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Developments in armament and military industry in the Kingdom of Morocco

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Stryker Combat armored vehicles with 122 mm cannon
Coming with EDA (not confirmed)


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Germany offers Morocco a military cooperation agreement

In execution of the Very High Royal Instructions, the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government, in charge of the National Defense Administration, Abdeltif Loudyi, received, Monday, in the presence of the Lieutenant General, Mohammed Berrid, Inspector General of the FAR and Commander of the Southern Zone, the German Deputy Minister of Defense,
@ThomasHitschler , who is making a working visit to #Maroc .This meeting discussed subjects of common interest and ways to further boost bilateral military cooperation in the fight against terrorism, illegal immigration, cross-border crime and illicit trafficking.

The Germans have three important elements for the Royal Armed Forces: submarines, individual equipment, and the manufacture of missiles and ammunition.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Morocco contracted two Israeli Ofeq spy satellites

According to the SIPRI Institute, Morocco requested two Ofeq spy satellites from Israel in 2023.



Mostly it will be an OptSat-3000 model for reconnaissance and intelligence


IAI's OPTSAT 3000 is an advanced earth observation system that provides high resolution imagery for both defense and homeland security applications. With its 70 cm aperture telescope and sensitive sensor, it delivers better than 50 cm high-resolution imagery of locations on earth. The satellite is lightweight and agile, capable of quick maneuvers to acquire many targets in a short time.

OPTSAT 3000 has high location accuracy and excellent image quality, making it an ideal source of optical data acquisition for both civil and military applications. In environments where precision is critical for operational success and can save lives, the satellite, augmented by IAI's innovative ground segment software and advanced data processing, delivers multi-level accurate data with unprecedented speed.

* Most likely it will include a COMSAT from the AMOS or MCS family

Advantages : Its high precision, reasonable price and technology transfer..


Morocco signed an agreement with Israel regarding the space industry, and everyone was waiting for the announcement of the deal. If it were not for Sipri, no one would have learned of the signing of the deal..

Ofek-13 is part of Israel's intelligence satellite program. As a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite, it can capture high-resolution images of objects as small as 20 to 60 cm from space.

It operates day and night, and in all weather conditions, providing a continuous flow of intelligence data.

It allows electromagnetic beams to be shot from the satellite to Earth, allowing valuable insights to be obtained and subtle changes to be detected.

The newspaper "Israeldefense" in an article published in January entitled "Morocco plans to expand its capabilities in space":

Recently, our sources have come across some information indicating that Morocco has decided to launch additional surveillance satellites into space and to this end, it has decided on a limited number of relevant companies, which will submit their proposals.


Now it seems that Morocco has made its choice and decided to purchase satellites produced by IAI..

The Israeli offer is cheaper and more advanced than its French counterpart. Israel did not place restrictions on its use, unlike the French..

* Israeli Minister of Science and Technological Innovation Ofir Akunis visits drone manufacturing institutes in Morocco and delivers an important statement:

"We pledge to make Morocco a global power in the military industry in the next few years.
We did the same thing with Turkey...Turkey has become a country that manufactures weapons and drones because of the partnership we had with it. We provided them with our expertise in the military industry, especially in the field of drones."


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The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Officially, Morocco contracts 36 AH-64E helicopters





They come with 18 Longbow Radar, and since one radar can guide 4 helicopters.. it means that the 18 radars can guide 72 helicopters!


Moroccan Labache will be equipped with M-TADS/PNVS that gives capabilities that no other attack helicopter possesses..





L3 Technologies Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah, was awarded a $29,197,837 firm-fixed-price contract for the manned/unmanned teaming hardware, as well as technical and engineering support, for the Apache helicopter. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Salt Lake City, Utah, with an estimated completion date of June 30, 2023. Fiscal 2021 aircraft procurement (Army) funds; and 2022 Foreign Military Sales (Morocco, Netherlands, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom) funds in the amount of $29,197,837 were obligated at the time of the award. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-21-F-0144)

The four+ MQ9B will accompany its big sister 36 Apache Longbow V6

Modern warfare has become incredibly sophisticated; Suicide drones fly hundreds of kilometers non-stop in search of their victims, armed drones attack from where they are not even expected, satellites watch armies from hundreds of kilometers above earth, electronic monitoring devices, radars and electronic equipment detect the ant’s crawling.
Wars have changed dramatically.. And the strong is no longer the one who has the largest number of soldiers or armies, tanks, or planes; Quality, not quantity, determines the victor now..

Launching tactical exercises using simulation systems for the benefit of the teams that will operate on Apache combat helicopters. These exercises include carrying out operations that simulate reality and using various weapons, combat and defensive equipment onboard Moroccan helicopters.. These training will continue on the field through the existing cooperation between the Royal Air Force and the Utah State Forces to train pilots and technicians in one of the divisions that use the Apache..



Training duration is 60 months..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Indeed, the cost of training a pilot is not small and requires time and years of work..


General Electric Aerospace, manufacturer of T-700 engines for Apache helicopters, settles in Morocco, specifically in Casablanca.


The agreement with Boeing included manufacturing and complex repair of various spare parts and superstructures for the helicopter locally in the Kingdom, and establishing a research center for advanced additive manufacturing 4.0.



The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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A wonderful video containing all the LM weapons that Morocco posses and will procure


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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F-16V Block 70
Network Centric Warfare


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The company is supported by the Moroccan company GIMAS and is part of the Aerospace Moroccan Cluster (AMC). It has many products such as plate carriers.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Manufacture of precision electronic parts and devices for the aerospace and defense industries in Morocco

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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After Parliament's approval, 5 Brazilian weapons will be manufactured locally in Morocco


The five most powerful Brazilian weapons will be manufactured locally in Morocco after the Brazilian Parliament ratified the agreement signed in 2019 between Morocco and Brazil that concerned cooperation in the military field. The agreement includes the exchange of visits between the armies of the two countries and also includes the transfer of military technology in defense industries. It also includes other areas such as the training of officers, military frameworks, etc....

The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said that this agreement includes exceptional cooperation and the provision of all facilities in the field of military industries.

Defense Web, a South African website that is interested in military reports, especially reports coming from Brazil, revealed that Brazil is one of the most important countries that Morocco will rely on in order to build a strong defense industry that enhances the requirements of the Moroccan army and Moroccan exports to Africa in the defense field, along with India and Israel. Britain and the United States of America...

1. RIACHUELO submarine


Marinely, Brazil is one of the few countries in the world that manufactures ships and military submarines. It manufactures all types of military ships, such as frigates, and manufactures one of the most powerful types of submarines, which is the RIACHUELO submarine, which is inspired by the French Scorpene submarine. It is more advanced than the French one in length and payload, and can remain underwater for 70 days without... Use a breathing tube and are armed with different types of missiles. Brazil is also working to develop this submarine to be capable of operating on nuclear power.

2. “Super Tucano” light attack aircraft


The second weapon that Morocco may benefit from is aviation. Brazil is a pioneer in manufacturing the “Super Tucano” light attack aircraft, which is specially designed to combat insurgency and protect maritime borders from any penetration and rapid support operations. Manufacturing this aircraft in Morocco will enhance its exports, especially to Africa, because this type of aircraft is required by all countries, both in the fight against terrorism and separatist groups and in protecting land borders. Most African countries suffer from these problems, and the manufacture of this aircraft in Morocco will facilitate its export on the continent.

The price of one plane reaches 14 million dollars and it is highly effective and is used by the American forces, Afghanistan, Portugal, the Emirates, Senegal, Mauritania..

3. Embraer C-390 Millennium military cargo plane


This type of aircraft is in demand globally, and the price of one aircraft reaches 50 million dollars. Manufacturing this aircraft locally in Morocco will enhance the logistical field of the Moroccan army and will cover its needs with these aircraft. Manufacturing this type of aircraft will not be complicated for Morocco, as it currently manufactures many civil aircraft spare parts.

4. ManSup anti-ship missile


Brazil is a pioneer in the field of missile manufacturing, whether military or space. Among these missiles we find the Man Sup anti-ship missile guided by an active radar that is launched from ships and submarines and has a range of up to 100 km.

Manufacturing missiles is necessary to cover internal needs and reduce their cost compared to purchasing them directly.

5. Astros Rocket Launcher


This weapon is distinguished as a Brazilian manufacture and can fire missiles to a distance of 300 km. In addition to Brazil, it is possessed by Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Qatar. There is interest from Spain and Ukraine. Morocco’s acquisition of this launcher technology will give it greater value in the region.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) confirmed Morocco's 2022 purchase of Barak-LRAD (naval version for corvettes) ..And Barak-MX




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