches in 2022.
The CFR doesn’t drop consistently below the pre-vaccine CFR (.012 in December 2020) until the Omicron variant emerges! That means the vaccines didn’t reduce the CFR which means they don’t prevent deaths. The shots basically had no impact.

Try this on your friends. Show them the plot above, hide the dates, and ask them, “When did the COVID shots roll out and dramatically reduce the CFR?”

In the UK, the COVID death / COVID hospitalization ratio didn’t change at all after the vaccines rolled out. Whoops!​

Some people might argue that the CFR could vary with testing. So here’s another way to see if the vaccines worked: look at the deaths rate of patients hospitalized for COVID before vs. after the vaccines rolled out. Since we know from the VA study that COVID didn’t change the risk of hospitalization for the vaccinated, we can then use the differential death rate BEFORE shot rollout vs. AFTER shot rollout to see if the shots made a difference in your risk of death from COVID.

Guess what? No difference! This was pointed more than 2 years ago, but few people noticed:

There were spikes, but the risk of death didn’t go down like it was “supposed to” if the shots worked.

The risk of COVID death didn’t go down at all. This is a huge red flag. Very few people noticed this post when Clare made it over 2 years ago.

But I’m sure that now that I’ve brought it to people’s attention that it will be front page news about how the health authorities conned us into taking a deadly vaccine that had no benefits.

There is a strong correlation between vaccination campaigns and excess death in the Netherlands​

From Theo Schetters. In the Netherlands, the vaccination programs are driving the excess deaths, not COVID:


The COVID shots didn’t save any lives. They were 100% downside risk.

And despite the proof of that being in plain sight for years now that anyone could have easily verified, it is rare to hear an apology from anyone who was publicly pushing the shots.

Long COVID Symptoms: Internal Tremors and Vibrations​

Headshot of Lisa Sanders for Long COVID Dispatches blog

Most people associate symptoms such as shaking or trembling movements with neuromuscular diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease—but now, some Long COVID patients have reported experiencing internal tremors and vibrations. These are described as movements or sensations inside the body, with or without visible external muscle movement—a symptom previously undiscovered in the complex pathology of the illness and quite rare in and of itself.

In a new study published in The American Journal of Medicine, led by Yale School of Medicine’s Harlan Krumholz, MD, Harold H. Hines Jr. Professor of Medicine (Cardiology), and Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, Sterling Professor of Immunobiology, the researchers sought to learn more by comparing Long COVID patients who have internal tremors and vibrations to Long COVID patients without these symptoms.

An understudied symptom​

Back in 2021, a qualitative study by Dr. Krumholz collected emails and comments from patients with Long COVID experiencing internal tremors. "People around the world reached out to us and shared stories about their Long COVID symptoms, including internal tremors and vibrations, which they described as burdensome and, in some cases, quite debilitating,” says Tianna Zhou, MD, the first author of the paper and a recent graduate of Yale Medical School. “When we looked in the scientific literature, very few studies described internal tremors or vibrations in either Long COVID or other conditions. We wanted to shed light on a set of symptoms that are important to patients but understudied."

The severity of the tremors varies widely. In some patients, they affect the arms and legs, while others report feeling them throughout their body; the tremors can range from a slight vibration to a feeling of near paralysis and can occur at a frequency of every few hours all the way to a near constant basis. This study helped establish internal tremors as a prolonged and debilitating symptom in some Long COVID patients.

“Many patients with these symptoms have been dismissed, as this aspect of the syndrome has not been well described,” says Dr. Krumholz. “Others feel alone and wonder if they are the only ones experiencing it. This research informs the medical profession—and helps people with the condition know that they are not alone."

New findings on internal tremors​

Illustration of Long COVID-associated tremor

Credit: Jessica Stephen-Kuser
In the new study, Yale researchers compared demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of Long COVID patients with internal tremor symptoms, the effect of having other medical conditions prior to COVID-19, and the onset of new conditions. Of 423 Long COVID study participants, 37% described having internal tremors or vibrations.

Gender was the only statistically significant demographic factor that was identified—of the study group, 81% of female participants reported internal tremors as a symptom compared to 70% of male participants. Importantly, participants with internal tremors reported significantly worse Long COVID symptom severity and had higher rates of experiencing such additional wide-ranging symptoms as visual flashes of light, hair loss, tingling or numbness, chest pain, and ringing in the ears.

Participants with internal tremors reported higher rates of new-onset mast cell disorders, a group of diseases in which mast cells are abnormally active and typically cause symptoms such as itching, nausea, and abdominal pain. Participants also reported higher rates of new-onset neurological disorders and conditions, including seizures and dementia, as well as stress and anxiety disorders compared to Long COVID participants without internal tremors.

A possible treatment​

Currently, low-dose naltrexone (LDN), a drug that has been used to treat chronic pain and discomfort in fibromyalgia and other rheumatological disorders, is sometimes used to relieve internal tremors and vibrations in Long COVID patients with varying levels of success. When administered in a daily dose of 1 to 5 mg, naltrexone is thought to reduce inflammation, release endorphins, and normalize cortisol levels to alleviate discomfort. At its usual dose—50 mg or greater—naltrexone is used to treat addiction.

In one study, 52 participants with Long COVID were treated with a two-month course of LDN. The researchers conducted a survey and found that the participants reported an improvement in Long COVID recovery, daily activity limitation, energy levels, pain levels, concentration levels, and sleep disturbance. The study concluded that LDN was safe to use in Long COVID patients but required additional randomized control trials to validate its therapeutic use.

“Just recognizing these symptoms is important to patients, but the real need is for targeted therapies," says Dr. Krumholz. “By deepening our understanding of the mechanisms of Long COVID, we aim to identify potential treatments that can alleviate the burden of this condition.” The Krumholz lab, in collaboration with Iwasaki and her lab, aims to continue advancing knowledge of Long COVID and hopes to develop targeted therapies for patients affected by Long COVID.

Kenny Cheng is an undergraduate majoring in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology at Yale University.

The last word from Lisa Sanders, MD:​

Internal tremor was one of the first unusual symptoms I heard about from my patients when I started the Long COVID Care Center at Yale in January of 2023. My patient, a young man from New York City, described a strange shaking or vibration in his internal organs—the way you might feel when standing next to a rapidly spinning motor or when attending a concert where the subwoofer is turned all the way up and the sound of the bass seems to travel through the body. He found low-dose naltrexone useful for this disquieting symptom. Since then, I’ve seen many people who share this unusual symptom. Sometimes it’s reported as mild and annoying—as it was for that first patient I saw. For others, it can contribute to a cacophony of symptoms that make even getting out of bed daunting.

The recent observation by Zhou et al. (The American Journal of Medicine study mentioned above) that this tremor is often seen in those most dramatically and devastatingly affected by Long COVID has changed my approach to patients, and I now routinely ask about this specific symptom. I continue to try low-dose naltrexone but eagerly await studies to support the efficacy of this and other medications to treat these unusual tremors. As is said far too often with this disorder—more research is desperately needed.

Ottawa woman 'robbed' of Olympic volunteer dreams after catching COVID​

Caroline Robitaille said the way public health was handled during the Games stained her first volunteer experience.

Author of the article:
Catherine Morrison
Published Aug 19, 2024 • Last updated 14 hours ago • 3 minute read
Caroline Robitaille always dreamed of volunteering at the Olympics. This year, her wish came true — kind of.

One of 45,000 people who accepted a volunteer gig at the 2024 Olympic Games, Robitaille got to Paris on July 22. A longtime public servant based in Ottawa, she was selected to work as a team lead in event services at the Stade de France, where Rugby Sevens and Athletics took place.

However, after several days of volunteering and exploring the city, Robitaille started feeling sick on Aug. 6. She walked to the pharmacy to buy a box of tests and discovered she had COVID.

What came next was even more disappointing.

Despite sending several emails over the following days to volunteer organizers to ask what protocols existed for people who contracted the illness, which measures were in place to encourage people to protect themselves, and to share which volunteer teams she had been in contact with, Robitaille never got a response to her questions.

The only email she received from organizers wished her well with her recovery, noting that the team hoped to see her back on the ground soon.

“The 45,000 volunteers, there was no guidance, no protocol,” Robitaille said. “I just did whatever I thought was best at the time.”

“I felt so helpless, I wanted to do something to prevent further infection.”

While Paris was dubbed the “post-Pandemic Olympics,” the World Health Organization said more than 40 athletes tested positive for COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases during the Games. The organization said the numbers represented a global rise in cases amid a decline in vaccinations.

According to the Associated Press, organizers only issued health recommendations during the Games rather than restrictions, which meant athletes could compete while sick with COVID if they wanted to.

“That’s putting people’s lives at risk for no reason,” Robitaille said of the lack of guidelines, adding that she was worried about people who are vulnerable and may have caught it. “I find it frustrating to have come all this way and paid all this money to volunteer.”

After testing positive, she spent a couple of days locked up in her rented apartment watching the Olympics on TV, where she “felt robbed of an opportunity of a lifetime.” Robitaille ventured out with a mask on to see a doctor, who told her she should rest at home.

By the weekend, Robitaille tested negative and went to work a shift at the Games where she found out that her supervisors weren’t even informed of her diagnosis.

“I regretted going back because I wasn’t feeling 100 per cent and it was so hot,” said Robitaille, who found out through social media that several other volunteers and spectators had tested positive. “I actually didn’t finish my shift that day.”

Despite her illness, she was still able to work most of her shifts. Robitaille said she was able to finish her trip on a high note, being COVID and symptom-free before catching her flight back home Aug. 13.

If she volunteers again, Robitaille said she’ll research the prevalence of COVID beforehand. She added that while the Olympics are still close to her heart, how public health was handled will always be a stain on her first volunteer experience.

“Had I known I was gonna get COVID, I would have not volunteered,” Robitaille said, adding that she went into the experience “blinded” by all the hype. “To me, my health is more important than participating in any event.”

CDC reports highest COVID spike in two years just as kids head back to school​


Local COVID numbers on the rise again​


Covid-19 test kits distributed in Elmira amid national rise in cases​


Kids heading back to school amid summer surge of COVID-19​


ENC health officials warn about rising statewide levels of COVID-19​


COVID-19 summer surge impacting children; 1 out of every 3 testing positive​


COVID cases on the rise as kids head back to school​


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