Egypt International Airshow 2024

Turkiye modernize its F-16 fleet with indigenous AESA Radar , EW System , long range BVR air to air Missiles

also Turkiye buys 40 new F-16V and 79 VIPER kits

better worry about Your Egyptian F-16s and RAFALEs without BVR Missile and land attack Cruise Missiles

btw HURJET is alternative to Korean T-50 for the Egyptian Air Force

FC-31 is another level ..... to compare with Turkish KAAN 5th gen Fighter Jet
Things are simpler than everyone imagines

Turkey How many F-16 aircraft have you developed and entered service with AESA radar in the Turkish Air Force? Zero There is no real product A product under development A product that has not been tested in local and international air battles or maneuvers is considered a risk

No product can be considered a real product unless it has served 2-3 years in the Air Force No one is naive You have not completed the F-16 development program with America until this moment The deal has not been completed And if you have a real national program to develop the F-16 Why are you running after the United States to develop 80 aircraft and buy 40 new aircraft with a very large number and with ammunition worth 23 billion, which is the price of buying 150 new Typhoon aircraft, it will be higher than the F-16 fleet even after developing it all

You always talk about the future being a reality and it has not happened and is still in the future Will you fight in the future? Greece has developed even this Moment 24 F-16 aircraft No one risks dreams or predictions or what will happen in the future to determine the fate of his air force

Egypt has a policy in purchasing aircraft. The aircraft must have served in the original air force and the HURJET aircraft is still in testing and has not entered service. There is not a single aircraft serving in the Turkish Air Force from serial production. Who would mortgage its fate?
The policy of reducing products globally depends on the level of technology possessed by the T-50 aircraft. Its performance is better than the Turkish HURJET aircraft and it was in the Malaysian tender with a partial technology transfer. However, the Turkish aircraft lost and until now the GE F-404 engine has not been contracted.

Egypt requested special specifications for the FA-50 aircraft and South Korea is working on developing it according to the Egyptian requirements. It consists of a light fighter with good performance. The HURJET aircraft has not yet completed a light fighter version. There are future plans, while the T-50/FA- 50 aircraft has more than 200 aircraft serving globally in more than one air force.

This does not mean that There is no cooperation with Turkey, but there will be cooperation in ammunition and after the equipment for the F-16 fighters because most of the fleet will serve 20 more years.

We explained previously that Egypt prefers to obtain new aircraft instead of developing old aircraft at a high cost, and this is the reason for not developing many American equipment regardless of political factors.

Why would I develop a bird like the F-16 for $30 million when I can buy a new aircraft for $50 million with performance equal to or better than the developed aircraft like the J-10CY?

Which is better for Egypt, developing 200 F-16 aircraft or a limited development of the aircraft and maintaining its operation and adding a new aircraft to the service that will serve 40 full years with good numbers? Egypt has third-generation aircraft like the MURAGE-5 that will be replaced by 50 J-10 aircraft and the F-16 fighters will be replaced by FC-31/RAFALE fighters.

Egypt has reasons for redeveloping the Egyptian Air Force by removing the American component to a large extent so that it will not be under any American restrictions. The United States has been providing since the end of 2013 Incentives for Egypt to return to American armament, but the American policy of armament provided to Egypt made Egypt insist on gradually removing American weapons and providing multi-source armament so that they would be under the control of another country again. The Turks do not understand some of the complexities of relations with South Korea. Egypt, the Koreans offered cooperation programs and technology transfer to Egypt with many advantages in exchange for Egypt reducing its military relations with North Korea. Egypt, for 20 years, refused unless Egypt changed its armament policy and its desire to restore African arms markets as an export market for Egypt, as it was in the eighties. It got rid of the South Korean competitor in exchange for a large sum. In addition, the Americans see selling weapons to Egypt through South Korea so that Egypt does not become completely Eastern in its armament, but rather using South Korea as a government to pass what Egypt requests in terms of weapons and technology. Therefore, the negotiations that took place over the years with South Korea and the understandings make it very difficult to back down from cooperation in the T-50/FA- 50 aircraft, in addition to some updates that are passed to the F-16 fighters. Which will be done locally without high cost

Things are simpler than everyone imagines
Things are not hostility, but a balance of interests, whether economic or military. I know very well that there is a future of great cooperation between Egypt and Turkey, and that thousands of Turkish factories will be transferred to Egypt, and even Turkish weapons production factories will be established in Egypt, and that there is cooperation in the reconstruction program for Libya between Egypt and Turkey, in that Egyptian contracting companies will say that they will obtain the implementation of works for Turkish companies in western Libya.
10.000 lbf turbofan Engine is not a toy
Egypt and other muslim Countries can not produce even single cristical blade for gas turbine Engines

TF-6.000 and TF-10.000 turbofan Engine will power the KIZILELMA and ANKA-3 unmanned stealth Fighter Jets

if needed , 2 x TF-10.000 turbofan Engines can power the HURJET in near future

and 35.000 lbf turbofan Engine under development for the KAAN Fighter Jet

Also Turkiye has developed TS-1400 turboshaft Engine to power the T-129 Attack Helicopter and T-625 Utility Helicopter

so Turkish turboshaft and turbofan Engine technologies are not dream or not on paper

I spoke clearly. Turkey did not produce the GE F-404 engine and does not have an engine for the KAAN fighter. There is a big difference between an engine with a thrust of 6,000 or 10,000 pounds for drones, the risk of using it is limited, and an engine for a fighter. All Turkish engines are with Ukrainian assistance, which enjoys great flexibility as a result of its war with the Russians. Egypt can easily buy the Bayraktar Kızılelma drone because the complexities of its engines are simpler than the engine of a fighter that serves 40 years. We do not deny that Turkey has started manufacturing engines better than Egypt, but this does not mean that we should be at the mercy of the Turks or even accept anything from them. Rather, things are done through international tenders. The best wins. Things in Egypt will change. The future will be better for the private sector in Egypt because the continuation of the current situation is impossible, and therefore competition in the arms markets will be greater.
What about AESA Radar , EW Pod , Targeting Pod , Air to Air Missiles and Cruise Missiles for T-50 ?

S.Korea doesnt have its own Systems to arm T-50

So USA-Israel-France never will sell BVR and Cruise Missiles to Egypt , if Egypt buys even T-50 from South Korea
You are provocative Turks and you think you are the center of the universe
South Korea has surpassed Turkey. It produces its KF-21 aircraft and it has actually entered service. Egypt also uses better equipment. It has French and Italian solutions in addition to the Korean ones regarding targeting warehouses and electronic warfare warehouses

South Korea is developing a version of the FA-50 aircraft with electronic warfare versions RA-50 and EA-50

You did not plan for it at all with the HURJET aircraft

Egypt did not accept the Korean AESA ESR-500A radar, the basic one for the aircraft, and it was rejected. There is an offer to integrate a radar derived from the Korean radar on the KF-21 aircraft and even an offer for the APG-83 radar
The matter is not over yet, but KAI plans loyal wingman role for FA -50

Starting from
we will develop a small UAV called ALE (Air Launched Effects), which will be integrated into the (KAI) FA-50 (Fighting Eagle). Once we have successfully proven the ALE concept and technology for high-speed and high-volume communication and Artificial Intelligence (AI), we’ll move into the second phase, with an AAP (Adaptable Aerial Platform), which will be bigger and have longer endurance than the ALE.”

To develop a loyal wingman version, but also a UCAV derivative of the FA-50

Simply put, South Korea has planned well to develop its aircraft and offers solutions. It is not like Turkey, which produced a targeting warehouse with Israeli assistance, but it is superior to itself

The French targeting warehouse, Talios, is advanced, and France is offering new developments to it that make it more superior to the alternatives
Turkiye is selling 230 military products to 185 Countries
The last one could be HURJET to Spain

Egypt doesnt have huge money .... Egypt is not rich S.Arabia
so Turkiye doesnt need Egypt but Egypt needs Turkiye

except Turkiye , Nobody gives critical technologies and sophisticated weapons to Egypt

We have seen how USA blocked Russian SU-35 Fighter Jets to Egypt

Egypt can buy only monkey model weapons from USA and France

such as
-- F-16 without AIM-120 BVR Missile and without land attack Cruise Missiles
-- RAFALE without METEROR BVR Missile and without SCALP Cruise Missile

The West never will arm Egypt against Israel


Everything you say doesn't interest us at all
It's clear that you don't understand anything Egypt has bought since 2013-2021
$70 billion worth of weapons Did Turkey get this number of weapons?
Turkey is not the only alternative to Egypt
Egypt has South Korea, China, India partially, and the Russians themselves

Everyone is talking about America banning Egypt from buying SU-35 aircraft
The aircraft are still Egyptian property Egypt has not announced that it has cancelled the deal Egypt has not announced that it sold them The Russians have not announced that they have put the aircraft in service The Russians have not sold the aircraft to Iran It's all press speculation, but we as Egyptians are sure not only that Egypt bought 32 SU-35 aircraft but also another batch Egypt simply
If Egypt agreed to cancel the SU-35 deal, the Americans would offer F-15 aircraft in return and Egypt wants to get rid of American weapons Egypt is not in the house of American obedience like the Turks, so you can return to the American feed You agreed to a miserable deal of $23 billion to buy 40 fighters and develop 80 others, although you claim that you have local development programs.

You cannot develop the F-16 without America's approval, otherwise you are not stupid and naive to pay 23 billion to develop an aircraft while you have a competing development program and you have ammunition and buy 900 AMRAAM missiles and American bombs. You do not claim intelligence and capabilities that are not real. You only have propaganda that only convinces the naive and foolish.

How do you understand who returned to Egypt, kneeling and humiliated? It is Erdogan and he requested the return of relations. It is you, the Turks. You think that we have forgotten or the world has forgotten. No, we have never forgotten. How are you the ones who panted to request the return of relations? Didn't Erdogan say, "I will never shake hands with Sisi," and he returned kneeling and to Cairo?

Your economy is more miserable. Turkish media men are fleeing from the high inflation in Turkey and the high interest rate to Egypt, which provides energy and infrastructure better than Turkey itself. Modern train network 15 developed ports More than 4 new ports and Egypt is working on building 6 more ports

It is clear that you are naive Egypt owns MICA missiles and the first international customer for the MICA NG missile

Egypt owns the R-77 missile

And has already ordered 200 METEOR missiles from France

Because of the American race embargo, Egypt refused American weapons and refused any major weapons offers again while you are forced to do so, you are not able to challenge America

Egypt bought huge arms deals from Russia and in return the Russians will build an industrial zone for manufacturers of civil engineering equipment and Russian weapons in Egypt for export in Africa, Egypt's first customer is Algeria for these industries

I know why the Turks announced that they want to establish weapons factories in Egypt simply because you say whoever wants to sell to Egypt establishes factories in Egypt

Egypt has alternatives to the West, it has the East and is gradually developing its capabilities

You deal with us as if you are the center of color and you are the ones who are panting to cooperate with us, you have to learn how to manage politics International and you have to understand that Egypt was the first country in the world to overthrow Britain and open the eastern arms market in 1955

And Egypt is the one who humiliated America by returning France as Egypt weapons by purchasing Egyptian weapons. Who saved the German shipyards from bankruptcy? Wasn't it the deals for Egyptian frigates and submarines? And who saved France by making its Rafale fighter successful?

And when Egypt made a good offer for OPV ships, it turned to South Korea. European countries compete for deals for ships for Egypt. Egypt divides the best specifications

From the Scorpion and Pakuda models and the Japanese alternative Soryu

And the Spanish S-80

You, the German advisor, refused to sell weapons to Turkey, the last of which were Typhoon fighters, while Egypt is immediately finding an alternative to the Germans. We are the ones who manage the relations

I will give you a secret why Egypt will manufacture the FC-31 fighter simply because Egypt refused to sell the precious metals that are present in Egypt, a billion tons, to China, which are used in the manufacture of aircraft and propulsion missiles Space, Egypt was negotiating with India, Russia and China on technology in exchange for obtaining a share of these minerals that Egypt established extraction factories for, and we completely ignored the Americans as if they did not exist on Earth. Egypt is not waiting for China's approval or rejection because Korea is also offering its KF-21 aircraft for manufacturing in Egypt. Did you know that Egypt is part of the supply chain for Rafale components to France and some components of business jets? We are now doing offset programs better than before. We are not unable to obtain fighters from multiple sources. What is the benefit of Turkey as long as there are alternatives? Rather, Turkey itself is a bait before France, Italy and Germany. We tell them that the Turks are there as an alternative, not because Egypt needs them. The simplest evidence that Egypt does not care about the presence of the Turks is that Egypt obtained weapons worth more than 70 billion dollars without buying even a single bullet from Turkey. So why create an importance for Turkey that does not exist? If you offer better offers to Egypt, Egypt will accept them. Otherwise, there are many suppliers. No matter how much you produce, even 500 military products do not represent anything to us. Or the importance is that you are the ones who want us to have a market for your weapons like others, and you are the ones who want Egypt to buy Turkey’s plane to be an export gateway to other countries. You are creating an importance for yourselves that is not real, as if we are the ones who want to deal with you. Haven’t you wanted to impose the HURJET plane on us since the beginning of the subject, as if we must obtain it? Try to have some intelligence.
Things are simpler than everyone imagines

Egypt can not even imagine about the Turkish Defense Industry

Turkey How many F-16 aircraft have you developed and entered service with AESA radar in the Turkish Air Force? Zero There is no real product A product under development A product that has not been tested in local and international air battles or maneuvers is considered a risk

Turkiye has developed GaN based AESA Radars ... only a few countries in the world

-- ALP-300G AESA Radar for SIPER Air Defense System ( in service )
-- CENK AESA Radar for ISTIF class Frigate ( in service )

-- MURAD AESA Radar integrated into AKINCI UCAV and now F-16 is flying with MURAD AESA Radar for test phase
( We have this technology now to modernize F-16 fleet )

also BURFIS AESA Radar for the KAAN Fighter Jet and CAFRAD AESA Radar for the TF-2000 Destroyer on the way

produced with 100% national resources, from chip level to final system integration.

Airborne AESA Radars in Europe

CAPTOR-E .... consortium ( The UK ,Germany , Italy , Spain ) ... Eurofighter
RBE2 ... France .... Rafale
RAVEN ES-05 ... Italy ..... JAS GRİPEN
MURAD ... Turkiye ... F-16 , AKINCI , HURJET , KIZILELMA and ANKA-3

Also BURFIS ... Turkiye ... under development for KAAN Fighter Jet
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No product can be considered a real product unless it has served 2-3 years in the Air Force No one is naive You have not completed the F-16 development program with America until this moment The deal has not been completed And if you have a real national program to develop the F-16 Why are you running after the United States to develop 80 aircraft and buy 40 new aircraft with a very large number and with ammunition worth 23 billion, which is the price of buying 150 new Typhoon aircraft, it will be higher than the F-16 fleet even after developing it all

Because , Turkiye needs new Fighter Jets to replace F-4 fleet
USA blocked sale of 100 F-35s to Turkiye and Turkiye turned to buy 40 new F-16V and 79 VIPER kits

USA allowed Turkiye to modernize F-16 Block30s with indigenous Systems
also F-16 Block 40s

but we need American systems to modernize F-16 Block50s and 29 Block50+
We can not use indigenous Systems on F-16 Block50s and Block50+

-- 40 new F-16V with American APG-83 AESA Radar and AIM-120C8 BVR Missile
-- 79 F-16V with American APG-83 AESA Radar and AIM-120C8 BVR Missile
-- 150 F-16V with indigenous MURAD AESA Radar and GOKHAN BVR Missile

Total of 270 F-16 Block70 .....
Egypt has a policy in purchasing aircraft. The aircraft must have served in the original air force and the HURJET aircraft is still in testing and has not entered service. There is not a single aircraft serving in the Turkish Air Force from serial production. Who would mortgage its fate?

HURJET will be delivered to the Turkish Air Force in 2025
and Egypt still will dream about buying T-50

never forget that USA-Israel-France never will sell AIM-120 , METEOR , EW Pod , AESA Radar and land attack Cruise Missiles even you buy FA-50 from S.Korea

and You can not buy Chinese , Russian , Indian systems-weapons to use on FA-50

FA-50 is dependent on American-Israeli-French Systems and Missiles

as like your F-16s and RAFALEs
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I spoke clearly. Turkey did not produce the GE F-404 engine and does not have an engine for the KAAN fighter.

Turkiye and USA have signed an agreement a few days ago
Turkiye will produce GE F-404 Engine for HURJET mass production and export

as like Turkiye has produced GE F-110 Engines for F-16s

And We dont care about these People who said KAAN is a plastic mock up a few years ago

Now there is KAAN Fighter Jet
and 35.000 lbf turbofan Engine is on the way

Also TF-6.000 and TF-10.000 turbofan Engines to power the KIZILELMA and ANKA-3 unmanned stealth Fighter Jets
South Korea has surpassed Turkey. It produces its KF-21 aircraft and it has actually entered service. Egypt also uses better equipment. It has French and Italian solutions in addition to the Korean ones regarding targeting warehouses and electronic warfare warehouses

South Korea is developing a version of the FA-50 aircraft with electronic warfare versions RA-50 and EA-50

You did not plan for it at all with the HURJET aircraft

S.Korea is nothing to compare with Turkiye in aviation industry


nothing else

Full of American-Israeli-European technologies

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
ANKA-3 flying wing stealth UCAV
AKINCI strategic strike UCAV
TB-2/3 UCAVs
T-129 and T-929 Attack Helicopters
HAVASOJ airborne stand off Jammer
REDET-2 Radar EW System

ALP-300G Early warning AESA Radar
MURAD nose AESA Radar

ASELPOD Targeting Pod
MEDPOD Jamming Pod

GOKDOGAN , BOZDOGAN , GOKHAN air to air Missiles
SOM , CAKIR , KUZGUN-TJ , IHA-230 , SUPER SIMSEK air launched land attack Missiles

TS-1400 turboshaft Engine to power T-129 and T-625 Helicopters
TF-6.000 turbofan Engine to power ANKA-3 and other unmanned stealth Fighter Jets

Except Turkiye , nobody will give these technologies to Egypt in western world
S.Korea lack these technologies

Russia-China can give same technologies to Egypt
but USA blocked even sale of SU-35s to Egypt

Egypt can not buy sophisticated weapons from Russia and China while USA is in the game to protect balance of power between Israel and Egypt
The matter is not over yet, but KAI plans loyal wingman role for FA -50

KAI can not develop even an UCAV like Turkish AKINCI

KAI dreams but TAI develops


Also KIZIELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet with KAAN

Simply put, South Korea has planned well to develop its aircraft and offers solutions. It is not like Turkey, which produced a targeting warehouse with Israeli assistance, but it is superior to itself

ASELSAN has developed everything itself in 15 years
from Targeting Pod to Jamming Pod
from AESA Radars to EW Suite
from Radar EW Systems to IFF System
from E/O Systems to Avionics
from Air Defense Systems to guided munitions
and many more

on the other hand Israel gave AESA Radar technology to S.Korea for the KF-21
and S.Korea lacks these technologies and using American-Israeli-French Systems
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Turkey is not the only alternative to Egypt
Egypt has South Korea, China, India partially, and the Russians themselves

then go and buy BVR air to air Missiles and land attack Cruise Missiles from China , Russia , India for 200 F-16s and 24 RAFALEs

because USA-France dont sale these weapons to Egypt

Egypt could not buy even SU-35 from Russia
and you are still dreaming about FC-31 from China

also MIG-29M2 is easy target for even KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet in BVR combat

FA-50 or TEJAS can not match with even Turkish KIZILELMA

Egypt interest in KIZILELMA
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Your economy is more miserable. Turkish media men are fleeing from the high inflation in Turkey and the high interest rate to Egypt, which provides energy and infrastructure better than Turkey itself. Modern train network 15 developed ports More than 4 new ports and Egypt is working on building 6 more ports

Now Turkiye has $1.4 trillion of GDP which is bigger than Egypt+Greece+Israel combined

and Turkiye has spent over $1 trillion Dollars for public projects in the last 20 years

now Turkiye is 9th Country in the world with the best infrastructure

Egypt doesnt have even its own Construction Industry while Turkiye owns one of the best Construction Industry in the world

Egypt is nothing to compare with Turkiye in Industry , Technology , Infrastructure , Military and Economy
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It is clear that you are naive Egypt owns MICA missiles and the first international customer for the MICA NG missile

Egypt owns the R-77 missile

60 km MICA is nothing to compare with 120 km AIM-120C7
also Turkish Air Force buys 160 km AIM-120C8

Even 100+ km GOKDOGAN BVR air to air Missile entered service
and 200 km GOKHAN ramjet powered long range air to air Missile on the way

Egypt bought RAFALE but without METEOR Missile
that means monkey model weapon as like F-16 without AIM-120
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I know why the Turks announced that they want to establish weapons factories in Egypt simply because you say whoever wants to sell to Egypt establishes factories in Egypt

Turkiye gives weapon technologies to muslim Countries including Pakistan , Azerbaijan , Kazakhstan , Maleysia , Indonesia , S.Arabia , The UAE

why not Egypt ? if Egypt wants to become real military power instead of buying monkey model weapons from USA and France

Turkiye doesn't need Egypt but Egypt needs Turkiye
S.Korea is nothing to compare with Turkiye in aviation industry


nothing else

Full of American-Israeli-European technologies

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
ANKA-3 flying wing stealth UCAV
AKINCI strategic strike UCAV
TB-2/3 UCAVs
T-129 and T-929 Attack Helicopters
HAVASOJ airborne stand off Jammer
REDET-2 Radar EW System

ALP-300G Early warning AESA Radar
MURAD nose AESA Radar

ASELPOD Targeting Pod
MEDPOD Jamming Pod

GOKDOGAN , BOZDOGAN , GOKHAN air to air Missiles
SOM , CAKIR , KUZGUN-TJ , IHA-230 , SUPER SIMSEK air launched land attack Missiles

TS-1400 turboshaft Engine to power T-129 and T-625 Helicopters
TF-6.000 turbofan Engine to power ANKA-3 and other unmanned stealth Fighter Jets

Except Turkiye , nobody will give these technologies to Egypt in western world
S.Korea lack these technologies

Russia-China can give same technologies to Egypt
but USA blocked even sale of SU-35s to Egypt

Egypt can not buy sophisticated weapons from Russia and China while USA is in the game to protect balance of power between Israel and Egypt
You are strange, you play with words. Korea is an alternative to China. You want to force us to deal with you. What is this huge amount of lack of dignity and impudence? You want to force us to deal with you and buy from you and that there is no alternative to you and you repeat this talk in a strategic guise. Egypt obtained weapons worth 70 billion dollars, not including a Turkish product worth one dollar, and you are re-offering your goods to us.

As long as Egypt has not announced the cancellation of the SU-35 deal, your words are worthless.

You have a high level of lack of understanding and shortcomings in thinking. Are the strategic weapons that Egypt obtained from Russia, including a complete air defense network, a package of fighters, heavy attack helicopters, and ballistic missiles from Russia and China, all of them uncomplicated weapons? What is your level of mind to this degree? It is low

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