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Pakistan’s plan to buy Chinese FC-31 stealth fighter jets: Global Times


Nov 9, 2014

interesting, is this the real image of J31

You seriously ask this? o_O :oops:

This is totally fake and not even a J-31, in fact an old photoshopped image of a Su-57:



Apr 24, 2007
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Pakistan’s plan to buy Chinese FC-31 stealth fighter jets ‘win-win cooperation
Chinese media ,Global Times, SCMN and Indian media has confirmed that Pakistan has completed negotiation for buying FC-31 / J-31 from China . Soon number of J-31 will be announced . Pakistan got twenty of J-10 CE from China one year ago and did not try to get more as previously said that Pakistan will get 35 of J-10CE . This mean PAF has , probable diverted its plan and will manage remaining J-10CE money in paying for FC-31 jet fighters, .
So far current Pakistani ruler ( Establishment gang) has refused to give any big money to Zar-Shar (Zardari,Sharif) employees. So money will not be any issue to pay for FC-31/J-31 .
Nonsense article


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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An Block 70 F16 can go to 12,000 hrs ... this is why people need to be careful which comparing Chinese jets to western jets esp when people say chinese jets are cheaper.. they are not. An JF17C will cost $40 million, and that gives you 4,000 hrs, a F16 Block 70 is $65 million. So, the JF17C costs more per flying hour for the procurement cost alone.. ie an F16 is $5,416 per hour excluding operating/maintenance costs. The JF17C is $10,000 .....

Service life of Block 70 F16 is 12,000hrs : https://www.lockheedmartin.com/cont...ments/F-16/ClearedF16Block7072ProductCard.pdf

A Block 50 can undergo SLEP and go to 13,800 hrs (though there is a cost to perform the upgrade).

China is no USA in aircraft technology


Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
PAF has always proven to be less judicious with spending country's meagre foriegn exchange reserves.

Pak does not have the resources to maintain and operate the current fleet. These pipe dreams are only for domestic consumption. The former COAS Bajwa himself revealed the dire state of Pak defence forces' financial condition. Some keyboard warriors pretend like they know more about Pak defence than the COAS.
So you do? You don’t $hit about Pakistan. Go bark up some other tree and a cow cola.


Jul 1, 2024
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An Block 70 F16 can go to 12,000 hrs ... this is why people need to be careful which comparing Chinese jets to western jets esp when people say chinese jets are cheaper.. they are not. An JF17C will cost $40 million, and that gives you 4,000 hrs, a F16 Block 70 is $65 million. So, the JF17C costs more per flying hour for the procurement cost alone.. ie an F16 is $5,416 per hour excluding operating/maintenance costs. The JF17C is $10,000 .....

Service life of Block 70 F16 is 12,000hrs : https://www.lockheedmartin.com/cont...ments/F-16/ClearedF16Block7072ProductCard.pdf

A Block 50 can undergo SLEP and go to 13,800 hrs (though there is a cost to perform the upgrade).

According to Taiwan F-16V. The F-16V must undergo complete maintenance every 200 hours of flight.

The explanation from the Taiwan side is: Because PLAAF frequently invades Taiwan's airspace. Forced the F-16V to take off with a high load. As a result, the life of the F-16V fuselage was significantly reduced.

Usually, we believe that. "The long lifespan of Western aircraft fuselage" refers to its usual state of flying without weapons attached.


Jul 1, 2024
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Yes we know. You take pride in wife swapping as well, and making up bullshit stories about your forces heroics - from killing 300 kids to dodging AMRAAMs, to giving medals for false encounters, to the young Sikh kid throwing multiple PLA soldiers off a cliff during the 2020 border dispute. Stupid
This is not strange. Indians usually believe that in 2020, Indian soldiers killed 108 Song Dynasty soldiers. The list of 108 Song Dynasty soldiers was provided by Ming Dynasty novelist Shi Naian.


"The Indian army killed 108 Song Dynasty soldiers in GALWAN". List source.

PS: This is 霹雳火(nickname)秦明(name). He ranks 7th on the list of "Indians Killing 108 Song Dynasty Soldiers".


Indian friends may have seen 秦明 for the first time. But Indian friends must be very familiar with his weapons.

Try to understand India's logic: we can lose the war. But we cannot lose the keyboard.
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