Egypt Chooses Chinese-Made J-10C Fighter Jets, Rejects F-16 Upgrade

Some people cannot manage things well or understand the benefit of Egypt contracting for modern Chinese fighters instead of making consequential accusations and other press comments that express the young age of the one who said them.

First, Egypt requests special specifications for Chinese fighters to be effective against the American fighters that Israel possesses with the highest equipment.

Countries such as Pakistan benefit from the flow of the development program for the aircraft they previously purchased. For example, Egypt always requests that the fuselage be long-lived in Eastern aircraft. Let us remember together that when it requested the Chinese K-8E aircraft, it requested that the fuselage be 14,000 flight hours instead of 8,000 flight hours.

It requested that more composite materials be provided for the aircraft in the fuselage. The Chinese project at the time was the K-8 aircraft with a composite material ratio of 25%, while the Egyptian demands package included that this be 60%, in addition to other modifications that included 33 modifications.

The same thing happened with the fighters that Egypt requested from the Russians, whether MIG-29M or even SU-35 Egypt requested a complete modification of the SU-35 related to reducing the thermal and radar signature by increasing the proportions of composite materials in the structure and also reducing the weight. In other words, the modifications that Egypt requests for the fighters it requests from China and Russia benefit all beneficiaries. Even the Chinese statements at the Al-Ain Air Show indicated that China is working to meet Egypt's requirements for the advanced fighter it requests. Some may think that the matter is related to the J-10 aircraft, but in fact the package of Egyptian demands for the FC-31 aircraft project. The J-10 aircraft, the Egyptian demands with China are part of a negotiation program since 2022. Therefore, the matter is related to another project. So, a country like Pakistan will obtain the updates that China is implementing for the requests of the second customer, which reduces the cost of acquisition and development because it is being financed by the new buyer of the aircraft.
Let’s wait and see for official confirmation of Egypt actually placing an order. Egypt receives large portions of aid from US…and it would not be easy for Egypt to chart its own path independently while relying heavily on US and Arab states.
Western jets were all downgraded versions, the Russia stuff for the most part does not work/or work very well based on the combat record of Russian jets against western jets.
If memory serves right isn't this just a reenactment of previous Arab-israeli wars, Arabs go for soviet commies weapons like the 60s and 70s again because they can't convince USA to give them superior weapons like they give Israel.

If the weapon support is similar, the end result would be likely similar too.

China gonna have it's technology go against American tech in the Middle East once more, will be fun to watch again methinks.

Fun times...

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