Drone Strike In Paktika

The game with India continues as it always has via proxies. It requires a brain to see the difference between the two.
Any official said it in press conference or in political rally? Any big achievements?
Probably because it didn't happen. There are no other reports, even from afghan social media who are almost always the first to report on any such incident.
Perhaps, I stand corrected.

Now that the same "unconfirmed reports" is being reported by VOADeeva, perhaps there is a chance there was a strike. Don't know how much credibility this PTM rag has.

No visuals from any side as of yet. I wonder why we don't post videos of successful strikes though, good PR value and preempts the other side claiming "civilians casualties" and then trending old pictures of dead children from around the world.
You have to understand where this sudden courage has come from. Pakistan is a country that was sleeping for the better half of the decade. Pakistan is a reluctant country most of the time. You will never see the Pakistani army attacking Afghan territory even when the opposite side has transgressed. Often the argument is that there are no winners. At best we see border closures for a few days. You ask yourself why suddenly such attacks are taking place. Wasn't TTP mounting attacks against Pakistan when the US/NATO were present in Afghanistan?

Ever since US/NATO left and made a deal with the Pakistani generals to look after Afghanistan you have suddenly seen an upsurge in attacks. This heroic fightback is due to Uncle Sam's permission. Uncle Sam has somewhat outsourced Afghanistan to Pakistani generals in their absence.

Just listen carefully to the spokesperson in the White House when speaking about the Pakistani army and generals. There is no more criticism. To the contrary, the Americans want to suddenly cooperate and work together. Now you understand what cooperation and working together means.
What you mean is that Afghanistan is no longer an American / NATO problem and Pakistan has to defend its border with Afghanistan on its own.

Afghan Taliban know this, that's why they're dragging their feet with addressing Pakistani concerns.
You have to understand where this sudden courage has come from. Pakistan is a country that was sleeping for the better half of the decade. Pakistan is a reluctant country most of the time. You will never see the Pakistani army attacking Afghan territory even when the opposite side has transgressed. Often the argument is that there are no winners. At best we see border closures for a few days. You ask yourself why suddenly such attacks are taking place. Wasn't TTP mounting attacks against Pakistan when the US/NATO were present in Afghanistan?

Ever since US/NATO left and made a deal with the Pakistani generals to look after Afghanistan you have suddenly seen an upsurge in attacks. This heroic fightback is due to Uncle Sam's permission. Uncle Sam has somewhat outsourced Afghanistan to Pakistani generals in their absence.

Just listen carefully to the spokesperson in the White House when speaking about the Pakistani army and generals. There is no more criticism. To the contrary, the Americans want to suddenly cooperate and work together. Now you understand what cooperation and working together means.
I will disagree here with you bro.
Pakistan needs to be cleared of militancy if we want to see the CPEC succeed and any meaningful FDI from private/multinational companies coming to Pakistan. The problem is that most of the terrorist attacks in Pakistan are planned in Afghanistan with many suicide attackers turning out to be the Afghan nationals. A friendly and cooperative Afghan government could have been engaged to quell these attacks and wiping out their perpetrators. For whatever the reasons, TTA has so far been unable to do that even though they keep claiming that their country cannot be used for launching attacks against Pakistan. We have no other option but take the initiative to pre-emptively attack the terrorists right there in Afghanistan.

The surge in such pre-emptive attacks by Pakistan that you noticed can have several reasons. To my understanding, the current military command is much more clear-headed regarding the scourge of TTP. Compare this with the cowards of likes Bajwa and Faiz Hameed who were more for appeasing those terrorists. And then our capabilities to track, chase, and hunt down the terrorists have increased many folds over the past few years.

Having said that, it is still possible that Islamabad might have come to some understanding with Washington regarding some goals to be achieved against terrorists in Afghanistan. Americans might have their own interests in Afghanistan, the most crucial one, of course, being that Afghanistan must not be used by global terrorist elements. I think, to that extent, our national interests overlap with those of China, USA, and all those countries that want to see this region having a durable stability. You can call it ghulami, slavery, or whatever. But in reality, elimination of terrorism from the region will be beneficial for not only this region, especially Pakistan, China, and even Afghanistan, but also for world at large.
For whatever the reasons, TTA has so far been unable to do that even though they keep claiming that their country cannot be used for launching attacks against Pakistan.
A) No such thing as TTA.
B) IEA dragging their feet aren't without reason. They are scared of giving more extremist factions the excuse of toppling them and/or joining ISIS. I would recommend watching this. Notice how he emphasizes on scholars. Taliban regime only legitimacy are these scholars since they have not been voted into power and neither does any country recognize them. The moment these "scholars" in their caves turn against Taliban, it's over for them. And these scholars fully back hosting TTP just like they backed hosting Osama after 9/11.

The only way forward for Pakistan is to stop trying to convince the Taliban to take action. They simply can't. We must go into Afghanistan and kill the TTP ourselves. Whether that be drone attacks or limited surgical strikes.
. The moment these "scholars" in their caves turn against Taliban, it's over for them. And these scholars fully back hosting TTP just like they backed hosting Osama after 9/11.

The only way forward for Pakistan is to stop trying to convince the Taliban to take action. They simply can't. We must go into Afghanistan and kill the TTP ourselves. Whether that be drone attacks or limited surgical strikes.
Why not take out few of those "scholars" too.....
Why not take out few of those "scholars" too.....
Turk hopes Taliban be taken out so Tajik/Uzbeks can make government.

One day a Mirasi's son asked his father, What will happen if the Chaudhry dies? Mirasi said, his son will become the Chaudhry. Mirasi's son again asked, What will happen if the Chaudhry's son dies? Mirasi said, even if the whole village dies, you will not become Chaudhry!
Turk hopes Taliban be taken out so Tajik/Uzbeks can make government.

One day a Mirasi's son asked his father, What will happen if the Chaudhry dies? Mirasi said, his son will become the Chaudhry. Mirasi's son again asked, What will happen if the Chaudhry's son dies? Mirasi said, even if the whole village dies, you will not become Chaudhry!
In which alternative world are you living? The Afgans are hell bent to destroy Pakistan even it means collaborating with Satan.....
After Drone, now a Airstrike!?
Baluch insurgents are a bigger threat to CPEC then TTP/AT. IMHO Afghan Taliban will be a real threat to us when they realize their potential and become guns for hire in the region. A true disrupter in the region, hired by the highest bidder. That is where nuisance value lies.
Baluch insurgents are a bigger threat to CPEC then TTP/AT. IMHO Afghan Taliban will be a real threat to us when they realize their potential and become guns for hire in the region. A true disrupter in the region, hired by the highest bidder. That is where nuisance value lies.
As mentioned above, their legitimacy lies solely with scholars who would certainly not approve of being hired guns for kaafirs.
We've got a 100 or so UCAVs now for fairly accurate pin point strikes. I'm just dumbfounded why we are not using them? Afghani have already killed 150k of our citizens via terrorism. Our citizens and armed forces are getting demoralized. Not responding to Afghani terror is unacceptable.

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