Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

Some twitter poster sure post stupid things.

That point on being afraid to escalate because of some Israeli super ability is absolute nonsense. The main reason to prevent escalation is because Israel is armed to the teeth being fully supplied and back by the US and some European countries. Hezbollah has limited weapons which come in via Syria, its worse than a David v Goliath situation for them. They know the destruction a full on war will cause to Lebanon but they need to maintain deterrence to stop Israel from being emboldened. That is where they have failed so far.
-According to Syrian Sources; Two Senior Officers, one with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRCG) and the other with Lebanese Hezbollah, were Targeted in an earlier morning Airstrike today against their Vehicle near Damascus International Airport, with one being Killed and the other Severely Injured. Further Information about the Assassination, including the Identities of the Two Targets, is said to currently be being kept Quiet.

Bad week for hezbollah and for their BFF's.

I tells ya the balls on Israel this week can be seen from space. Will there be any response from Iran or are they just going to stand there and bleed.
Bro , I admire your fighting spirit ( so far on the keyboard ) ...

It's true for everyone history does to look fondly on cowards

Israel exists today because of Arab cowardice
If the Arabs declared the Arab world will not trade with the states that support Israel, Israel would be screwed
If the Arabs declared that no company that works with Israel will be allowed to operate in the Arab world, then Israel would be screwed
If the Arabs just continued to build up their forces and remain hostile with Israel, Israel would be screwed in a region that hates and despises them

Cowardice doesn't work,,

Israel faces the same demographic fall that Lebanon did

The Palestinians ARE MUCH YOUNGER THEN THE JEWS, look it up, they have the long term demographic advantage

So why give the Jews which are a colonial transplant into the middle east any peace???? Rather than constant conflict and let demographics do their work

This is not just about Injustice, it's about bloody minded resilience and honour, the honour of the Muslim world, history culture that can not give up in the face of oppression
-According to Syrian Sources; Two Senior Officers, one with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRCG) and the other with Lebanese Hezbollah, were Targeted in an earlier morning Airstrike today against their Vehicle near Damascus International Airport, with one being Killed and the other Severely Injured. Further Information about the Assassination, including the Identities of the Two Targets, is said to currently be being kept Quiet.

Bad week for hezbollah and for their BFF's.

I tells ya the balls on Israel this week can be seen from space. Will there be any response from Iran or are they just going to stand there and bleed.
They have cleared northern Israel, they have been hitting Israel for a year
Hezbollah is a irregular force, it's not a military or a state military with a states resources

It's taken time to build up massive stocks that can hit Israel hard, but it's major weapon is its missile force and irregular tactics

Israel wil be most at risk when it has thousands of troops on the border with weapons and lacking A.D or when it starts a invasion
That is when Hezbollah can try to unleash and cause maximum damage

Israel will hit Lebanon infrastructure and Hezbollah can try to hit Israeli infrastructure even it's gas rigs
Israel needs to call up hundreds of thousands of reservists hitting it's economy

As Israeli A.D becomes depleted that is the time forces from Yemen, Syria or Iraq also start firing at targets

Once again they will either hit or Israeli A.D will be depleted

Iran is always waiting in the wings with a full load waiting to unleash at a time when Israel isn't fully prepared and depleted

How long will this scenario go on? Who know, how many months can everyone take?
Israel will of course try to drag everyone especially the Americans in

But stopping Israel from being at peace, normal or functional is essential and waking the Arabs up is truly the crux of getting Israel out of the middle east

I think step back and digest what they did to Gaza

They have promised the same for Lebanon

Firstly, no one external can stop them, they can go beyond all limits, we have no norms for depravity


Frankly they need Russian help, now is the best time

Ultimately if Israel can just bomb bomb with impunity, they can continue this strategy, sure at some cost
I think step back and digest what they did to Gaza

They have promised the same for Lebanon

Firstly, no one external can stop them, they can go beyond all limits, we have no norms for depravity


Frankly they need Russian help, now is the best time

Ultimately if Israel can just bomb bomb with impunity, they can continue this strategy, sure at some cost

The only solution is to make a somewhat equal retaliatory attack against Israel.
Israel wont stop as long as is population centers arent harmed in massive way like Gaza.
I think step back and digest what they did to Gaza

They have promised the same for Lebanon

Firstly, no one external can stop them, they can go beyond all limits, we have no norms for depravity


Frankly they need Russian help, now is the best time

Ultimately if Israel can just bomb bomb with impunity, they can continue this strategy, sure at some cost
And this is partly the reason why Hezbollah hasn't just made fired and depleted it's stocks

It needs its stocks for a major push if and when Israel tries to do to Lebanon what it's done in Gaza

But their are more supply lines into Lebanon, plus you have more forces in Yemen and the region etc and Iran

It's always going to be painful when you have a murderous regime like the Israeli, but Israel itself isn't massive and all attempts have to be made to strike Israeli infrastructure and vital targets, for a small country Israel has to suffer or it will continue to be a cancer In the region
Really? Isn't S lebanon part of Lebanon then? Then hoow come all these months people saying 'if Israel strikes Lebanon it will be all out war'
people say that about large scale strikes in Beirut not about daily strikes in south Lebanon... you are not well informed about this conflict

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