Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

Yes exactly because fall of Bangladesh means the forces deployed to protect chickens neck and surrounding region can be easily deployed to Pakistan border increasing their own risk of existence.
I know it’s hard to comprehend with a brain running on uric acid from cow piss so try to stay sober and then respond professionally
Read my post #315.... Pakistan is just 1 third world country with nukes... its NO USA to provide Nuclear Umbrella or housing its nukes like US does in Turkey....
There is nuclear weapons hosting and there is nuclear weapons sharing. Only UK gets nuclear weapons from USA for its armed forces, while others only host them, weapons still under command and control of US forces with PAL codes under command of US forces.

And USA, UK and Russia are nuclear weapons states. Neither Pakistan and nor Bangladesh are nuclear weapons state. So yes, they will invite sanctions.

If Pakistan were to attempt hosting its nukes in bangladesh, formally, it is very likely that India will attack and destroy them using just conventional forces. If Bangladesh were to get them secretly that is not different than buying nukes from North Korea and it will be much better to buy it from North Korea because it will come with no strings attached and North Korean nukes are among the best tested and most mature ones outside of existing nuclear powers.

So yes, formal sharing under a NATO kind of treaty is mostly impossible due to sanctions and possibility of attack.

Whats more, if Pakistan does it anways, there is a chance India will also provide nukes to Afghanistan Taliban with short ranged missiles making life way harder for Pakistan.

Only real possibility for Bangladesh to get nukes is from north korea. It will get more mature and reliable weapons and with no strings attached.

BD will host and share Pak nuclear weapons. In unrelated development Papa Johns is entering BD will aggressive plans.
Look into recent developments after hasina’s downfall. That should answer your questions on bilateral trade and as for a threat similar to communism, look no further than the dream of a akhand bharat
If you want to argue, lay your cards properly or get lost. This "recent developments" bullshit makes no sense. Either point out exactly or shut up.
North Korea got their nuclear tech from Pakistan in exchange Pakistan got rocketry tech from them.
Initially yes, but since then NoKo has done way more tests and have exploded a device that was clearly a hydrogen bomb or at the very least a big boosted bomb. Their weapons are more tested and mature compared to anything Pakistan or even India has.
None of Indian trade is critical for us. Most of that 18 billion ended up in your coffers anyways thanks to Hasina. Don’t forget the 6 billion in remittance that your people used to earn up until now, that’s legal estimates no one knows how much gets laundered into India. What infrastructure equipment are you talking about because I don’t recall the Chinese having to buy Indian stuff to make infrastructure in bd as for raw materials, India has already started lowering prices because new government is sourcing from alternative countries. Don’t even get me started on pharmaceuticals because we are self sufficient on that department with medicines cheaper than in India. You’re talking about power crisis? Then how come I’m running my AC 24 hrs a day without having a backup generator at my home? I’m not even gonna entertain you anymore because your source of information is the Indian media which is laughable.

You asked why collab with a sinking ship? Well purely for deterrence reasons, they have nuclear capability and we will in turn help their economy by trading with them. I know as an Indian it burns you for seeing yourselves lose influence in a country that your people belittles and sees as inferior but I guess cope harder
Everything you just said is pure nonsense. Let’s break down your claims one by one. First off, you say none of the trade with India is critical? That’s laughable. Bangladesh relies heavily on Indian imports for raw materials like cotton for your garment industry, machinery, and food products. When India temporarily stopped onion exports, your prices spiked, and your government scrambled to manage the situation. So yeah, when Indian supplies stop, you feel it hard.

As far as remittances go, that $6 billion number you threw out is a complete fabrication. It’s a story made up by your own media to stroke the inferiority complex of Bangladeshis and make them feel important. The idea that Bangladesh is sending billions in remittances to India is laughable. India gets over $100 billion in remittances, most of it from the Gulf, US, and Europe. You guys make up these fairy tales just to seem relevant, but the reality is, it doesn’t even register on our radar. Keep telling yourself you're crucial to India’s economy if it helps you sleep at night, but the numbers don’t lie. It’s pure fantasy, and you know it.

You talk about infrastructure? Bangladesh is relying heavily on Chinese loans and contractors, but you’re basically selling your country out to China, falling into the same debt trap as Sri Lanka and Pakistan. If you think Chinese-built infrastructure is a win, just wait until the bills come due. Your economy isn’t strong enough to sustain the level of debt China is forcing on you.

Pharmaceuticals? You think you’re self-sufficient? Your pharma industry relies on raw materials from India and China. India’s pharmaceutical exports are a global force, and Bangladesh is a customer, not a competitor. You may have cheaper meds, it’s because your industry doesn’t have the R&D or quality control standards India does. Keep telling yourself you’re independent in that department when your industry is nowhere near the global scale India operates on.

As for your power situation, great, you’re running an AC 24/7. Congrats. But that doesn’t change the fact that your country has been facing significant energy shortages and load-shedding across various regions. You’re importing electricity from India to keep things stable, and that’s a fact you can’t deny. If we cut that, how long before the lights start flickering? Probably faster than you’d like to admit.

Now let’s talk about your so-called 'deterrence' with Pakistan. You’re banking on an economic partnership with a country that’s circling the drain financially? Pakistan’s nuclear deterrence is the only thing they have left, but their economy is collapsing, with inflation over 38% and the rupee in free fall. Trading with them isn’t going to help their economy or yours. You’re teaming up with a sinking ship, and when it goes under, don’t act surprised.

And finally, about losing influence? India isn’t losing anything. Bangladesh depends far more on India than we do on you, whether it’s trade, energy, or regional security. You’re playing yourself if you think otherwise. Your country’s future is tied to how well it navigates its growing debt with China and keeping basic necessities affordable for your people. So yeah, keep coping, because if the situation continues, Bangladesh’s 'rise' will be short-lived.

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