Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

Before you take moral high ground . More that 95℅ of temples have been destroyed from 1947 in Pakistan and you are coming here to lecture on a mosque which no one was using and built over a temple. Now tell us who is more tolerant.

Why is it Muslims have to build their mosques over other people religious places. It's the same every were in the world where they have been in power.

So after some 300 years, Hindus suddenly realised that Babri Masjid was built over a Temple so decided to raise it into ground...
Would they do same to Taj Mahal ??
I guess not as it fills up your rice bowl.
Bloody hypocrites .
Mate, you dont understand the difference between Jews and Bani Israel. I can go in depth but it will derail the thread. But I will highly recommend to educate yourself on these very important matters and not yourself be deceived due to lack of knowledge.
Hebrews in Egypt founded Kingdom of Israel in the promised land after death of Prophet Moses (Musa PBUH). This Kingdom lasted many centuries but Romans destroyed it in war leading to its inhabitants (Jews) finding refuge in different lands and the revelation that I shared indicates that these people will regroup in the promised land at some point. It is all becoming clear now in this modern age because many in the past could not tell what it means. There are still some revelations in the Holy Quran that we do not understand and new developments might help us understand them. History is an important area of study that can help understand other themes including some divine revelations. There is a reason as to why Islam emphasize importance of seeking knowledge.
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Indians deliberately insinuating and suggesting this started on Oct 7th. It didn’t 70 plus years of rape war crimes and genocide. 1000s of children being kept in prison without trial - women raped by soldiers.
You only show one side of the history.
no rapes made by palestinian people? No children killed by rockets?

The middle east situation is like a coin, there are 2 inseparable sides.
Hezbollah will have to rework its entire comm network. A real bad time right now to end up in a full fledged military confrontation .
So after some 300 years, Hindus suddenly realised that Babri Masjid was built over a Temple so decided to raise it into ground...
Would they do same to Taj Mahal ??
I guess not as it fills up your rice bowl.
Bloody hypocrites .
That's what you believe if you don't know history and think BJP started this.. Many have fought for it during the 300 years.
Not a question of beeing welcome or not.
Historicaly they were on this land before.
And once again we don't agree.

Get the jews out? It will NEVER arrived, or all the neighbors will be put in nuclear ash in the same moment. As long as you thought like that peace will never be found.

Of course it's a question if welcome,, the middle east needed peace and freedom not a colonial entity seeking to steal the land of the people already there

Hebrews 3000 years ago have next to no connection to Jews like Netenyahu who are foreign Europeans

Peace will never be found because too much blood has been spilt, you don't accept occupation and apartheid and just move on

The Jews HAVE TO GO, it will just be a case of constant conflict until they do
Jews stem from 12 ancient families and jewish geneology is a topic that people can independently check. The assumption that all modern jews are converts is questionable as Jewish people moved to different locations after war with Romans. Allah Almighty have also revealed in the Holy Quran that jews will return to Palestine in the end times. So I am not sure why is this a debate? Anything goes to create a narrative? No wonder conflicts continue.

Here is but one study:

There are many studies on this topic.

Jews are jews, converts or not. Just like Muslims are Muslims, converts or not
Jews is a racial term along with religious, its difficult to determine who descend from those 12 tribes without dna testing. Most jews look european so they have lots of intermixing with other races.

Ironically you will find Palestinians with jewish or semitic dna, people forget many jewish tribes on mass converted to islam.

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