Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

Sure my Zionist friend. Here is from a staunch Zionist paper in the UK "The Telegraph".

Hezbollah rockets struck a suburb in the Israeli city of Haifa, destroying cars and homes in the latest escalation of cross-border attacks.

The Israeli military said rockets had been fired “toward civilian areas,” after previous barrages had mainly been aimed at military targets.

>> Some of the strikes missed the military sites and can be classified as collateral damage. A bit rich to say there were deliberately targetting civilians when it is clear to all they were targetting military sites.

Hezbollah beeper blasts: Timing not due to plan being exposed, sources say - exclusive​

The Jerusalem Post has exclusively learned that whoever caused the sabotage did not pick the timing because of a sudden discovery by Hezbollah.​

By YONAH JEREMY BOBSEPTEMBER 22, 2024 16:38Updated: SEPTEMBER 22, 2024 17:38

The timing of the Hezbollah beeper and other device explosions last week, which wounded around 3,000-4,000 operatives, was not due to the sabotage being exposed by the organization but carefully planned, the Jerusalem Post has learned.

In the aftermath of the explosions across Lebanon on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, some reports circulated that whoever caused the explosion - attributed by numerous foreign media outlets to Israel, with large aspects of the saga confirmed independently by the Jerusalem Post (which has significant Western sources) - would have preferred a later and more coordinated timing.

Under this narrative, foreign reports said that Israeli intelligence rushed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu around Tuesday of last week - with the entire Israeli media talking about a major unspecified "security event," to tell him that the device explosion sabotage capability was at use it or lose it a moment.

In other words, some Hezbollah operatives had uncovered aspects of the sabotage and if they announced it nationwide, the organization might rid itself of the devices before they could be exploded.

This narrative made sense with how surprised both the Israeli and Lebanese public seemed by the episode after Jerusalem had allowed Hezbollah to fire rockets on its northern front for 11 months without taking any consistent major steps to force a change beyond limited retaliations.

It is noteworthy that in the days leading up to Tuesday of last week, both Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant made public statements about elevating the push to return Israel's northern residents to their homes to become one of the primary missions of the current war.

This came after Gallant declared Hamas's last of 24 battalions in Rafah defeated on August 21.

In other words, for the weeks and days leading up to last week, Israel was shifting its ground and air forces heavily toward the northern border after having focused most of them on Gaza since October 2023.

In this narrative, the exploding devices set the stage for sending Hezbollah reeling on its backheels, leading into the possibly even more significant attacks that the IDF has admitted to since Friday.

Without beepers and cell phones to communicate, suddenly, Hezbollah Radwan special forces commander Ibrahim Aqil and around 20 of his top sub-commanders needed to meet in person to develop retaliation plans.

Assassination of Aqil, barrage of rockets

When they did on Friday, the IDF killed Aqil and somewhere between 13 and 15 other critical sub-commanders.

Over Thursday through Sunday, the IDF carried out four major waves of attacks, wearing down Hezbollah's rocket launcher inventory by destroying over 500 rocket launchers and many thousands of rockets.

It is also noteworthy, looking back at Tuesday, that this was the day that the government and the Shin Bet convinced an Israeli court to lift the gag order on a year-old Hezbollah plot to assassinate former defense minister Moshe Yaalon.

Although there was a new recent plot connected indirectly to the old Yaalon plot, which was given as the excuse for rolling out the indictment relating to those who tried to kill Yaalon specifically on Tuesday, the timing was also potentially advantageous leading into the start of a major Israeli escalation against Hezbollah.

The Post has also learned that there were multiple stages in planning the beeper and electronic device explosive sabotage, some dating back years, and some dating back months, with both narratives having been reported by different foreign media outlets.

The discrepancy between the narratives appears to be a well-known intelligence dilemma.

For example, in the book Target Tehran, it was disclosed that the Mossad first hatched its plan to seize Iran's secret nuclear archives in 2016. However, these plans had to be altered based on changing physical and other circumstances in 2017.

The Post understands that different stages of the explosive devices operation necessitated critical adjustments to the plans at different points along the way, including some, as reported in foreign media, only around five months before.

There remains a discrepancy regarding how the explosions were carried out.

Most foreign reports have said that small amounts of explosive material were slipped into the devices by unidentified agents working at a shell company posing as part of a Hungarian company, which itself was licensed by a Taiwanese company, in order to produce and distribute the devices.

However, some sources have told the Post that the sabotage would be most likely doable by "playing" with the lithium in these devices, which any engineer of a certain level could do without any fancy cutting-edge cyber hacking capabilities.

These devices have a built-in balance of electrical resistance between two poles at a very high level. If the current is played with so it can only flow from one end to another, the resistance could eventually drop low enough to cause a short circuit between the plus side and minus side of the relevant battery, which could eventually explode.

Sources indicated that the tactics used in the sabotage against Hezbollah have existed for a long time.

Questioned whether Israel needs to worry about its enemies now attempting such attacks against it, sources indicated that this is always a risk any time a new capability is used publicly.

Many have noted that Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas have used Israel's once great dominance in drones against it to reverse engineer their own fleets of threats against the Jewish state.

Sources said the key was to always remain a few steps ahead of one's adversaries, such that there will be a defense or better attack that can overcome those adversaries if and when they attempt to reverse engineer an attack used against them.
Israel's entire existence depends on these guys being the top dogs.


In particular the US, as the head of Western civilization. So because you mention Israel will still there in a century, I'll give you some perspective.

A century = 100 years.

141 years is the time from where the British empire becomes victorious in Trafalgar (1815), becomes the world's sole superpower (1815-1940) and then suddenly realize they're no longer a superpower during the Suez crisis (1955). That's a very significant drop in power and prestige. A country that once control an empire in which the sun never sets, failed to perform against newly established Egypt.

Another perspective for you, an Edwardian era (1900-1914) boy who grew up watching something as complex as the Titanic getting launched from the slipway could only retired in bitterness when he reaches his elderly knowing that Russia, and not UK is the one's launching satellites and men into space.

By the 1960s, it's becoming clear that Europe is no longer in the game of top dogs. They're still a great power, but no longer globe spanning empires like they used to. Only the industrious America saves the West from its declining power vis a vis the Soviets. In fact it could be said, that America does all the heavy lifting to make sure the West stays supreme.

I don't what will happen in 100 years (2124), but whatever it is, it's very likely that the West's standing will not be what they are today. Because the top dog of this society (the US) and the Western society as a whole is on a decline. Every symptoms of a dying empire of the past (Romans, Persians, Arabs, Ottomans, Mamelukes etc etc) is clear for the eyes to judge.

You guys happens to tick ALL the characteristics of the age of Decadence :


So because you are already in the age of decadence. Israel, who depended on being parasite on Western society to advance its interest in the Middle East must've hoped that this age of decadence doesn't translate into collapse, because it eventually will.

Israel could cheer all they want but as long as they are not able to subdue the Islamic world to actually SINCERELY accepts their presence, they are living on borrowed time. And there will be no such thing as Islam accepting them, when our religion clearly defines them as the enemy of the faith.

The Taliban was once quoted as saying " You have the watch, but we have the time".
This is interesting topic. I am a fan of Glubb Pasha and find his theory interesting but human affairs are complex. Let's check some facts.

The British Empire had values in its homeland but lost its military strength and ability to hold foreign lands in World War Two and the much larger and strategically located US took its place to unite and rebuild the West.

The US stem from the American Revolution movement in 1775 when settlers in North America demonstrated cultural sophistication and the ability to handle the British Empire in open battles. The US proceeded to defeat other rivals in the region such as the Mexican Empire and numerous Red Indian tribes in an effort to expand its territory.

American history is also dark but American approach to global affairs is different from that of the British Empire. The British Empire did not grant much autonomy to colonies but the US allows friendly countries to create their own political setup and economy and is willing to fight for countries it finds valuable around the world. The first demonstration of this kind was in the Korean War wherein US-led forces fought to preserve South Korea.

The US became a world power when it defeated the Spanish Empire in war and liberated a number of Spanish colonies such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam in the process. The US also defeated Imperial Japan in the Pacific War.

Both the British Empire and Imperial Japan sought to colonize China and treated Chinese badly but the US did not expand war to China in the Korean War.

The American Empire has created a progressive World Order in comparison to the British Empire that is apparent in OECD. The US also support international institutions such as WB, WHO, UN, and IMF to help all countries in different ways.

So what we have as an alternative?

Soviet Union proposed a system wherein the state is supreme and has control on all aspects of life. Soviet nationals were lacking in freedoms that are found in OECD and the realization eventually set in. Related information in here.

China has a hybrid system wherein the state is supreme but it allows Chinese nationals to do business with all, grow, and have quality of life. But the state can apply control and enforce discipline in any province in the manner it see fit.

But Cold War between superpowers is an issue that warrants attention and careful foreign policy measures.

Decadence has become a global phenomenon due to different causes in different countries. Some countries are underdeveloped and have corruption due to elite capture and broken education system. On a broader level, there is a drop in understanding of religious teachings and the focus have shifted to politics. There is politics in everything and it creates differences instead of promoting understanding and balance. Cold War between the US and Soviet Union was another factor in promoting politics in Islamic countries that reduced unity and pit countries against each other to the benefit of those who were pulling strings from behind.

Allah Almighty have warned in Surah al-Isra that virtually any civilization that has corruption and arrogance can face hardships and fall. The British Empire homeland was civilized but oppressed others on a global scale - this system lasted 200 years but met its end in World War Two. But corruption and arrogance is a common theme in Africa, Asia, and South America. There is also much conflict in these regions, which is not surprising.

American values have certainly declined after World War Two and the US have made some controversial foreign policy calls such as in the case of Vietnam, Iraq, and Palestine. The US destroyed much of Vietnam in war before realizing that South Vietnam is not worth fighting for. The US had a straightforward and better rationale of overthrowing oppressive Saddam regime in Iraq but came up with the WMD rationale for intervention in Iraq - this was absolutely stupid and damaged American credibility. The US finds Israel valuable but does not have a solution for the ongoing Palestinian issue. There is more but I don't want to type a lot. The American Empire is not perfect or cannot satisfy all.

But the US has democracy and allow American nationals to innovate, grow, and have a point of view. American power also stem from its professional institutions that do not undermine each other.

So which country is better and will last, only Allah Almighty knows.

Allah Almighty disclosed in Surah al-Isra that the Children of Israel will regroup in the Middle East at some point after destructive wars that ruined them. WE can see this in current times.

So what is in the future?

Not sure TBH. Israel may (or) may not last. The US may (or) may not last. China may (or) may not last. Heck, do we know for sure that Pakistan and India will last? Anything is possible. There can also be catastrophic event(s) that might reshape mankind in profound ways in the years to come.

Allah Almighty disclosed in Surah Ad-dhukan that there will be age of smoke that will engulf mankind in the End Times. How this will come to pass remains to be seen. Global warming? Volcanic activity? Nuclear war? Comet strike?

So all should take stock of their beliefs and biases, and strive for better solutions while they can.
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Scientists also predict the same. And most likely, what killed the Dinosaurs will also kill mankind.
Our born is a random fact in whole world history.

From a statistics point of view: It was unlikely to be born 2 thousands years ago, because world population was so low.

We're alive when world population is suddenly very high.

Imagine a world with a future history of high world population (billions like today) over millions years, it would be likely to be born later than now.

But we're alive now, because world with high amount of population is unlikely to last much more.

Our born is a random fact in whole world history.

From a statistics point of view: It was unlikely to be born 2 thousands years ago, because world population was so low.

We're alive when world population is suddenly very high.

Imagine a world with a future history of high world population (billions like today) over millions years, it would be likely to be born later than now.

But we're alive now, because world with high amount of population is unlikely to last much more.

UN human rights chief calls pager, radio attacks in Lebanon 'war crime'
Volker Cuck says attacks 'unleashed widespread fear, panic and horror among people in Lebanon, already suffering in an increasingly volatile situation'



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