Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

The only reason India hasn’t replicated another Bangladesh scenario in Baluchistan is that Baluchistan doesn’t share a border with India. However, as India grows financially and militarily stronger, you’ll likely see increasing Indian involvement in Baluchistan, similar to what happened in East Pakistan in 1971.
Nuclear deterrence doesn’t affect the Indian psyche the way it does in the West. In fact, it tends to provoke India rather than restrain

Your don't have a border with Baluchistan and never will lol

India had two decades of USA security umbrella with access to Baluchistan, they already had every economic advantage 😂
and guess what they were passengers watching events unfold there as soon as USA changed course in Afghanistan.... another so called civilizational link lost... again 😂

Just like in Bangladesh now

As big as your GDP might get Pak will always live rent free 😂 forgot about Pak, worry about china china china
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He created a mockery of his own statement by mentioning Pakistan. If he had simply suggested that Bangladesh should develop nuclear weapons, he would have been taken more seriously.

He only said whats true.
BD cannot develop own nuclear weapons, its unrealistic and frankly nobody in BD Security establishment thinks its an option either. So its natural to broach ideas about defence cooperation with Pakistan - a nuclear armed nation, which may provide some degree of deterrence.
He only said whats true.
BD cannot develop own nuclear weapons, its unrealistic and frankly nobody in BD Security establishment thinks its an option either. Some for of defence cooperation with Pakistan - a nuclear armed nation, may provide some degree of deterrence.
If the bengalis were truly serious do you think they would start blabbing like this to the world to reveal their plans

Pakistan would in reality not even entertain the idea of proliferating... openly like this

You would want Pakistan to risk it's nuclear status 🤔

This statement is to wind Indians up, that being said, anything done people to people and institution to institution should be embraced
He only said whats true.
BD cannot develop own nuclear weapons, its unrealistic and frankly nobody in BD Security establishment thinks its an option either. So its natural to broach ideas about defence cooperation with Pakistan - a nuclear armed nation, which may provide some degree of deterrence.
Any country can develop nuclear weapons if it is prepared to face sanctions and even military interventions. not every country is India and China, which are both capable of defying sanctions and are militarily strong enough to deter intervention.
Damn these Indians have a huge chip on their shoulders, mention Pakistan and Bangladesh together and these chimps start to have a meltdown, last 2-3 pages were funny.
But it's China they need to worry about, it's china who is the peer competitor yet yet turning Maldives around a bit is a big success lol

This thinking of picking on the smaller enemy is not just present on this corner of the internet, an Indian general was proposing that to fix Bangladesh India had to fix Pakistan first...
ROFL at thread :rofl:

Though I was reluctant for any military pact in the past, but given the present and future security challenges, we may have little option. Rest assured, New Delhi will not change its policy of non-interference in Bangladeshi affairs. I mean, that witch is till instigating violence and instability here as we speak while sitting comfortably in New Delhi.

Over time, we can get into a security pact with a powerful nation. And then possibly discuss with Islamabad. May be hold some joint military exercises in the future. Right now, we need intelligence gathering so that we can take appropriate actions to ensure our security. In line with escalation protocols in place, the question of nuclear deterrence can come later should New Delhi continue its aggressive and brazen policies.
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Both BD and Pakistan have serious internal issues at the moment and they best focus on that, although Pakistan admittedly has to keep Indian ambitions over Kashmir in check.

The idea of any kind of "confederation" or "nuclear umbrella" between 2 countries separated by India and wildly different cultures is for the birds. It did not work in 1947-1971 and there is no reason it will work now.

However in 10-15 years from now the Muslim nations may start the process of economic and military alignment but that is a discussion for the future when the Zio-west no longer rules the roost and so new opportunities open up for Muslim nations.
Damn these Indians have a huge chip on their shoulders, mention Pakistan and Bangladesh together and these chimps start to have a meltdown, last 2-3 pages were funny.

That's why they are a danger, THATS what Jinnah saw and foresaw and why he realized a united India would be such a disaster

They were humiliated for a thousand years and have a massive chip on their shoulders
Over time, we can get into a security pact with a powerful nation. And then possibly discuss with Islamabad. May be hold some joint military exercises in the future. Right now, we need intelligence gathering so that we can take appropriate actions to ensure our security. In line with escalation protocols in place, the question of nuclear deterrence can come later should New Delhi continue its aggressive and brazen policies.

The writing is on the wall, Zionism is going to become extinct sooner or later. It is only a matter of time. The West will remain an important pillar in the globe.
How do you stop aggression? Border killing to water terrorism.

You have witnessed last 15 years that nawajish ghulami relationship didn't save Bd from aggression. It was on the way to become another sikkim.

It was a blessing that we rescued Bd before it was too late.

Look we are in a tight position. "You will be damnd if you do, and damnd if you don't do." I rather do something than nothing. It was time we take bold decisions.

Thats such a laughable analysis.

Till few years back India and Pakistan used to have regular artillery firing at LOC. Nukes didn't stop those massive skirmishes, so why do you think a third country's nuclear umbrella will stop our BSF from shooting the Bamgladeshi fence jumpers.
Thats such a laughable analysis.

Till few years back India and Pakistan used to have regular artillery firing at LOC. Nukes didn't stop those massive skirmishes, so why do you think a third country's nuclear umbrella will stop our BSF from shooting the Bamgladeshi fence jumpers.
In fact, there is not a single country in South Asia where the Indian military has shown aggression, except for Pakistan. As I mentioned earlier, nuclear rhetoric has only made Pakistan more vulnerable to Indian aggression. What deters wars between India and China is bilateral trade, and similarly, what prevents conflict between India and Bangladesh is also bilateral trade and diplomatic relations between the governments.
Thats such a laughable analysis.

Till few years back India and Pakistan used to have regular artillery firing at LOC. Nukes didn't stop those massive skirmishes, so why do you think a third country's nuclear umbrella will stop our BSF from shooting the Bamgladeshi fence jumpers.

Because skirmishes are one thing and potential fullscale invasion and destruction of a country is a whole another thing.

No doubt BD has to do 99% of the job here by own. Any alliances are only there to assist in extremely difficult situations. The day to day defence will be 100% Bangladeshi job.

This whole thing can be summarized by saying that its time for BD to finally let go of the events that took place in 1971 and look to the future. Its time for BD to realize that its a nation of almost 200 million people and not a miniputt nation like Bhutan who can be toyed with by India.

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