Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

These exploding pager and walkie talkie gimmicks of Mossad are not going to work. At the end of the day killing 20 people and injuring 200 bystanders is not going to alter the fate of Israel.

Iran has long sealed Israel's fate.......people just getting emotional over Mossad terrorism here.
If Hezbollah did this same pager thing to Israel, would you call it terrorism? Pls its a yes or no question.
Israel attacking Hezbollah fighters is a war action.
Hezbollah attacking Israel fighters is a war action.

Israel attacking deliberately Lebanese civilians, it would be terrorism.
Hezbollah attacking deliberately Israeli civilians, it would be terrorism.

Israel attacking non-deliberately Lebanese civilians, it's collateral damage.
Hezbollah attacking non-deliberately Israeli civilians, it's collateral damage.
According norwegian to norwegian media, the company in Hungary only acted as a middle man for a 3rd company with office adress in Bulgaria. A office which in reality is a building with postboxes of hundreds of companies. Interestingly the company in Bulgaria is owned by a Norwegian. The police in now investigating the man.

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These exploding pager and walkie talkie gimmicks of Mossad are not going to work. At the end of the day killing 20 people and injuring 200 bystanders is not going to alter the fate of Israel.

Iran has long sealed Israel's fate.......people just getting emotional over Mossad terrorism here.
It's just another provocation to make Hezbollah start a full escale war.
But listening Nasrallah today, it seems the provocation was not enough for them to do that.

So corrupt deep state of Israel must be thinking new stupid things as provocations right now.
According norwegian to norwegian media, the company in Hungary only acted as a middle man for a 3rd company with office adress in Bulgaria. A office which in reality is a building with postboxes of hundreds of companies. Interestingly the company in Bulgaria is owned by a Norwegian. Norwegian police in sow investigating the man.

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1. Manufacture twin devices in Israel with explosive attached.
2. Send Israel-made explosive devices batch to Lebanon in the same moment than original batch.
3. Bribe some corrupt official in Lebanese customs to change original batch by the twin-Israeli-made batch.

It's a lot more easy and clean.
1. Manufacture twin devices in Israel with explosive attached.
2. Send Israel-made explosive devices batch to Lebanon in the same moment than original batch.
3. Bribe some corrupt official in Lebanese customs to change original batch by the twin-Israeli-made batch.

It's a lot more easy and clean.

Could be a possibility.
I think its more likely it was produced in Taiwan and shipped to Lebanon from there. The shell companies are only there to deflect that Taiwan was officialy involved in this. Taiwan did it probably on US «request».
It's just another provocation to make Hezbollah start a full escale war.
But listening Nasrallah today, it seems the provocation was not enough for them to do that.

So corrupt deep state of Israel must be thinking new stupid things as provocations right now.
Israel's gimmicks won't work bro.......always remember, the strategy here is constant harassment until they realize that fighting the resistance is futile (specially on 100% western funding), but prevent a major conflagration.

So as long as Iran sticks to that, or for that matter Russia too in Ukraine.........there ain't nothing to worry about no?

Just relax.

This is just hollywood gimmicks.
U think Israel can win against Iran in a war? America will not fight a war against Iran when they have Russia and china to deal with. U are just living in a different universe.

US already told Israel not to "escalate" its war to a regional or expanded level because it can't provide Israel with the required ammunition. nuff said!
There's probably no cult in history as stupid as the Jews. It's amazing how Jewish history has been repeating for thousands of years in exactly the same way. They make everyone around them sick and tired of their criminal behavior and get expelled. Where they end up they restart their criminal behavior and get expelled from there as well. And so on, expelled from over 100 places, the last being from Europe. Now they're going to get expelled from Palestine as well.
Irrecpective of their public posturing, the power circles in Middle-East countries are actually in full celebration mode - their nemesis Iran has been thoroughly humiliated.

The more i think about this mass attack against Lebanon that Israel pulled off "successfully", the more i realize it will backfire on ISrael and the West/NATO for a long time- its a short term "win" (i dont see much that has been gained to be honest, unless Hezbollah's operational actions are really hampered by it and IDF invades asap to take advantage of that, but Iran will probably source the pgrs from China or Russia and install quickly- use alt, head Hzb uses land lines now, so minimal/modest gain for Israel really), but it will be a long term disaster. Why are Israel and US doing exactly the things that will bring the end date of their empires and genocide closer to today? Israel has already committed a genocide in Gaza that the world watched, and now it just committed a genocide against Lebanese with these 2 violent and inhumane attacks- whether Lebanon wants or likes it or not, its now in real war with Israel.
Sir, Iran's #1 enemy is Israel ?. No, it's US ... right ?.
That is correct.
Iran could not hit US so it went after Israel just as a US proxy.
Iran has hit the US, and Iran hit the US pretty hard in Iraq and Afghanistan- especially by using proxies, and we have to accept that based on any objective analysis, they've been pretty good "investments" for Iran- the results speak for themselves- Iranian allies and proxies are essentially independent armies, and US and Israel still have not degraded any Iranian proxy's capabilities by more than 10%(if any, maybe clashes in Iraq btwn coalition forces and Shia militias?).

So Israel tried to genocide Hezbollah, as preparation to invade Lebanon, only to get many ground forces killed and finished and sent back across the border eventually and soon?

Iran needs to be ready asap. IYKY. i will say more soon about this.
Every other anti -Israel narrative is just brain washing of Iranians by Iranian regime.
Its just brainwashing that Israel is facing Shia- resistance militias with serious military capabilities from 5-7 different directions and Israel hasn't even been able to smash 1 of them? Every time Israel clashes with Iranian proxies on the ground, IDF usually gets squashed- Lebanon is waiting for them- the mass electronic device genocide attack is a perfect motivator to make the Lebanese people consolidate themselves and forget their differences-their nation over the external enemy and aggressor.
Saddam Hussein also fired missiles at Israel during 1991 Gulf war. Same stupidity, cannot hit US so let's attack Israel and hope other muslim countries will join your cause.
You're either trolling, or have low knowledge and need to go read and find out more on this topic.
where have you been the last 11 months? they have been attacking south Lebanon every day for the last year

Really? Isn't S lebanon part of Lebanon then? Then hoow come all these months people saying 'if Israel strikes Lebanon it will be all out war'
Really? Isn't S lebanon part of Lebanon then? Then hoow come all these months people saying 'if Israel strikes Lebanon it will be all out war'
Lebanon has been striking and killing the IDF daily. Get real.
Israel is a democracy, surrounded by muslim non democracy US allies.
I think they don't fear are in an alliance with them.
Hamas is not lnocked down, and Israle will never allow it to grow again (so the Philadelphia corridar will remain a djude one).
Hamas is still alive and breathing and recruiting, Israel has obviously not stopped it from growing -it destroyed all of Gaza and Hamas fighters still give IDF losses everyday.
Next is Hezbollah.
thats where IDF will go to die- mark it now. Resistance forces from the region will make their way to Lebanon- they can arrive in Syria and go over the border to Lebanon.
Behind all that there is one ond only one foe : Iran.
They all are puppets in the Iran hands.
in your ignorant opinion.
Israel made peace signed agreements with Egypt, Morocco, it was nearly done with Saudi Arabia (only a question of time).
there, fixed it for you. yes, Israel almost has the Saudis in their pocket fully.

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