Egypt International Airshow 2024


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Turkish Aerospace to showcase HÜRJET at Egypt International Airshow 2024

The HÜRJET’s advanced features and performance make it an attractive option for air forces looking to modernise their fleets with cost-effective and high-performance aircraft.​

by Darek Liam

August 3, 2024

in Aerospace, Defence Industry

Reading Time: 2 mins read

Hurjet light attack aircraft. Photo: Turkish Aerospace Industries
Hurjet light attack aircraft. Photo: Turkish Aerospace Industries

Turkish Aerospace has chosen the Egypt International Airshow (EIAS) 2024 to showcase the HÜRJET to the Egyptian Airforce and other air forces from Africa and the Middle East. The HÜRJET Jet Trainer is a cutting-edge, single-engine, tandem-seat aircraft designed for modern pilot training. It boasts superior performance, advanced avionics, and a wide range of capabilities, making it a game-changer in the aerospace industry. HÜRJET Jet Trainer is designed to replace aging T-38s as Advanced Jet Trainers (AJT) and F-5s as Acrobatic Team Aircraft for the Turkish Air Force.

Originally designed as a jet trainer aircraft, the Hurjet is a single-engine, tandem-seat jet equipped with modern avionics and high-performance components to conduct combat missions.

With integrated missiles and other munitions, the jet is reportedly suitable for “effective” air-to-surface missions.
“We are excited to display the Hurjet for the first time at Egypt International Airshow. This event provides an ideal platform to demonstrate the HÜRJET’s capabilities and explore potential collaborations in the region,” said Dr. Mehmet Demiroğlu, President and CEO of Turkish Aerospace.

The HÜRJET’s advanced features and performance make it an attractive option for air forces looking to modernise their fleets with cost-effective and high-performance aircraft. Equipped with an advanced mission computer and modern cockpit, the HÜRJET minimizes conversion time to Turkish Fighter aircraft. Its dimensions—45 feet in length, with a wingspan of 30 feet and a payload capacity of 2,700 kilograms—make it versatile and powerful. Successful test flights have demonstrated the HÜRJET’s impressive capabilities and potential as a top-tier training aircraft.

On its inaugural test flight on 25 April, the HÜRJET achieved an altitude of 14,000 feet and a speed of 250 knots, staying airborne for 26 minutes. With the last training flights after more than 80 sorties, it has reached 30,000 feet and 0.9 mach speed. This successful test flight demonstrated the HÜRJET’s impressive capabilities and potential as a top-tier training aircraft.

About EIAS 2024:

The Egypt International Airshow is the only event in Africa that unites defence, space, commercial, and business aviation sectors. Supported by the Egyptian Ministry of Defence, Egyptian Air Force, and other key entities, EIAS provides a unique platform for industry advancements and global collaboration.
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Although the aircraft is almost unlucky for many reasons, it has not entered service as a condition for its reliability within its country.

The limited ability to provide engines for export, unlike South Korea, which produces engines under license.

The lower performance compared to the FA-50 aircraft.
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The importance of the exhibition is to search for new offers to conclude several deals

Advanced light fighter training aircraft deal
New fighter deal to replace fourth generation fighters
Transport and tanker aircraft deal
Training aircraft deal to replace the GROB G115E aircraft

Replacing the Gazelle anti-tank version with a medium attack helicopter
24 maritime patrol helicopters
HALE/UCAV 8 aircraft
Attracting an offer for AEW aircraft to replace 8 E-2C aircraft
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TATV Spotlight - Egypt International Airshow 2024​

The Egypt International Air Show, which is set for 2-5 September 2024 at El Alamein International Airport, is aimed at being a landmark event for the African and Middle East next year, explained Thomas Gaunt, CEO of organiser Arabian World Events.

Spearheaded by the Egyptian Ministry of Defence, Egyptian Air Force, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Egyptian Space Agency, and EgyptAir, the 4-day event aims to accelerate industrialisation, digitalisation, and globalisation in the defence, space, and commercial aviation sectors in the region.
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Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI)​

Stand: G35

As a total solution provider in aerospace, KAI has been taking leading role in national aviation industry and security with successful development of KT-1 Basic Trainer, T-50 Advanced Jet trainer, FA-50 Light Combat Aircraft, KUH-1 Utility Helicopter and RQ-101 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Currently KFX program is under development.
Any news on your J-31 news and if not why not?
You must learn to calm down. You are not the one who determines the policy of Chinese arms sales or defense cooperation relations, and I am not the one who determines the Egyptian defense procurement policies. There is a cooperation program on the table and, according to the Egyptian demands, it will be implemented, and other than that, many Chinese companies will not participate in the exhibition, and because it is considered the most important air show in Egypt, it is natural that A number of means of aircraft purchases say: We are not in the conflict there, and I do not prove the validity of a point of view that is better than ours. You must be patient and calm. You either gain or lose from cooperation between the two countries, unless you are Israeli and hostile to Egypt, like some members. Therefore, you see any cooperation between Egypt and China against your interests. There is no hostility between us at all
You must learn to calm down. You are not the one who determines the policy of Chinese arms sales or defense cooperation relations, and I am not the one who determines the Egyptian defense procurement policies. There is a cooperation program on the table and, according to the Egyptian demands, it will be implemented, and other than that, many Chinese companies will not participate in the exhibition, and because it is considered the most important air show in Egypt, it is natural that A number of means of aircraft purchases say: We are not in the conflict there, and I do not prove the validity of a point of view that is better than ours. You must be patient and calm. You either gain or lose from cooperation between the two countries, unless you are Israeli and hostile to Egypt, like some members. Therefore, you see any cooperation between Egypt and China against your interests. There is no hostility between us at all

I only ask a question or better to say an explanation since you mentioned the initial claim, that was only brought up by you, some local Egypt media and so far not a single Chinese one … in fact I would be more than hoppy if Egypt would get rid of its almost IAF-like mix fighters and replace them with J-31, I only do not believe this claim since we hard similar rumours about Egypt getting J-10 years ago, then later the same fir JF-17 again and now fir the J-31 which is not ready yet nor dies this would fit to the way China makes foreign military deliveries. To think Egypt would get a license for a Chinese stealth fighter is per my understanding just nonsense.
The limited ability to provide engines for export, unlike South Korea, which produces engines under license.

The lower performance compared to the FA-50 aircraft.

Turkiye has its own turboshaft-turbofan Engine technologies unlike South Korea

Turkiye produced GE F-110 Turbofan Engines under license for decades

And now GE F-404 Engine
  • GE Aerospace F404 turbofan engines would be integrated into the HÜRJET program’s new variants
  • TEI would assemble, inspect, and test the F404 engines, and provide MRO services

And S.Korea dependent on USA-Europe-Israel in AESA Radar , EW Pod , Targeting Pod , Air to Air Missiles , Cruise Missiles , etc for T-50

on the other hand HURJET is using full of indigenous AESA Radar , EW Pod , Targeting Pod , Air to Air Missiles , Cruise Missiles , etc

HURJET is far better option for Egypt

Turkiye’s “Hurjet” FLIT/LCA Aircraft Chosen by the Spanish Air Force

Spain's acquisition of the "Hurjet" advanced trainer/light combat aircraft will be conducted through a barter arrangement. Under this agreement, Spain will receive 24 "Hurjet" aircraft, while Turkiye will obtain seven Airbus A400M transport aircraft in return

HURJET in Spain
The prototype of the TAI HURJET advanced jet trainer has arrived in Spain at Torrejon air base, near Madrid,

It is planned that the delivery of HÜRJETs to the Turkish Air Force will begin in 2025
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Turkiye has its own turboshaft-turbofan Engine technologies unlike South Korea

Turkiye produced GE F-110 Turbofan Engines under license for decades

And now GE F-404 Engine
  • GE Aerospace F404 turbofan engines would be integrated into the HÜRJET program’s new variants
  • TEI would assemble, inspect, and test the F404 engines, and provide MRO services

And S.Korea dependent on USA-Europe-Israel in AESA Radar , EW Pod , Targeting Pod , Air to Air Missiles , Cruise Missiles , etc for T-50

on the other hand HURJET is using full of indigenous AESA Radar , EW Pod , Targeting Pod , Air to Air Missiles , Cruise Missiles , etc

HURJET is far better option for Egypt

Turkiye’s “Hurjet” FLIT/LCA Aircraft Chosen by the Spanish Air Force

Spain's acquisition of the "Hurjet" advanced trainer/light combat aircraft will be conducted through a barter arrangement. Under this agreement, Spain will receive 24 "Hurjet" aircraft, while Turkiye will obtain seven Airbus A400M transport aircraft in return

HURJET in Spain
The prototype of the TAI HURJET advanced jet trainer has arrived in Spain at Torrejon air base, near Madrid,

It is planned that the delivery of HÜRJETs to the Turkish Air Force will begin in 2025


Things are much easier
Two years ago, the TechTalk Report website said that Egypt is negotiating the FC-31 aircraft
Last year, it also appeared in the media that Egypt is interested in
Buying 12 J-10 aircraft
And China at the time opened a credit line to Egypt for $2.5 billion in currency exchange between the yuan and the yen, and rumors spread at the time locally in Egypt that Egypt would receive $1 billion, including 12 J-10 aircraft and other weapons

Egypt, regarding eastern weapons, does not announce most deals except by agreement between the seller and the buyer, so the announcement process itself is with the consent of both parties, and when there is a leak from one of the parties to the deal, it has consequences
Since the Israeli media spoke about the Egyptian-Chinese negotiations, it is more credible because we are a hostile country
The subject of announcing arms deals is matters between the seller and the buyer France in the seventies The biggest advantage of French arms sales at the time was that they were in accordance with the wishes of the countries in the announcement, and among them was Egypt obtaining MIRAGE-5 aircraft through Libya And another with Saudi funding and the French knew full well that the trainees were Egyptians with Libyan passports.

What is being talked about is negotiations and a visit by the Commander of the Egyptian Air Force targeting negotiations for joint manufacturing and purchasing weapons for the Egyptian Air Force.

Most of the Egyptian deals with China are not announced, including a complete series of air defense systems, starting with Chinese systems such as the HQ-17AE to the HQ-18 and a complete series of missiles of all kinds, even laser cannons.

You are saying that we conveyed the news as it is regarding the FC-31 aircraft. Our enemy is the one who informed us.

We simply, in all circumstances, will announce the arms deals, but in advanced stages that cannot be cancelled. Also, because of what happened to the SU-35 deal, it may not be announced, and the matter is still in the negotiation stage, so why are so many dogs barking against this deal?

Published: 5:57pm, 12 Feb 2024

We come to the point of denial from the Turks, of course, because it is against their interests. They see that the aircraft is against their expected fighter project, so they are placing Egypt as a potential customer for them.

In addition to that Egypt is negotiating and implementing additional fighter deals in addition to the RAFALE fighters in light of Turkey's failure to implement the F-16 fighter development program and their failure to obtain the EURO FIGHTER TYPHOON fighters, meaning that Turkey's military capability is returning, so people like you are desperate to deny anything in favor of the Egyptian Air Force.
Regarding the purchase of a Turkish training aircraft, the Turks forget the basics of choosing fighters.

You came to say that Turkey produces turbofan engines, and I say to you that there is no Turkish turbofan engine for the HURJET aircraft, and there is no Turkish turbofan engine for the KAAN aircraft. No one envies intentions, dreams, or wishes, as Turkey is the reason for the failure of its export of the T-129 aircraft to Pakistan, the American engine.
And you will come back to tell me in the future, so the contract may be in the future. Regarding fighter engines, things are much more difficult than smaller aircraft engines or air-to-surface missile engines.
Turkey is taking advantage of European and American countries as a cheap supplier of components for them due to the cost of cheap global hands. The West now sees Turkey as a competitor And a commercial enemy, therefore, will stand against it.

Also regarding the HURJET aircraft engine, Turkey is negotiating with GE to produce the engine

GE 404 under license, and the company has a problem. When India requested large numbers of the engine, the American company informed it that it was only able to supply 20 engines annually of the GE F-404 model.

You have a problem. As long as you are talking about the future, it is a product that certainly makes it an area of ridicule. The other point is that commercial deals between countries are made according to long-term relations and exchange of interests. I myself found Turkish instructions to importers to leave specific products to import from Egypt, but there are other hidden matters. It is only a weapons deal that is a front for an arms deal or technology transfer in another field. I will give you a simple example. South Korea is a ring with Egypt in the field of technology transfer and prices in exchange for Egypt reducing its relationship, for example, with North Korea in the field of ballistic missiles in exchange for North Korea providing parallel and better technologies.

And why is it very difficult for Egypt to buy the HURJET aircraft because things are bigger than that? South Korea is actually American companies. The largest investor in the industry there understands the stock market situation. The truth is that the American side of the arms sales companies uses South Korea to sell weapons to Egypt. I will simplify it for you. Egypt, why is it contracting for the T-50 aircraft with an initial number of 70, then 10-30 aircraft, in addition to 36-60 FA-50 aircraft? Will Lockheed Martin give up on the Egyptian deal? The same thing with tanks. Why the K2 as an alternative to other tanks? Also, in return for that, pass the development program for 140 Egyptian F-16 aircraft and develop 1130+ M1A1 tanks and up to 3000 M113 armored vehicles. The Americans use South Korea as a front away from the US Congress and the Jewish lobby and its objection. The same thing applies to Egypt’s contracts with companies similar to MAN chassis and ammunition factories and the transfer of manufacturing technologies through South African companies and the German companies away from the current German government.

There is a contract with the Turks. I expect that Egypt will obtain ATMACA missiles and SOM missiles, simply produced by Turkey.
20 Engines per day, i.e. 6,000 engines per year, make Turkey give Egypt licenses to produce missiles in exchange for supplying engines to Egypt, because Turkey wants the production lines to operate economically for the engines to ensure that their price is always low for high productivity versus low European productivity. Therefore, Egypt’s production of 100 SOM missiles, 100 ATMACA missiles annually at least, or even double this amount, is a guarantee for the continuity of the Turbofan engine production lines as an alternative to the French TRI-60 engines. Therefore, the Turkish temptation is at low prices and open quantities without any restrictions. This closed the door on the Europeans in arming the Egyptian future surface-to-surface pieces. This is from the point of view of the Turkish salesman.

We come to another matter. Turkey is developing an engine for the UCAV Kızılelma aircraft. It is under development and testing, meaning that it takes a year or two to produce an engine with a capacity of 10,800 pounds for the aircraft. Of course, the Turks want Egypt to obtain the aircraft with the Turkish engine. The Turks have tempted the Egyptians by setting up production lines for Turkish military products for export to African and Arab countries. This is due to many factors. The Egyptian arms market itself is considered larger than the Turkish arms market itself. The cost of energy and the cheapness of the cost of global labor in Egypt are much less than in Turkey. Al-Sisi was able to reduce the standard of living of Egyptian workers to a low level, making Egypt the lowest paid for workers. Consequently, the cost of labor in Egypt is less, which made Turkey think about transferring 30% of Turkish clothing factories to Egypt and 8 jewelry and gold factories. Egypt is now considered the new China for Turkish and European manufacturers. The availability of energy, the availability of labor, a local market of 116+ million, and trade agreements with countries containing 3 billion people.
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In addition to that Egypt is negotiating and implementing additional fighter deals in addition to the RAFALE fighters in light of Turkey's failure to implement the F-16 fighter development program

Turkiye modernize its F-16 fleet with indigenous AESA Radar , EW System , long range BVR air to air Missiles

also Turkiye buys 40 new F-16V and 79 VIPER kits

better worry about Your Egyptian F-16s and RAFALEs without BVR Missile and land attack Cruise Missiles

btw HURJET is alternative to Korean T-50 for the Egyptian Air Force

FC-31 is another level ..... to compare with Turkish KAAN 5th gen Fighter Jet
Turkey's military capability is returning, so people like you are desperate to deny anything in favor of the Egyptian Air Force.

Turkiye has KAAN , HURJET , ANKA-3 , KIZIELMA manned and unmanned Fighter Jet projects

AKINCI strategic strike UCAVs

4 HAVASOJ airborne stand off jammer Aircraft project
and 270 F-16V modernization program

with S400 , SIPER , HISAR-O , GOKDEMIR , GURZ Air Defense Systems
and 700-1.000+ km SUPER SIMSEK , TAYFUN , CENK , GEZGIN Cruise and Ballistic Missiles

Turkiye's military capability is rising to become the best in the region
Only Turkiye can give this military capability to Egypt while USA-France dont seel even BVR air to air Missiles and land attack Cruise Missiles to Egypt
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You came to say that Turkey produces turbofan engines, and I say to you that there is no Turkish turbofan engine for the HURJET aircraft, and there is no Turkish turbofan engine for the KAAN aircraft. No one envies intentions, dreams, or wishes, as Turkey is the reason for the failure of its export of the T-129 aircraft to Pakistan, the American engine.
And you will come back to tell me in the future, so the contract may be in the future. Regarding fighter engines, things are much more difficult than smaller aircraft engines or air-to-surface missile engines.

10.000 lbf turbofan Engine is not a toy
Egypt and other muslim Countries can not produce even single cristical blade for gas turbine Engines

TF-6.000 and TF-10.000 turbofan Engine will power the KIZILELMA and ANKA-3 unmanned stealth Fighter Jets

if needed , 2 x TF-10.000 turbofan Engines can power the HURJET in near future

and 35.000 lbf turbofan Engine under development for the KAAN Fighter Jet

Also Turkiye has developed TS-1400 turboshaft Engine to power the T-129 Attack Helicopter and T-625 Utility Helicopter

so Turkish turboshaft and turbofan Engine technologies are not dream or not on paper

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And why is it very difficult for Egypt to buy the HURJET aircraft because things are bigger than that? South Korea is actually American companies. The largest investor in the industry there understands the stock market situation. The truth is that the American side of the arms sales companies uses South Korea to sell weapons to Egypt. I will simplify it for you. Egypt, why is it contracting for the T-50 aircraft with an initial number of 70, then 10-30 aircraft, in addition to 36-60 FA-50 aircraft?

What about AESA Radar , EW Pod , Targeting Pod , Air to Air Missiles and Cruise Missiles for T-50 ?

S.Korea doesnt have its own Systems to arm T-50

So USA-Israel-France never will sell BVR and Cruise Missiles to Egypt , if Egypt buys even T-50 from South Korea
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This closed the door on the Europeans in arming the Egyptian future surface-to-surface pieces. This is from the point of view of the Turkish salesman.

Turkiye is selling 230 military products to 185 Countries
The last one could be HURJET to Spain

Egypt doesnt have huge money .... Egypt is not rich S.Arabia
so Turkiye doesnt need Egypt but Egypt needs Turkiye

except Turkiye , Nobody gives critical technologies and sophisticated weapons to Egypt

We have seen how USA blocked Russian SU-35 Fighter Jets to Egypt

Egypt can buy only monkey model weapons from USA and France

such as
-- F-16 without AIM-120 BVR Missile and without land attack Cruise Missiles
-- RAFALE without METEROR BVR Missile and without SCALP Cruise Missile

The West never will arm Egypt against Israel
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