Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

I am talking about general deterrence which no one in the “Axis of Resistance” has achieved so far. You talked about it’s deterrence being damaged but it seems to have regained it back in last month.
Well, obviously you'd be wrong. You have your eyes too close to the ground. You need to lift your head and look around the larger time and space. No doubt these security failures by Iran have impacted the overall 'ring of fire' strategy by The Axis of Resistance...but no it has not neutralized it. Much like Iran's failure that it must respond to security incidents militarily, similarly, Zionia must respond to military failures ('ring of fire') via security means (killing women and children, assassinations, etc) and it has abjectly failed to compensate.

There is no comparison. The Axis of Resistance wins. By far.

The issue remains, even with this advantage, Iran's security failures are terrible. Not so much so that it will delete the AOR's military victories, but awful nonetheless, and must be addressed.

PS: I do appreciate the usual cast of Iranian talking heads are silent this time around.
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What an embarrassing and joke of a situation. I guess the IR leadership will learn the price of cowardice nd hesitance when the leader himself is targeted. This is a disgrace. A goddamn disgrace nothing more.

Even Nasrallah is frustrated at this outrageous and blood boiling incompetent hesitancy filled with shades of cowardice. Stupid idiots. It takes them to respond months to an outrageous violation of sovereignty.

Iran has set up a system of resistance and asked for extreme sacrifices from every unit of it's foreign resistant subordinates nd yet we have backed off like shrivelling cowards when the time came to stand up and fight shoulder to shoulder with forces that we ourselves raised. It is in a sort , semi betrayal.

Khamenei can't lead a warlike situation. He does not have the balls nor does the idiots in IRGC hierarchy. If you got no balls then shut ur mouth and stop playing proxy games cuz ppl are dying counting on your backing and standing. Yet you show urself as a clown to be laughed at.
The issue is that Israel wont accept that either. Because result would be a jewish minority state, with corresponding implications for legislative bodies.

Israel wants palestinians dead or gone.

Hence, migration to the West elsewhere that are willing to take them in.
Brah, Iran is not Libya. My ghaad!

And Libya was harder to destabilize, a richer country, higher income per person, more little country, more uniform, unlike multicultural big Iran, with very poor outer non-Persian zones.

The strong part of Iran is their own missile program.

It's even stronger than GCC expensive military budget.

Because GCC expensive weapons like missile systems and fighter jets can be remotely disabled and hacked by the Western manufacturer with a few mouse clicks, through software backdoors.

But Iran missile program is impossible to hack by the West, own technology.
Well, obviously you'd be wrong. You have your eyes too close to the ground. You need to lift your head and look around the larger time and space. No doubt these security failures by Iran have impacted the overall 'ring of fire' strategy by The Axis of Resistance...but no it has not neutralized it. Much like Iran's failure that it must respond to security incidents militarily, similarly, Zionia must respond to military failures ('ring of fire') via security means (killing women and children, assassinations, etc) and it has abjectly failed to compensate.

There is no comparison. The Axis of Resistance wins. By far.

The issue remains, even with this advantage, Iran's security failures are terrible. Not so much so that it will delete the AOR's military victories, but awful nonetheless, and must be addressed.

PS: I do appreciate the usual cast of Iranian talking heads are silent this time around.
It shud be named the axis of hesitation
Iran issues NOTAM from 22-24 Aug. most probably a missile test 1724260805641.png
Iran’s psyops against Zionia and a definite retaliation within Iran’s timeframe not the Tantrum Crew’s timeframe from The Electronic Intifada and Marandi:

Iran's goin make a deep 50 mile incursion in the north and entrench itself. Bury itself deep like a big jungle cat taking over territory in the Savannah. Then it'll be impossible to evict for anyone who dares.

Millions have happily signed up for this!

There's no escape now........we know.

Israel won't survive another Oct 7th part 2, that the IRGC is applying the finishing touches to..... :p
Iran's goin make a deep 50 mile incursion in the north and entrench itself. Bury itself deep like a big jungle cat taking over territory in the Savannah. Then it'll be impossible to evict for anyone who dares.

Millions have happily signed up for this!

There's no escape now........we know.

Israel won't survive another Oct 7th part 2, that the IRGC is applying the finishing touches to..... :p
Finally, analysis of possibilities instead of constant whining. Anyone else with man pants and some well thought out strategy and conjecture?
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'True Promise II': Iran’s retaliation against Israel not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’ and ‘how’



"He added that enemies are well aware that Iran is not dependent on any country and is in possession of equipment completely designed and manufactured by Iranian experts"

Like it was said here. GCC all expensive military hardware (fighter jets, antimissile systems and so on) is worthless in a war against the West, because the west is the manufacturer and they must have put a thousand electronic backdoors in it to hack it remotely if they want.

But that just can't be done in Iranian systems, because it's made in iran.

So it's more likely a USA backstabbing against GCC than a USA war against Iran.

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