Dark Warning from Maulana Fazlur Rahman: 'Two Provinces Could Break Away if Crisis Continues

This is a gross underrepresentation. The majority are illiterate. When we have the likes of the chuff chuff pir in official settings amongst generals that is a good indicator of how stupid the population is. Unregulated madrassas is the cause of this. The army and their chachas love it.

So all the ruling elite, judges, generals, waderas, politicians, beaucrats, civil force are graduates from the maddrassas?. The reality is just like the secular brown sahibs are jahil, corrupt and only fill their pockets, the same way many molvis and fake pirs fill their pockets, everyone claims this is how things work in Pakistan, if you disagree and try to lead a honest decent life then you will be mistreated and then hanged by these same people.
So all the ruling elite, judges, generals, waderas, politicians, beaucrats, civil force are graduates from the maddrassas?. The reality is just like the secular brown sahibs are jahil, corrupt and only fill their pockets, the same way many molvis and fake pirs fill their pockets, everyone claims this is how things work in Pakistan, if you disagree and try to lead a honest decent life then you will be mistreated and then hanged by these same people.
They make up a very small percentage of the population, overall the majority of the population are jahil, that's all I'm saying. Even the 'elite' and judges etc are misinformed and follow delusional molvis.
OH well another headline used to sow discontent amongst the citizens of the Pakistan by this power hungry Fazlur thug who is one the corrupt elite too DiCKHeaD .
I am hearing that one Muslim country pressurised Fazal Ur Rehman to vote for this amendment. (We all know who that one is)


Now its been reported that there is another Islamic country who contacted him and told him not to vote, otherwise he will destroying Pakistan from within. That country doesnt have oil. They told him that they respect him but if he vote for it, he will lose all respect. I am 99% sure who that country is and how their support is vital to Fazal Ur Rahman own home base and cadres.

I dont think any form of favours from government or establishment will make him change his mind now.
Only an elected government can fix this. There are no other options available—we tried those options in 1971. I wish we could have someone strong enough to bring those traitors to justice to start from who were responsible for the deaths of Muhammad Ali Jinnah and our first prime minister
Elected or unelected is insignificant compared to a capable and motivated government. There have been many examples of dictators doing perfectly well, and democrats destroying things.

At the end of the day these are buzzwords, highly dependent on context, and what matters more is the individual. You glamorise democracy but 90% of Pakistanis barely even care about democracy back home, it's very new alien concept.
This is a gross underrepresentation. The majority are illiterate. When we have the likes of the chuff chuff pir in official settings amongst generals that is a good indicator of how stupid the population is. Unregulated madrassas is the cause of this. The army and their chachas love it.
And to top it off, democracy has no real history in this part of the world, upper-class closeted or diaspora overseas calling for civil war over democracy are completely detached from the average person who doesn't care much.

His focus is his immediate needs and then to an extent he will want someone capable and respectable.
haha no wonder this region is so fked up!! tattun keh color aur maal say muhabat karnay walli bhungee nasal hai is region ki!
It's like this in many places, not just this region. Having foreigners is detested and ruins homogenity, western governments had to force it after facing strong resistance.
It's like this in many places, not just this region. Having foreigners is detested and ruins homogenity, western governments had to force it after facing strong resistance.
dont want to brag i am sure i am whiter than most of pakhtuns and my kids have more brown hair than phastun pubes! so get your head out of your racist arse and learn to live like humans!
Elected or unelected is insignificant compared to a capable and motivated government. There have been many examples of dictators doing perfectly well, and democrats destroying things.

At the end of the day these are buzzwords, highly dependent on context, and what matters more is the individual. You glamorise democracy but 90% of Pakistanis barely even care about democracy back home, it's very new alien concept.
Name any general who served well from ayab to Asim. They broken Pakistan . They sold dr afia……, I don’t want to name as it hurts
Turkey Indonesia and Malaysia do not have our kind of Islam. they have Islam
This debate over 'our kind of Islam' versus 'their kind of Islam' has cost millions of Muslim lives and remains unresolved. In Pakistan, people are killing each other over the belief that their version of Islam is superior. Ahmadis have been declared kafir because they believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was the last prophet. Sufis are labeled kafir for singing and worshiping Muhammad instead of Allah. Shias are called kafir for seeking help from Ali. Bengali Muslims were killed after being declared kafir for not adhering to Pakistan’s Islamic culture. Every sect of Islam considers others as kafir.

In contrast, I have never seen this question arise among Hindus in India—that 'my kind of Hinduism or Sanatan is better than your kind of Sanatan or Hinduism.' Even if it did, Hindus aren't committing genocide over it. Despite being 100 times more diverse than Muslims in the Indian subcontinent, Hindus have never killed each other over issues of ethnicity or language either.
This debate over 'our kind of Islam' versus 'their kind of Islam' has cost millions of Muslim lives and remains unresolved. In Pakistan, people are killing each other over the belief that their version of Islam is superior. Ahmadis have been declared kafir because they believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was the last prophet. Sufis are labeled kafir for singing and worshiping Muhammad instead of Allah. Shias are called kafir for seeking help from Ali. Bengali Muslims were killed after being declared kafir for not adhering to Pakistan’s Islamic culture. Every sect of Islam considers others as kafir.

In contrast, I have never seen this question arise among Hindus in India—that 'my kind of Hinduism or Sanatan is better than your kind of Sanatan or Hinduism.' Even if it did, Hindus aren't committing genocide over it. Despite being 100 times more diverse than Muslims in the Indian subcontinent, Hindus have never killed each other over issues of ethnicity or language either.
Hindus are divided as well, Brahman and lower class. India has more fault line than Pakistan, but we have Asim stupid qazi idiot anjam low class badmash
What islamism in Pakistan? Majority of the political parties are secular, the military, establishment, waderas, landlords are all secular, they are the root cause of the problem due to corruption, bribery, betrayal, mismanagement, nepotism, low literacy rate is another issue. Pakistan needs major reforms, upgrade of the state institutions, rule of law, accountability.
I’ll give you an example to highlight the similarities and differences between India, Pakistan, and Turkey. When Salman Rushdie wrote *The Satanic Verses*, criticizing Muhammad (prophet of islam), the book was banned in India, Iran, and Pakistan. However, it remains unbanned in Turkey (a muslim majority secular country).
Turkey Indonesia and Malaysia do not have our kind of Islam. they have Islam
I think he means they have religious Islam but not political Islam. Nobody cares what God you worship. It only becomes trouble when you start telling someone else your God is not OK. Pakistan seems to have reached the absolute nadir in this disfunction when a non-Muslim is harassed and even killed for supposed ignorance in expressing some opinion or inadvertently causing disrespect (Like NIKE shoe design resembles Allah; so, let us burn down some American buildings. Some illiterate person used a page from Koran to wrap peanuts; so, let's kill him. etc.,)

This debate over 'our kind of Islam' versus 'their kind of Islam' has cost millions of Muslim lives and remains unresolved. In Pakistan, people are killing each other over the belief that their version of Islam is superior. Ahmadis have been declared kafir because they believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was the last prophet. Sufis are labeled kafir for singing and worshiping Muhammad instead of Allah. Shias are called kafir for seeking help from Ali. Bengali Muslims were killed after being declared kafir for not adhering to Pakistan’s Islamic culture. Every sect of Islam considers others as kafir.

In contrast, I have never seen this question arise among Hindus in India—that 'my kind of Hinduism or Sanatan is better than your kind of Sanatan or Hinduism.' Even if it did, Hindus aren't committing genocide over it. Despite being 100 times more diverse than Muslims in the Indian subcontinent, Hindus have never killed each other over issues of ethnicity or language either.

Hindus have the caste system which has systematically oppressed, killed, raped billions of Hindus over centuries and millennium

Why do you think so many Hindus dumped Hinduism as soon as they could

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