Debt tripled under Modi Raj

How are they doing better?? Their external debt per capita is higher than us while GDP per capita lower than us.

As if ppp matters.

India has more income inequality. Remove Jain Gujarati Marwadi crony capitalists out of the equation. You will find Pakistan is much ahead of India in per capita income.

Pakistan is doing well on poverty and hunger indexes. It is also less polluted.

Gujaratis are selling India to the highest bidders.
Sure it’s not the same as Latin America but there are key parallels that are similar. Companies can move faster, but profit incentivizes push the consequences onto society, and masses of unskilled or unemployed/underemployed workers is one risk all nations ignore at their peril.

Indian tariffs are very high, they are called in the US The “Maharaja of Tarrifs”

Source: NTE Report on FTB India.pdf

There is also there is still a lot of paralysis. The following video is from 14 years ago, but honestly doesn’t most of this still hold, even after 10 years of the business friendly Modi.

It’s not that only 10% goes to subsidies, but that foreign companies what more free access to these industries where the potential growth is highest.

China won’t collaborate much with anyone in product development unless it has to or to get around tariffs, such as Chinese products being final assembled in Vietnam to re-export to the US. Heck, China sells precursors to India because they have a large Pharma industry that has gotten around western regulations. If China could do it itself, it wouldn’t have “collaborated” with India in that sector. The only other aspect is that China keeps a level of trade in favor of that nation to keep a certain lobbying that country happy, and lobbying their central governments to keep the relationship stable.

Indeed the startup scene is where the largest amounts of growth is possible, but so is heavy industry in niche markets.

Btw, all the favors maybe there for India to grow, faster and at a scale larger than any other nation out there today, but western countries have pressure from the public to bring back domestic manufacturing. Prospects aren’t as bright in the developed world as they were for China a generation ago. Also, in the developing world, China is set to keep beating India on price and even quality at certain places.

Modi was right in one way, it’s not a brain drain for India, but the west is a brain bank. The only question is when will India be set up adequately to withdraw from this bank.

I can draw parallels to any growth stories from Latin America. Chinese followed the same model FYI, heavily incentivise production and be protectionist. Look where that got them. Each countries have different things working for them. We can cherry pick parallels and expect an overall outcome based on it, but doesn't work that way.

We put tarrifs mostly on products we want to promote manufacturing. Like vehicles. The US can call others whatever they want, especially in Trump era they were pushing for exports of American made things. They can hardly compete here, RE is still gonna sell more than Harley. Ford left because of heavy competition from Japanese and Koreans, now they are facing competition from Indian makers. They are not screaming about high tarrifs, we ask them to set up manufacturing units and they did. Maybe find better examples of high tarrifs not some agricultural products. We put tarrifs on things we already have local sources for or when we are already one of the largest producers of.

As for Chinese collaboration they will have to, if they want to enter the market and stay competitive. There is already major electronics manufacturers that supplies to Chinese firms here, the government has the market access card to keep the Chinese interested and they are making good use of it. See how many manufacturing units are being set up. This way our export will cross one trillion mark by the end of the decade. The noise about manufacturing in the west have been going on for quite some time now. At the end of the day, companies look for profit and free market access. The western public wants lower cost for products they want to buy. Do you think they can support manufacturing with such high minimum wages and labor unions? Contrary to what you say, more western countries are looking for free trade agreements with India. What does that tell you?
2 rupaiya IT cell homo troll.

Why don't you accept the bitter fact that Pakistan overtaken India under the watch of Gujarati Conman
Do not embarrass yourself by writing funny stuff on a serious thread.
Somehow I'm not surprised
I am not surprised either.

Your kind voted for feku.
No 15 lakhs. No share of black money. No 2 crore job per years. No 15 percent GDP growth.

Only masterstrokes like GST, demonetization, Electoral Bonds and AmbaniAdanisation.

His 3rd term will be super fun. He will destroy whatever little is left. You won't even recieve 2 rupees per post.

I will have the last laugh when the economy tanks. Banks collapse. And bhakts lose their jobs,livelihood, savings and will be forced to commit suicides.

Remember it was Bhakts who took boosters and dropping dead like flies. Hehe. Phul sport

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The prospect for India’s economy on the whole are balanced and set for growth, especially in comparison to Pakistan. Something the decision makers in Pakistan should finally accept and learn to how catch up with. It may take decades to do on a per capita basis, but something that needs to be set as a national goal.

The longer they wait the more they will have to catch up with, that’s they may not be able to enjoy it’s fruits in their lifetimes.

Pakistan can sorely do a lot better for sure.

But that goes for India too. Its just matter of degree in the end....but its nothing to write home about for India's case.

"Balanced" is subjective here in end. I don't see things as balanced for India as I put the social engineering aspect (for social stability and cohesion aligned to truth, reason and justice) as the primary consideration.....far before anything to do with the really the economy flows from this. The economy cannot fix what is broken is downstream to it.

i.e the great importance of what are the basic rights in every individual to be protected by the rule of law.....rather than be pressured, challenged, eroded.....or stripped away or not given at all to begin with.

I have met many kinds of people in my life so far, I thank God for that opportunity....I wish one day far more human beings have the same.

Some of the most interesting have been the exiled patriots.....the older the better (as that means the depth and length of what they've seen and know about).

The reason why is they, more than anyone else I've seen, fundamentally understand the consequences of social engineering done wrong....what they loved about an older version of a country before say a regime imposed and corrupted it for some stretch of decades. What they still sense as surviving past that all and what may have changed permanently for the worse.....what part of the population struggle and strive against it, what portion are active in enabling the corruption, what portion are resigned to it, what portion have stockholm syndrome to it and so on.

Iranian friend elder to me by can tell him any number, any balanced outlook or prospect related to Iran today and it will just evoke a fierce anger for reasons he has made quite plain to simply the captors and all their lackeys have to go, and that these secondary numbers and burnished propaganda mean very little compared to it.

He at least has been able to isolate the specific problems somewhat, in order to love the "deeper" country to the degree he can manage with his age and time away

Another exiled patriot, an even older Chinese friend who has passed on some years ago, saw far worse and fared worse on this stuff. He found the despot praise of the Japanese "war" helping bring him to power especially distasteful....and the continued cult image for the regime to preserve. From that all the other extreme excesses and their sociological costs were almost inevitable, as there was some never-ending need for social only war made sense to the despot.

6 trillion, 16 trillion....or 60 trillion or what have you could never be attributable to the regime (anything good that came to society from these numbers, whatever is true and fake about them.... was wholly the degree to which the regime was finally getting out of the way from things it should never have been puppeteering top down to begin with, while drastically absconding from being aligned to truth, justice and virtue to begin with....or even inverting and perverting these).

Simply put the regime has taken away too much (from both him personally and from his larger people, especially the weak, innocent and defenceless), that it can never give back....yet wont hold itself to account. It prefers delusion by some might makes right....totally contrary to way reality aligns to truth in the end.

So now come the costs, the costs always come in the reality always wins in the end. You need comprehensive development of honest and truthful society in the end to completely dominate the scope of any regime, as to what the regime is alloted to, what its purpose is.

Otherwise you get even the hotchpotch costs of the downstream things in the the what and how of why price signalling was never allowed full transmission in the old marxist contraption opened to just this or that tier and level, and which sectors doggedly stick to labour theory of value.....and the great accumulating costs here to further add to the sociological ones. Real estate problem in China is just one part of it though not the only one....but it is all tied to the earlier period of the CCP and what it brutalised upon the people with unchallengeable mandate and far too few scruples.

India ignores all of this at its own peril. There are fundamental valuable things that were never in great shape that it is making worse now.

It is imperative that is course corrected and set on better heading again....only by doing that is there more assured basic balance on the downstream things like economy, that are ultimately heavily reliant on this. Wealth and progress cannot come in any meaningful way to a weak, fissured society eternally scapegoating and struggling with itself on matters that should have been left behind long ago.
View attachment 35188

Crony Capitalist Banias enjoying. Rest suffering.
Kalwaad times????

WTF is that?

BTW, out of this 640 or so billion dollars, government debt is only 140 or so billion dollars. Rest is commercial debt.

So this entire idea that every Indian is on debt of X dollars is bullshit. Most of the debt is owed by private companies and will be settled by them. Its not on Modi or Indian government.
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It is a measure.
It is not as if each Indian has signed a promissory note for a certain amount.
These are the same measures quoted by half educated mouthpieces of the government to praise its efficacy.

Excellent and well researched posts.

But India's challenges are immense in how to re-orient optimally what it has at hand, i.e better transmission of genuine price signalling commensurate to its human resource stock at hand.

To add, how to improve the quality of its HR stock by better education, skilling, healthcare and nutrition, esp in the parts North of the Vindhya

The politics and corruption are great obstacles and inertias in this.

Yes, but a more fundamental issue is the dysfunctional nature of the society (aka the caste system) which leaves out a large chunk of the society.

He will still win. The satta market says 325 seats. We still are at the mercy of the imbecile masses in the delta, and toxic pockets like Gujarat.
Let's see. News outlets and various organisations are picking up conflicting signals. It's almost like people are not willing to voice their opinions even in anonymous mode other than the ballot. But then the situation in many parts of the world including Europe and North America isn't rosy either. So other than feeble attempts to stem the degradation of our institutions, i don't think that any alternative government will do great. Systems the world over are way too broken.
Let's see. News outlets and various organisations are picking up conflicting signals. It's almost like people are not willing to voice their opinions even in anonymous mode other than the ballot. But then the situation in many parts of the world including Europe and North America isn't rosy either. So other than feeble attempts to stem the degradation of our institutions, i don't think that any alternative government will do great. Systems the world over are way too broken.
What are you trying to say?
News outlets and various organisations are picking up conflicting signals. It's almost like people are not willing to voice their opinions even in anonymous mode other than the ballot.
People are far more cagey than ever before. This goes well beyond the urge to retain privacy. These are troubled times.

But then the situation in many parts of the world including Europe and North America isn't rosy either.
That is a false equivalence. The conditions are not precisely the same; yes, most of these are manifestations of lower-middle class people of right-wing and constricted ways of thinking, often, more often than not, people with an element of bigotry in their make-up, but there are major differences.

In India, the entire drive to reinstate hate-filled and primitive, regressive ways of thought is led by an efficient organisation peopled and led by individuals with a deadened sensitivity and a laser-sharp focus. Nowhere else is it quite so single-minded.

So other than feeble attempts to stem the degradation of our institutions, i don't think that any alternative government will do great.
Of course, this is a possible outcome; even, one ripe with probability.

That is the counsel of despair.

Should we not even try to reverse the slide into barbarism?

Systems the world over are way too broken.

As observers have said at least for two and a half millennia. Without fail. Without let-up. Without feeling even slightly self-conscious about it.
@Nilgiri keeps himself best informed and should be the best to answer.

However, from a VERY PARTISAN POINT OF VIEW, my opinion is that failures to meet taxation targets, favours shown to crony capitalists, and rank bad economic and financial management led to large gaps between revenue and expenditure.

This was ignored and over-ridden by the incumbent government's inherent corruption, and the drive to award contracts with money that it didn't have, at the cost of basics, coupled with the desperate need to showcase their bold spending on strategic areas - defence acquisition, marquee infrastructure, such as the roads network, stupid grandstanding like the institution of 110-kmph trains capable of running at 130 kmph but hamstrung by bad carriageways....a variety of factors like this.

I doubt that more than two or three other Indian members would agree, even partially, with this response. Look for other inputs.
any country that can do a ton of fiscal stimulation is doing a ton of fiscal stimulation.

india is not unique.

you might not like how its being spent, but its better than not being able to borrow and spend.

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