Dark Warning from Maulana Fazlur Rahman: 'Two Provinces Could Break Away if Crisis Continues

Instead of breaking Pakistan another solution is to join up with Afghanistan. Then we’ll have millions of people who won’t bow down to the Anglo-Hindus running the country.

Joining them under Asim Muneer and his gang in GHQ? They rather go back living under the American occupation! It would have been possible under IK rule.

Have you noticed how it has become an issue out of no where about Taliban not standing over national anthem! The people who are making noise, the GHQ gang, are the ones who are disrespecting nation's will for years! These idiots are so predictable. I am sure they know that Taliban pressured Fazlu not to vote. I mean if house of Saud has free ride in the internal matters of Pakistan, then why not Taliban?
Pakistan's provincial setup fosters ethnic jingoism at the expense of Pakistani nationalism. The main political parties (except PTI) are formed along provincial/ethnic lines and people vote for them mostly along ethnic lines.

There is no Pakistaniat in Pakistan. There is only Punjabiat, Sindhiat, and Pakhtuniat. The other provinces are too inconsequential to be able to afford their own -iat.

Not only Punjab, but Sindh and KPK should also be broken down so Pakistan has 30 or so smaller political units which are more amenable to accountability.

A large number of states will also help democracy and accountability by deterring collusion. Look at India. Two crooks can form a bond of 'I scratch your back, you scratch my back' but it's hard to get 29 or 30 crooks to collude on anything, so it keep everyone more honest.

Canadian provinces and American states are not built along ethnic lines.
in Pakistan we have how many institutions and out of those how many are run by corrupt individuals?

Provinces can be broken down in 1000 pieces but if the people are not willing to stand up to fight for their right all of them will be lead by corrupt individuals.

People of Pakistan finally united under a federal party. Ethnic politics was finally defeated, you have the whole country united behind one man and party. That tells you the solution is not splitting provinces and increasing expenditure.

Solution is simple and there is no running away from it. Come out on the streets and fight for your right.

Fight the mafia like rest of the developed countries did, they moved to the streets and fought for their rights.

We Pakistanis have a habit of not looking the devil in the eye , we always try to find excuses of our coward nature.

Fight against the corrupt, move to the streets. They can’t arrest or kill millions and we have plenty of examples in recent history how successful it has been.
in Pakistan we have how many institutions and out of those how many are run by corrupt individuals?

Provinces can be broken down in 1000 pieces but if the people are not willing to stand up to fight for their right all of them will be lead by corrupt individuals.

People of Pakistan finally united under a federal party. Ethnic politics was finally defeated, you have the whole country united behind one man and party. That tells you the solution is not splitting provinces and increasing expenditure.

Solution is simple and there is no running away from it. Come out on the streets and fight for your right.

Fight the mafia like rest of the developed countries did, they moved to the streets and fought for their rights.

We Pakistanis have a habit of not looking the devil in the eye , we always try to find excuses of our coward nature.

Fight against the corrupt, move to the streets. They can’t arrest or kill millions and we have plenty of examples in recent history how successful it has been.

Those of us sitting in Western countries should not pass judgement on what Pakistanis in Pakistan should do. If anyone feels strongly, they should take the first flight to Pakistan to lead street protests and show the locals how it's done.

Many Pakistanis have paid with their life or livelihood to speak out against the mafia. It is disrespectful to dismiss their sacrifices.
Those of us sitting in Western countries should not pass judgement on what Pakistanis in Pakistan should do. If anyone feels strongly, they should take the first flight to Pakistan to lead street protests and show the locals how it's done.

Many Pakistanis have paid with their life or livelihood to speak out against the mafia. It is disrespectful to dismiss their sacrifices.
I believe we Pakistanis living abroad are a key reason the fight for a better Pakistan continues. We've seen how functional democracies operate and have shared this knowledge with those back home. In Pakistan, media and social media are silenced, but we encourage people to stand up for their rights. With millions already fighting on the ground, there's no need for us to be physically there. It's teamwork—those in Pakistan fight on the frontlines while we support them from abroad to create a better future for the next generation."
I believe we Pakistanis living abroad are a key reason the fight for a better Pakistan continues. We've seen how functional democracies operate and have shared this knowledge with those back home. In Pakistan, media and social media are silenced, but we encourage people to stand up for their rights. With millions already fighting on the ground, there's no need for us to be physically there. It's teamwork—those in Pakistan fight on the frontlines while we support them from abroad to create a better future for the next generation."

Sitting abroad, is our physical life in danger?
Are our relatives and friends in physical danger?
Is our livelihood in danger?

When the answer to these questions is 'no', then we are in no position to lecture anyone how to protest in the streets of Pakistan. If any overseas Pakistani is outraged, then let them take the first flight to Pakistan and physically lead the street protests. Unless they do that, it is just sanctimonious bluster.
Sitting abroad, is our physical life in danger?
Are our relatives and friends in physical danger?
Is our livelihood in danger?

When the answer to these questions is 'no', then we are in no position to lecture anyone how to protest in the streets of Pakistan. If any overseas Pakistani is outraged, then let them take the first flight to Pakistan and physically lead the street protests. Unless they do that, it is just sanctimonious bluster.
You can agree or disagree… we did not let it go like previous 75 years

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