Drone Strike In Paktika

It was primarily the result of 'let's playing with cipher' drama. Once exposed, no one gives even shit to IK calls and appeals.

You are still obsessed with Imran Khan. All I see from you is Imran Khan 24/7.
You are still obsessed with Imran Khan. All I see from you is Imran Khan 24/7.
Yeah, because this lanat IK is still around and trying to harm Pakistan in any and every possible way.
India openly accepted that they carried out assassination attacks inside Pakistan "Ghuss k mara hai"" why you become pu%%y then? you like indian c___?
These attack doesn't server Pakistan but serve your lord America
Don't stress your brain too much with 'serve Amerka saar'. It might just burst.

The game with India continues as it always has via proxies. It requires a brain to see the difference between the two.
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Give it some rest now. The man is in a prison.
Sure, the law should take its own course. IK, a convicted criminal, should be deprived of all those perks given to him illegally by imra**u judges and his capability to spread/promote the hatred, violence, and falsehood in the country from his jail cell should be demolished completely. He should serve the jail terms as a normal convicted criminal.

But how about those youth**as who spread falsehood day and night. Should we all become silent spectators to all that? I think not.
what about TTP supporters inside Pakistan including IK and his followers.
He Is back. You seem like those unexposed people who grew up inside cantonments not experiencing what life is like for the average person. No one is an angel; not Imran or Munir or anyone.

At least we should be truthful with ourselves first. If a set of unelected Generals are calling the shots in the country ( including drone attacks elsewhere whether right or wrong) the call it what it is; a kleptocracy or communist setup or whatever and rename the core commanders conference to the Politburo Meeting for deciding the next episodes of previously made videos of politicians & judges.

This drone attack could be from Pakistan or an American drone from a local umannounced and undisclosed base.
Pakistan should have done the obvious many many years ago. Without any dictation and meddling from the US. You remember at the height of the WoT when the TTP was attacking Pakistan constantly? This isn't heroics and no one is fooled by it. This is all happening with the full consent of Uncle Sam. Now it is suddenly halal to attack Afghanistan.

We know exactly what the Americans always mean with their favourite phrase i.e. security partnership with Pakistan.

Yeah all of TTP's leaders during its height was killed by American drones.

Pakistan Army couldn't kill Hakeemullah
Do you deny that PTI supporters have been peddling TTP propaganda and at times openly supporting them though?

He is right. PTI supporters are like weak emotional little girls, especially the Punjabi leftist types that just cry, truly repulsive cringe people.

Before: PTM supporters peddle TTP propaganda

Now: PTI supporters peddle TTP propaganda

The constant U-turns is why no one takes the Fauj narrative seriously
I'm always down to blame the Americans but a lot of the times it has been our own establishment at fault.

Remember this was their genius lumber 1 IQ move that somehow strengthening the same group that sees you as their most extreme enemy that they are willing to die in the proccess to destroy, is somehow a good idea.

The establishment practically worshipped Afghans and had erotica fantasies about them. They taught the nation to also suck up to them. Boomer military-Afghan mullah alliance was real.

The alternative was an Afghan Oligarchy spearheaded by the likes of Karzai and Ghani. They would have open training camps for BLA to train in. They would also have safe houses in Kabul for BLA leaders to reside at. In the beginning of the insurgency in 2004, Karzai gave safe houses in Kabul to Bugti's sons.

Establishment saw that as the bigger threat than TTP. Establishment, as stupid as they are, sees TTP as "manageable" than BLA. However, you can't designate any of these groups as "manageable" because its like playing with fire.
Yeah all of TTP's leaders during its height was killed by American drones.

Pakistan Army couldn't kill Hakeemullah
Yeah but during that time Pakistan never had any decent drone arsenal of its own for 24/7 surveillance
He Is back. You seem like those unexposed people who grew up inside cantonments not experiencing what life is like for the average person. No one is an angel; not Imran or Munir or anyone.

At least we should be truthful with ourselves first. If a set of unelected Generals are calling the shots in the country ( including drone attacks elsewhere whether right or wrong) the call it what it is; a kleptocracy or communist setup or whatever and rename the core commanders conference to the Politburo Meeting for deciding the next episodes of previously made videos of politicians & judges.

This drone attack could be from Pakistan or an American drone from a local umannounced and undisclosed base.
Judged me enough or are any more assumptions still coming out of your closed mind ?

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