Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

Oh, so now we need to hear from a Turkish guy about capacity? That’s pretty amusing. The same Turkey that’s constantly juggling economic crises, inflation spiraling out of control, political instability, and unresolved internal issues? The same country that’s trying to play both sides in international politics but keeps getting stuck in the middle, not really belonging fully to either the West or the East? You’re really trying to lecture India—seriously?

Let’s not forget, Turkey’s foreign policy has been a masterclass in how to isolate yourself, from strained relationships with neighbors in the Middle East to falling out with long-term allies. The occasional saber-rattling might feel good, but maybe focus on solving your own issues before worrying about whether India has the capacity to help its neighbors.

India, by the way, doesn’t need validation from countries that are struggling to maintain relevance on the world stage. We’ve built relationships based on trust, shared history, and mutual respect, not just throwing money around and hoping it sticks. When we step up, it’s to help, not to pull countries into debt traps. And while you might be obsessed with population sizes and think that’s all it takes to exert influence, we prefer building lasting relationships. Maybe that’s something Turkey could learn a bit about.

So before you get too confident about lecturing India, maybe take a moment to reflect on where your own country stands. We’ve been managing our region and helping our neighbors long before you were trying to balance your geopolitical identity crisis.

This dude is funny, I'm discussing a topic that has nothing to do with Turkey, and this guy can't seem to keep Turkey out of his mouth.

If some guy from Botswana wrote the same thing about India, would you start attacking Botswana? lol, and how would that counter any point raised? lol
The warheads in Belarus are mounted on Belarussian aircraft, similar to the NATO states with NWS, if the nuclear weapon is put on a Turkish aircraft(in this case, the F-16) with a turkish pilot, its joint control at the very least.
As far as Russia goes, there is a reason why Russia is the most sanctioned country right now. So it is already dealing with effects of what will happen if sanctions hit. Its currently isolated from anything west has. For bangladesh, this will be disastrous to say the least.

And for Turkey, the warheads can only be loaded in F-16 upon authorization from USA because PAL needed to make that warhead working is only under control of USA. Without that its useless. During peacetime, the weapon is also secured by US forces.

During wartime only when US president authorizes release of the warhead, the PAL can be used to activate the bomb and then given to the NATO partner to use in war.

So no, hosting country can not use the weapon as per its wish. The weapon is in full control of USA.

Pakistan would not need a base as big as germany, what you would need are Submarines docking rights in a naval base, coupled with airbases and hardened silos.
If Bangladesh and Pakistan hypothetically go in a NATO like alliance, Pakistan will need to have military presence in Bangladesh to host nukes. Airbases with PAF soldiers, Naval base with PN SSBN with nuclear weapons (which Pakistan does not have btw), and Pakistan Army with nuclear missiles. It is quite huge presence.
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I mean if there is an alliance with Bangladesh it is basically a reversion to Pakistan's position in 1971 geopolitically, akin to something like federalism, something that was proposed before the war, essentially deleting all of India's gains in Bangladesh, or atleast severely diminishing the gains.
If Bangladesh wants to go back to that status, it will be undoing of their independence. Pakistan will then also require share in Bangladesh's revenue. Why will it do it for free? Are Bangladeshi ready to become Pakistani again? Highly highly doubtful.

Also don't know why you keep mentioning afghanistan, its not gonna happen, India doesn't even recognize the taliban, you are just saying that to be contrarian. lol
India has been hand in glove with Taliban. R&AW has been pretty close to them. And yes, in the world where Bangladesh joins back Pakistan, India will provide nukes to Afghanistan to threaten Pakistan.
India wouldn't attack, its suicidal to attack the nuclear forces of another country.
If Pakistan and Bangladesh were entering in a public nuclear weapons sharing relationship, India will indeed attack and force Bangladesh abandon it.
I don't see India giving any nuclear weapons to the Taliban, it would end in disaster potentially for them with Indian warheads being in play in central asia or even Kashmir. The Talibs are not a state that India even recognizes, very unlikely.
You do realize Taliban gets quite a bit of help from R&AW. And indeed it will be disaster for central Asia. Kashmir? Highly doubtful. Why will Talibs piss off India if they are providing them means to ward off Pakistan? And what do Talibs get out of Kashmir anyway?

Besides, if Talibs get Indian nukes, they will need Indian technical help and material to maintain warheads. Explosive lens in warheads need to be replaced. Boosting gas (Tritium) has half life of 12 years or so and needs to be replaced to keep warhead viable. India can ensure that Talibs will need India every 4-5 years to ensure the warheads are in fine working order.

But yes, central Asia will be in mess. There is a reason why all world powers hate proliferation of nukes. They destablize military equations. Thats the reason why any kind of nuke sharing by Pakistan will invite sanctions. Because if they allow Pakistan Bangladesh nuke sharing, India will do the same and then it opens Pendora's box. Next you will know that Armenia gets nukes from India to push back against Azerbaizan. After all if Bangladesh gets nukes from Pakistan, why not Armenia?

This is the reason all world powers will fight tooth and nail to avoid nuclear proliferation.
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If Bangladesh wants to go back to that status, it will be undoing of their independence. Pakistan will then also require share in Bangladesh's revenue. Why will it do it for free? Are Bangladeshi ready to become Pakistani again? Highly highly doubtful.

India has been hand in glove with Taliban. R&AW has been pretty close to them. And yes, in the world where Bangladesh joins back Pakistan, India will provide nukes to Afghanistan to threaten Pakistan.

Lol, recognize the Taliban govt then, what are you waiting for?
China has started the delivery of modern subs to Pakistan.

China is training BD Navy in submarine warfare. A Submarine navan base is being built in Chittagong. There will be chinese subs coming to BD Navy.

Pakistan already have a submarine launched cuclear capable cruise missile. BD could be buying almost exact same type of Submarines that Pakistan is using, in the future.
This animosity between Bangladeshis and Pakistanis doesn't really exist, Outside of the Awime league and its patronage politics to India, there is no animocity, Pakistan and Bangladesh are not geopolitical rivals, their interests don't conflict, they are both South Asian muslims. Outside of the isolated incident around 1971, there is no real civilization or religious tension, not geopoltical tension, no matter how much the Indians hope there is for their own politics.

Infact there is tension with India over water, there is tension with the hindutwa in India and their defamation of bangladesh, tension over dehumanization of Bangladeshis in India. In terms of realipolitik, there is far more converging interests particularly for non Awami league Bangladesh with no patronage history with India.

Anytime you see Pakistan and Bangladesh getting close its the indians coming and screaming 1971, 1971, 1971, the people involved in that in Pakistan are long dead, even the ones in Bangladesh are long deal, this new generation has no such baggage in Bangladesh, furthermore there is quite a bit of sympathy of Bangladesh in Pakistan from what I have seen/observed. Particularly with Imran Khan and the PTI which acknowledged the mistakes of the past, so much so that they incorporated many of the same themes of the 1971 protest against the Army in their own political campaign.
China has started the delivery of modern subs to Pakistan.

China is training BD Navy in submarine warfare. A Submarine navan base is being built in Chittagong. There will be chinese subs coming to BD Navy.

Pakistan already have a submarine launched cuclear capable cruise missile. BD could be buying almost exact same type of Submarines that Pakistan is using, in the future.
Well, will you like Burma to have nuclear weapons too? That will be fun, right?
I guess they are waiting for Pakistan and Bangladesh to form an alliance. Countermove comes after move.

So a recognition of a state is dependent on India Pakistan relations. lol, you don't believe your own comments, you are just saying silly stuff as a contrarian point.
This animosity between Bangladeshis and Pakistanis doesn't really exist, Outside of the Awime league and its patronage politics to India, there is no animocity, Pakistan and Bangladesh are not geopolitical rivals, their interests don't conflict, they are both South Asian muslims. Outside of the isolated incident around 1971, there is no real civilization or religious tension, not geopoltical tension, no matter how much the Indians hope there is for their own politics.

Infact there is tension with India over water, there is tension with the hindutwa in India and their defamation of bangladesh, tension over dehumanization of Bangladeshis in India. In terms of realipolitik, there is far more converging interests particularly for non Awami league Bangladesh with no patronage history with India.

Anytime you see Pakistan and Bangladesh getting close its the indians coming and screaming 1971, 1971, 1971, the people involved in that in Pakistan are long dead, even the ones in Bangladesh are long deal, this new generation has no such baggage in Bangladesh, furthermore there is quite a bit of sympathy of Bangladesh in Pakistan from what I have seen/observed. Particularly with Imran Khan and the PTI which acknowledged the mistakes of the past, so much so that they incorporated many of the same themes of the 1971 protest against the Army in their own political campaign.
Thing is, till now we do not know what kind of shape Bangladesh's foreign policy is going to take. Right now it is in a political limbo. Infact, we do not know who the hell is Bangladesh's backer in post Awami league scenario.

There are strong indications that it is USA. If that is true, it is more likely that a US military presence may be in the cards, with a view to control Bay of Bengal for obvious reasons: China and India.

As far as Bangladesh and Pakistan go, to be honest both are way too weak of nations to play this big boys game of geopolitical chess and military alliances. They can be pieces in other's big games but they do not have ability to play the games on their own terms.

Last but not the least, neither of the countries have much to offer to other. I mean if B'desh has to take refuge from India, it would rather choose China or USA. Depending upon who is in power in Bangladesh.
So a recognition of a state is dependent on India Pakistan relations. lol, you don't believe your own comments, you are just saying silly stuff as a contrarian point.
Whats wrong in it? Many middle eastern states have started to recognize Israel after they have something to gain. Infact, India waited for quite sometime before recognizaing Israel. I do fully believe my comments. You do not seem to understand basic geopolitics.


The short answer: While India has not formally launched diplomatic ties with the Taliban, it has also avoided alienating the group since its return to power, in a bid to retain its presence in Afghanistan, analysts have said. A deterioration in ties between the Taliban and Pakistan has helped India’s gambit. But New Delhi risks losing goodwill among a generation of Afghans that had viewed it as a supporter of education, democracy and human rights.

India is balancing its relationship with Talibs and some existing Afghanis who are anti Taliban in India itself and in Afghanistan.

Diplomacy is a delicate dance. If forced, India will move further in working with Taliban.
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This animosity between Bangladeshis and Pakistanis doesn't really exist, Outside of the Awime league and its patronage politics to India, there is no animocity, Pakistan and Bangladesh are not geopolitical rivals, their interests don't conflict, they are both South Asian muslims. Outside of the isolated incident around 1971, there is no real civilization or religious tension, not geopoltical tension, no matter how much the Indians hope there is for their own politics.

Infact there is tension with India over water, there is tension with the hindutwa in India and their defamation of bangladesh, tension over dehumanization of Bangladeshis in India. In terms of realipolitik, there is far more converging interests particularly for non Awami league Bangladesh with no patronage history with India.

Anytime you see Pakistan and Bangladesh getting close its the indians coming and screaming 1971, 1971, 1971, the people involved in that in Pakistan are long dead, even the ones in Bangladesh are long deal, this new generation has no such baggage in Bangladesh, furthermore there is quite a bit of sympathy of Bangladesh in Pakistan from what I have seen/observed. Particularly with Imran Khan and the PTI which acknowledged the mistakes of the past, so much so that they incorporated many of the same themes of the 1971 protest against the Army in their own political campaign.

If you use the strategem of Chanakya, the chief millitary adviser of Chandragupta Maurya. Then countries sourround a center power in layers of «cocentric ring».
According to this layering if youre the center power(layer 0): India, you support Afghanistan (a land in the 2nd layer) to put pressure on on a land in the 1st Layer: Pakistan.

So in BDs’ case India would use Myanmar to put pressure on Bangladesh.

But the main issue for India is that Afghanistan is under heavy Pakistan influence, plus they are essentially divided by a artificial border. So that didnt work and India was kicked out when Americans left Afghanistan.

In BD’s case, Myanmar also cant be used against BD because Myanmar is under heavy Chinese influence.

Which means India is Strategically isolated in the terrestrial domain.

Another interesting thing is that according to the same Model of Chanakya, Pakistan and Bangladesh is eachothers 2nd Layer countries.
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