Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

What a confusing tweet, it's not a ballistic missile submarine, it's a cruise missile submarine.

There are two kind of class Ohio submarines: SSBN: armed with ballistic Trident SLBM (the weapon of a total nuclear war) and SSGN armed with tomahawk cruise missiles (the weapon of a less big war, of a common regional war).

In this case is a SSGN. Armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles, no trident ballistic missiles in it.
Iran announced military exercises, not sure if its a cover for attack thats why the Israelis are spooked or Iran is messing with them.
Exercises will end the tuesday, like Tisha B'av jewish religious celebration.

I think Iran is deliberately delaying the attack because they respect Jewish religion celebration Tisha B'av, their enemy is Zionist regime (which most rulers dont give a fck about religion), it's not Jewish religion (that is allowed in Iran).

And because they dont want to give the enemy another reason to victimize themselves.

Tisha B'av is a mourn celebration, that remember sad disasters of Jewish religion history.
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Exercises will end the tuesday, like Tisha B'av jewish religious celebration.

I think Iran is deliberately delaying the attack because they respect Jewish religion celebration Tisha B'av, their enemy is Zionist regime (which most rulers dont give a fck about religion), it's not Jewish religion (that is allowed in Iran).

And because they dont want to give the enemy another reason to victimize themselves.

Tisha B'av is a mourn celebration, that remember sad disasters of Jewish religion history.

Interesting logic/take on things..
Love this delaying mind game Irans playing. Israelis in total panic and feel the siege……

This situation wont end. 😝
Israelis aren't in panic, you should see their groups and Telegrams where they talk. They laugh and mock Iran.

Sad to see but it's very clear here when Israel talks of 'retaliation' everyone instantly understands something serious & destructive will likely happen. Meanwhile now most people aren't sure about Iran's retaliation if the attack will even be done without warnings or restraint
Seems the IRI is totally messing with the heads of the 'attack now' crew.... :D . That alone signals the success of the psy campaign.

It’s midnight in Tehran. If nothing happens in next 2 hours then you can go to sleep.

Probably not happening tonight either. Maybe tommorrow night :unsure:

Apparently the IRGC and the President disagree on where the retaliation should take place.

President doesn't want to risk retaliation.

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