Economist explains why India can never grow like China


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Jan 11, 2024
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Not trying to troll but I have genuine curiosity as to why India can't match Chinese growth . Since they started about at the same starting point with India had better infrastructure, and less destruction from WWII. The country was spared from the ravages of WWII, When the British left they left a good education system, the treasury was full, etc. Man for man Indians are as intelligent if not better. I suspect it has something to do with the system. Here are Indian professor's explanations that make sense



Senior Member
Aug 2, 2017

Charlie Munger has a better explanation to it.

Indian is fabulous people, as capable as Chinese. I agree with it.

But the system has problems that are hard to fix.

The system, the poverty, the corruption, the crazy democracy.

And according to him, India problem is hard to fix.

Caste system, over population, assimilated the worst stupidities of democratic system.

It's hard to get anything done in India.

That is what I see in India too.


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Dec 22, 2023
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Will go through the video later but here is m2c.

India never invested enough in its human resources-education, healthcare, nutrition, sanitation etc- right from the, beginning with its corrupt, incompetent first PM Vishwachacha Nehru, continued through his equally corrupt and incompetent descendants and even now right down to Muddijee himself. Even if by any chance we do change course by the time we set things right, our demographic dividend will be over and we will face a declining population. We are destined to peak out at middle income mediocrity and so is the fate of Lanka and BD (although dear UKB dada @UKBengali may patriotically beg to differ). Pakistan still has an outside chance to break out although I wouldnt bet on it.



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Dec 11, 2023
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Why should we care so much if India is not growing as fast as should ? it's for Indians to solve.


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Jan 11, 2024
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Why should we care so much if India is not growing as fast as should ? it's for Indians to solve.
A richer and more self-confidence Indian is good for China No one wants instability, chaos, or poverty on your border


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Dec 11, 2023
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A richer and more self-confidence Indian is good for China No one wants instability, chaos, or poverty on your border
No, then they will start invading Chinese lands to fulfill their sick dream of greatness. Same happened to NE states, Sikkim, South Tibet and Ladka, they just grabbed the lands, the people there are related to Chinese Tibetans, have nothing to do with Indians ethnically, culturally and historically.
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Feb 9, 2024
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Jain Gujarati Marwadi oligarchs have all Indian political parties in their pockets. They are looting India.Rest of Indians are dumb.

Chinese government isn't under the control of its businessmen. It has executed billionaires in the past.

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