Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

China has territorial disputes with India in the very same region. And India is significantly vulnerable in that area, with their chicken neck corridor.
Then, get ready to watch Chumbi Valley and Lhasa fall! These locations are well within the sights of Indian forces. Just a strategic placement of artillery atop the heights of Sikkim and Doklam would obliterate them. You might be surprised to learn that it's actually easier for India to push into the Chumbi Valley than for China to intrude into Siliguri corridor. The reasons? Lower altitudes, dense coniferous forests that can conceal troop movements, and multiple river valleys flowing from both the Indian and Bhutanese sides, offering ideal ingress routes. The Chumbi Valley is a narrow, wedge-shaped area between India’s Sikkim and Bhutan. Its confined geography makes large-scale troop movement difficult, with limited space to maneuver, especially in the face of artillery and airstrikes.
Then, get ready to watch Chumbi Valley and Lhasa fall! These locations are well within the sights of Indian forces. Just a strategic placement of artillery atop the heights of Sikkim and Doklam would obliterate them. You might be surprised to learn that it's actually easier for India to push into the Chumbi Valley than for China to intrude into Siliguri corridor. The reasons? Lower altitudes, dense coniferous forests that can conceal troop movements, and multiple river valleys flowing from both the Indian and Bhutanese sides, offering ideal ingress routes. The Chumbi Valley is a narrow, wedge-shaped area between India’s Sikkim and Bhutan. Its confined geography makes large-scale troop movement difficult, with limited space to maneuver, especially in the face of artillery and airstrikes.

Ok, seems like you know everything

But nothing will be done ...... ever

It's better to stay quiet than draw attention to your inaction
Bangladesh should develop a defense pact with China. Thats honestly the most reliable deterrent. Why? B/c even though Pakistan may wish to come to Bangladesh's aid, I'm not saying its impossible to help, but there are geographic challenges.

Which China its different, China is far closer regionally and itself a hegemon.

A trilateral cooperation arrangement, similar to the one South Korea, Japan and the US have against North Korea. Could potentially be employed with Pakistan, Bangladesh and China.

That trilateral cooperation would ensure a decisive deterrent against India, as any move on Bangladesh would end up with then losing all land Essentially East of Bihar, even West Bengal has a significant Muslim Minority.

The moving of the front eastwards also complicates things for them on the western front, they are going to have quite a bit of difficulty fighting a 2 from conflict.

They are a lot more vulnerable that what the hindutwa internet Keyboard "warriors" will have you believe, with them threatening to invade Bangladesh b/c they their preferred candidate is not ruling the country.
Turkey is in no position to lecture anyone, let alone India. Your economy is a disaster. Inflation’s skyrocketing, and the lira? It’s crashing harder than your government's credibility. People can barely afford basic goods, but you want to talk tough? Fix your broken economy first before you even think about stepping into a heavyweight ring with a country like India, where our economy’s on the rise, and we’ve got real global influence.

And let’s not forget your Kurdish problem. Decades of fighting the PKK, and you’re still stuck in the mud. You really want to provoke India? Don’t be surprised when we start supporting Kurdish factions—you think we don’t have the reach or the capability to make that a reality? We’ve got diplomatic and military clout to turn your little insurgency into a full-blown civil war if you push us. And believe me, it’ll hurt a lot more than any hypothetical alliance you’re daydreaming about.

Speaking of your neighbors, how’s it feel being surrounded by countries that can’t stand you? Greece, Cyprus, Armenia—they all have axes to grind with Turkey, and guess what? India has excellent relations with all of them. We could ramp up our support to those countries and watch you scramble. Think you can handle the pressure? You’re already stretched thin trying to play tough in Syria and Libya. One more front, and Turkey’s going to buckle, and India’s perfectly capable of making that happen.

And don’t even start with NATO. You’re the black sheep of the alliance, barely tolerated after pulling your S-400 stunt with Russia. The U.S. isn’t happy with you, and Europe’s sick of your antics. India, on the other hand, is tightening its defense ties with the U.S., France, and Israel. If you think you’re untouchable because of NATO, you’re sorely mistaken. We’ve got enough influence to turn that little arrangement of yours into a liability.

So, before you come at India with this fantasy of a China-Pakistan-Bangladesh alliance, take a good hard look at Turkey. You’re standing on shaky ground, and if you try to poke the bear, we’ll turn your internal issues into a full-blown firestorm.
In 1971, India's defense budget was only double that of Pakistan, and its economy was three times larger. Today, India's economy is 12 times bigger, and its defense budget is 10 times larger than Pakistan’s
It must hurt alot then to get slapped like a hoe to the IAF, remember 2019. Troll and you'll get that treatment in return.
In 1971, India's defense budget was only double that of Pakistan, and its economy was three times larger. Today, India's economy is 12 times bigger, and its defense budget is 10 times larger than Pakistan’s. On top of that, India now has a robust domestic military-industrial complex and space program, which didn’t exist in 1971.
Yet you are still observing your own influence diminish in your region 😂

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, is Maldives ok with you guys, can't remember 😂
And let’s not forget that iconic moment when your army chief was shivering and couldn’t even stand straight in front of the press, practically shaking in his boots. The whole world saw it

We should worry about your mental state
India isn't helping anyone, it doesn't have the capacity that China has for wealth input and investment.
Oh, so India doesn’t have the capacity to help anyone, huh? When Sri Lanka was drowning in its worst financial crisis, who stepped up with a $4 billion aid package? It wasn’t China, that’s for sure. India was the one that came through, providing emergency loans, fuel, food, and medicines to keep their economy from completely collapsing. Meanwhile, China, the so-called "economic powerhouse," sat on the sidelines, offering nothing but empty promises and debt traps.

While China’s Belt and Road projects left Sri Lanka sinking under massive debt, it was India that provided real, tangible assistance when the country needed it the most. So don’t come talking about "wealth input" when China’s investments are more about trapping nations in loans they can’t repay, unlike India, which stepped in and provided genuine relief. Maybe learn the facts before throwing around baseless claims.
If this idiot is teaching - no wonder our students are behaving like thugs.

Teacher is a thug!!

What are your credentials?

What made him a thug?

So, Bdian are thugs because they are anti Bharti.

Which side are you on?
We should worry about your mental state

Relax, he is having a meltdown.

What are your credentials?

What made him a thug?

So, Bdian are thugs because they are anti Bharti.

Which side are you on?

Is he Bangladeshi? I have no idea of this user's background but couldn't help wonder.

Maldives. Less than 300sq km

India. More than 3 million sqkm.

The people here are missing the guy's point, Bangladesh does not need to develop its own nuclear weapons, for Bangladesh to have nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

There is something called Nuclear Weapons Sharing.

NATO currently has 5 Nuclear States(TURKEY, ITALY, GERMANY, NETHERLANDS, AND BELGIUM) that did not build their own Nuclear weapons, but have Nuclear weapons in their countries placed and even have their air forces trained for dropping nuclear weapons as part of joint operations with the United States.

Similarly Belarus is in the process of acquiring Nuclear Weapons and having their air force pilots trained to deploy them, if need be.

Saudi Arabia has been alleged to have a similar clandestine agreement for warheads with Pakistan.

This is the sort of arrangement the man is referring to, either that or Pakistan strategic forces with Nuclear weapons being deployed to Bangladesh.

Not actually making your own reactors and plutonium and building the bombs etc etc.
You are suggesting a South Asian NATO between Pakistan and Bangladesh. Wow,, Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives should also join. All coming together should be able to destroy evil India . ..

Pakistan should send nukes to Bangladesh immediately without delay
The people here are missing the guy's point, Bangladesh does not need to develop its own nuclear weapons, for Bangladesh to have nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

There is something called Nuclear Weapons Sharing.

NATO currently has 5 Nuclear States(TURKEY, ITALY, GERMANY, NETHERLANDS, AND BELGIUM) that did not build their own Nuclear weapons, but have Nuclear weapons in their countries placed and even have their air forces trained for dropping nuclear weapons as part of joint operations with the United States.

Similarly Belarus is in the process of acquiring Nuclear Weapons and having their air force pilots trained to deploy them, if need be.

Saudi Arabia has been alleged to have a similar clandestine agreement for warheads with Pakistan.

This is the sort of arrangement the man is referring to, either that or Pakistan strategic forces with Nuclear weapons being deployed to Bangladesh.

Not actually making your own reactors and plutonium and building the bombs etc etc.
You know, those nukes are NOT in the control of host countries but in control of USA. Only exception is UK. If Pakistan were to deploy its nukes in Bangladesh under similar terms the problem will be back again. What will ensure that Pakistan will actually retaliate to a conventional attack on Bangladesh with nukes, even if those were stationed in Bangladesh?

Will Pakistan risk itself to be destroyed to protect Bangladesh?
You know, those nukes are NOT in the control of host countries but in control of USA. Only exception is UK. If Pakistan were to deploy its nukes in Bangladesh under similar terms the problem will be back again. What will ensure that Pakistan will actually retaliate to a conventional attack on Bangladesh with nukes, even if those were stationed in Bangladesh?

Will Pakistan risk itself to be destroyed to protect Bangladesh?

Why are you entertaining obvious wet dreaming trolls!

Don’t be their oxygen!!!

They are behaving like 13 year olds who have discovered pron!!

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