Dams in Pakistan


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Mirani Dam

Mirani Dam is situated on the Dasht River on south of the Central Makran Range in Kech District of Balochistan the province of Pakistan. It is a standard sized Dam which is used for multi-purpose and is a concrete-faced filled with rock. The Kech River and the Nihing River fed the 302,000 acre feet reservoir of the dam. In 2006, the construction of this dam was accomplished and it took the possession of Dasht River in August 2006. In 2007, the dam successfully resists an extreme flood event due to its quality construction. In Kech Valley the dam is used for irrigation of 33,200 acres and moreover it is also provide drinking water to Turbat and Gwadar.


In 1956, the achievability report of the Mirani dam project was first concluded but due to the other major projects the project of dam went to the back screen. After almost 45 years, in the wake of Gwadar Port development the dam was commissioned in 2001 by Pakistan’s Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) in order to supply was to the city of Gwadar. In August 2001, the inauguration of the dam was performed by the president of Pakistan. National Engineering Services Pakistan (NESPAK) designed the dam and in 2002 the construction contract was commenced and then soon after that in 2002 the company commenced its operations and in 2007 the project was completed.

During summer Kech and Nihing streams flow from rainfall and from the mountains the snow melts and enter into the dam. If the constant supply of water is provided to Kech Valley which contains cultivable soil then agricultural activity could be carried out of it. Mirani Dam was basically constructed to store water from three rivers in summers and even in floods in order make available water for irrigation reasons during the whole year to take 33,200 acres of previously unrefined land in Kech Valley under development.


The second purpose of its construction was to provide continuous amount of clean drinking water to the municipality of Turbat and Gwadar all over the year. The gross storage of the dam is about 302,000 acre-ft and the live storage is about 52,000 acre.ft. The construction of this dam proved to be a successful project as it fulfills the water requirement of the neighboring cities.
Abdul Shakoor Dam District Momand, a concrete gravity dam having gross storage capacity 810 AF. Constructed for the purpose of water supply of the area.


WAPDA is constructing Nai Gaj Dam in Dadu, Sindh for irrigated agriculture, flood control & hydel generation.

It will have gross water storage of 300,000 acre feet to irrigate 28,800 acres land. With a Small Hydel Power Station, the Project will also generate 4.2 MW electricity.

Credits: WAPDA

Mangla Dam
Two superb comparison pics of the Main Spillway and Dam taken almost 50 years apart.



Two great comparison pics of the Main Spillway taken 50 years apart. The first pic is the Main Spillway under construction posted by MARSHA in the McCALLISTER FAMILY album: Bob Fish gave us the following information

- Upper chute, Training Walls & Headworks. Post tensioned cable anchor ends for the trunnions are being concreted in. Photo probably taken in fall of 1966.



Superb pic from the V.L. LONG album. Many thanks to Lillian for sharing her Dad's pics, and thank you Jeffrey for telling us about it! early 1964, pre-diversion Mangla Dam: Jhelum River seen; compacted sandstones & clay core (upper left); good view of concrete batch plant. (Also good view of Mangla Fort!)

Two superb comparison pics taken almost 50 years apart. The first 1960’s pic is from the BRYAN COX album. FROM ANDREW GARFATH-COX: Main Spillway.

The second pic is from the A.AHMED KHAN album. FROM AHMED: Main Spillway captured from Mangla Fort September 5, 2014. (Pic credit Mr. Arshad)

Two great comparison pics taken along the Upper Jhelum/Bong Canal 50 years apart. The first pic, taken in the 1960’s, is from the BRYAN COX album and It shows Andrew Garfath-Cox, his mother Doris, and sister Alison. We have been told that it was taken near Afzalpur.

The second pic is from the ALI USMAN album first posted in 2013: Lovely Bong Canal view.

Two excellent comparison pics taken in Mangla Power House 45 years apart. The first pic is from the TOM APPLEBY(Dad) album: I think Dad must have taken this superb pic of the Power House not long before he left Mangla in 1969.

The second wonderful pic is from the ENGR WAQAS TIPU album first posted in 2013. FROM WAQAS: I captured this pic during internship at Mangla Power House. 4 generators are running in this pic.

Patrind Hydro Power Project ..

This hpp dam is situated on the boundary of hazara and Kashmir.
Dam water reservoir is in mansehra and power plant in muzaffar abad .

May be an image of helicopter, mountain and lake
Two amazing aerial comparison pics of Mangla Dam, Spillway, Fort and Power House taken more than 55 years apart.

The first pic is from the JOE McNABB album. FROM JEFFREY: 1967 - Powerhouse, Bong canal, Mangla Dam, Main Spillway in distance.

The second pic is a cropped version from the NAJEEB AHMED KHAN album first posted in April 2023. FROM NAJEEB: Mangla Dam and Lake.



Mangla Dam Memories​

Two excellent comparison pics of the Main Spillway area taken more than 50 years apart.

The first pic is from the BOB FISH album. FROM BOB: 1965 aerial view looking south from over Main Spillway taken by BOB & MAITA FISH, Sultan Pur rest house to right of pic, Shops in the distant background.

The second pic is from the ALI IMRAN album first posted in 2015.



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