Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

I wouldn't put it passed the US govt to include kill switches in export weapons, but the risks of doing so are generally higher than not doing it. Cutting supply of spare parts will do.
An explosion like the pagers in the cockpit is enough to cause the fighter to crash.
What they will also do is they will show the 3rd world status of a neighbouring city like Cairo and say look! Look at how the Arabs live in their own nations and compare to how they live in ours. They will claim that healthcare, education, job opportunities and potential earnings is better etc. They will use this as a justification for the fact they stole an entire country and exterminated a large proportion of its population.

So 10 years from now expect similar Chinese style propaganda to be shared about Gaza. However the big difference is that while most of the Muslim world cares about Palestine and much of the west is told about what is happening there, none of the world gives a shit about the Muslims the Chinese invaded and occupied, the land they stole and the re-education concentration camps, or the forced sterilisations etc.

Yep! 10 years after the fact they'll be trucking in world tourists saying "Look at how modern Gaza is..they never had it so good!!!".

They people are sooooo lucky!
@ can the mods please cleanse the Hindu cheerleaders of the terrorist regime
Why are you generalizing? I am viewing Indian members salivating on here when deaths are registered - quoting brilliant fantastic etc when deaths are happening on the world. No normal person celebrates death.
Once again look at the orgasmic behaviour on here when Muslims are harmed by Indian posters. When i step in - indian tears flow.
Now if you havent got anything to say on topic i would respectfully ask you to not post on this thread.
Why don’t you use those admins rights and ban these right wing Hindutva f^cks running amok here gleefully patting themselves and sucking off the Israeli co*ks. They also detailing these threads
An explosion like the pagers in the cockpit is enough to cause the fighter to crash.

Yep, doesn't take much. Just even smoke to obscure vision is good enough.

While fighter pilots have masks...for passenger planes the air is brought in through the engines and I wouldn't be surprised if there is some tiny level in fighter jets too...which potentially could be tampered with remotely...leading to havoc in the small cockpit.

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@ can the mods please cleanse the Hindu cheerleaders of the terrorist regime

Why don’t you use those admins rights and ban these right wing Hindutva f^cks running amok here gleefully patting themselves and sucking off the Israeli co*ks. They also detailing these threads
Why don’t you report the posts?
View attachment 65719
When there's no one left to see it sure 🤣

The types youre dealing with actually get satisfaction from seeing pictures like this. Even though they never met any single one of those 100 000 civillians who were murdered in cold blood and who they might otherwise get along with if they met in a cafe somehere in another setting.

Some people lacks a heart.
Its there but not there.
Im sure there are medical terms for such condition.
Or maybe they just get carried away without thinking.
This just shows the importance of the need of indigenous tech companies in Muslim countries. Today it’s Lebanon tomorrow it can be any other Muslim country. If they can cause personal radios or solar systems to explode, just imagine what they can do to western defence equipment. The Muslim world needs to heavily indigenize especially when it comes to defence. Pakistan and Turkey can be leaders in this.
Brother the problem is that nobody has bothered to do this nor will there be any likely change anytime soon. They have become reliant on the west so much. Many arabs have the mentality that it's fine we'll just hire others to do it for us.
The types youre dealing with actually get satisfaction from seeing pictures like this. Even though they never met any single one of those 100 000 civillians who were murderef in cold blood and who they might otherwise get along with if they met in a cafe somehere in another setting.

Some people lacks a heart.
Its there but not there.
Im sure there are medical terms for such condition.
Or maybe they just get carried away without thinking.
The hate for Muslims run deep in them unfortunately. I wouldn't wish any of this on anyone.
Lol Egypt is too big to invade so is Iran. All the talk about destroying Iran is nonsense. It will be worse than Afghanistan by a magnitude of 10. The terrain doesn't favor heavy infantry anyway. Israel doesn't have the manpower to do jackshit . Even Saddam had to resort of chemical warfare and still failed against a improverished Iran at the time. Israel army is way weaker than Ukrainian armed forces. Their air force is strong that's it lol
Its already invaded
You dont need to inavde if u can bring a puppet govt
Let's assume that Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Turkey goes to war with Israel, there is a high possibility that their western fighters will crash strangely.
100% all western equipment has kill switches
I will say this: the Islamic World will most likely have to cut Taiwan and certain nations out of the cycle of technology acquisition or ask for a separate production facility within their boundary to produce products.
That's a pipe dream. The powers that be won't allow this to happen. Unless there is a major change of leadership throughout the Islamic world things will continue as they are. Journal Asim Munir meri jind meri jaan.

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