Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

A little bit too much defeatest mentality here.

Yes we can advise Hezbollah to do this sitting at home far away or that but they have been too meek to the occupiers escalations over the past nearly one year.

If Hezbollah had retaliated in kind then it never would have got to the stage when the whole of Lebanon is now being terrorised.
You misunderstood. Aziqbal said Hezbollah should step down as in end strikes on North and potentially agree to move forces out of areas in southern Lebanon. I'm saying it's a lie by Israel that it seeks a cessation of hostilities. It is instead trying to achieve a strategic victory. It pulled those people out because it wasn't sure Hamas was coordinating with others or acting on its own. When it became clear it's Hamas acting on its own. Israel could sent those residents back.

It's using them now as a ploy to attempt disarming Hezbollah in Lebanon. Which is what Aziqbal needs to understand. And why resistance axis will ultimately face off with this aggressive enemy that's trying to reshape the region to it's benefit.
I remember when Fedayeen Saddam, which was touted as a strong force when the U.S. military invaded Iraq, lost the support of its citizens.
At the time, residents appeared in media interviews and said that when they saw how the crude weapons of the Fedayeen Saddam were completely useless against the armored vehicles and tanks of the U.S. Army, and how they were bounced back with a crunch, the citizens began to insult the militia, and they were no longer taken seriously as a nuisance that would only invite retaliation by the U.S. Army. The militiamen were seen as a nuisance that would only invite U.S. retaliation.
Hezbollah is now trying to follow the same path.

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