Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

Now that russia has reached the point of asking Iran for charity about drones and missiles.... Lavrov is taking their side.

No he is speaking logic. Something pro-Zionists know very little about. This attack by Israel was nothing short of terrorism. It's an escalation. Israel is a rogue mad dog maniac of a state. The only thing currently holding us back from WW3 or a regional war is the restraint of the resistance. I think they have no choice now. Israel will pay a heavy price.
Who ***** is F22 ?
Not my problem. It is already difficult enough here to defend my opinion not to defend another.
You have opinion? No, but if you want an opinion I will give one to you.
Besides, you are obviously lying, of course that you know your buddy.
They manufacture one batch twin in the outside, different in the inside, in another different unrelated factory.

Just take the batch of 5k explosive devices and change in any point of the path by the original batch. One single person can do the change.
5000 device is transported by airplane not just by truk or ship so they be in route for years.
Also doing that is only possible if you knew of the order to that specific company and be aware of the shipping and manufacturing detail and that again point to the company
Jews are the Original Inhabitants of that land called Israel

They were driven out after 650 AD

Before that they lived in that area for atleast 1000 years
No the original inhabitants were philistine, jets massacred them
Just a history 101 for you
This attack shows that it is easier for Israel to infilitrate or attack Hezbollah type entity in a country that have its own networks. I have never seen this happen to central government in any country, not even in Syria. The state within state setup have its drawbacks or Israel have found ways to exploit this setup to its advantage. Unified setup is less vulnerable or have better deterrence.
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More interesting details, pagers contain explosives loaded in....

Iran nuclear centrifuge also infested through Taiwan provided devices ...exactly the same pattern.

In Urdu.
The virus was loaded in a thumb drive used by a Russian technician
Both the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah had common Hebrew roots and were "Children of Israel." Both were doing fine when Assyrians decided to intervene as noted here. Allah Almighty did not distinguish these two kingdoms and confirm that the Kingdom of Judah was better than the Kingdom of Israel in the promised land and was spared:

"And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, “You will certainly cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become extremely arrogant." (17:4)

"When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled." (17:5)

"Then ˹after your repentance˺ We would give you the upper hand over them and aid you with wealth and offspring, causing you to outnumber them." (17:6)

"If you act rightly, it is for your own good, but if you do wrong, it is to your own loss. “And when the second warning would come to pass, your enemies would ˹be left to˺ totally disgrace you and enter that place of worship as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever would fall into their hands." (17:7)

Allah Almighty pointed out that these people became corrupt and arrogant and he punished them by creating conditions of war in the region.

Assyrians and Babylonians are same people and destroyed both the kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah in succession but Hebrews regrouped and recovered from this setback and defeated Babylonians in this prolonged war, and established the Hasmonean dynasty in the promised land but Romans destroyed the Hasmonean dynasty in another war.

Two different wars are hinted in the revelations mentioned above - each was a warning to Hebrews to mend their ways. Hebrews lost to the first enemy but regrouped and defeated it at a later stage. But Hebrews could not handle the second enemy. Baybalonians destroyed the First Temple in war while Romans destroyed the Second Temple in war.

Division between the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel was on political grounds like in Muslim-majority countries in modern times (Pakistan vs. Bangladesh), it does not change the fundamental fact that both were created by the "Children of Israel" in the promised land and this is how Allah Almighty mentioned these people.

And it is not surprising that both Hebrew kingdoms fought each other because Muslim-majority countries also fight each other. And we also see corruption and arrogance in some Muslim-majority countries. Therefore, some regions are not peaceful.

I see repeat of same story in current times. If this trend continues then a truly destructive war is possible in which many will die. Think about it.

Therefore, all need to reflect and think about how to solve current disputes in a better way.

I am not sure what is your point here.

My point is, those who are occupying holy lands do not have any birth right over the lands because they are not Bani Israel aka Hebrew!
Let's assume that Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Turkey goes to war with Israel, there is a high possibility that their western fighters will crash strangely.
Turkey and Arabs are lackies of west, they have been feeding Israel with money and energy. But your point stands correct.

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