Egypt International Airshow 2024

FC31 uses hundreds of 3D printed parts. The 3D printers used to make these parts are prohibited from being exported.
This means that a situation similar to the JF17 where the airframe is manufactured in Pakistan does not apply to the FC31. unless China lifts the export ban on these 3D printers.

Current Chinese legal conditions only allow the FC31 assembly line to exist outside of China, and do not allow these parts to be manufactured outside of China.

By the way, can anyone confirm?
There is no official word from the Chinese-language media.
Some of the more reliable professionals have analysed this as a means for Egypt to pressure the US, and they don't have any real desire to buy the J10C/FC31, including the rumours of the FC31 production line, for this purpose.
China sent a fleet of Y20+J10C show aircraft to Egypt. It is an action to co-operate with Egypt to put pressure on the US. Both sides should have private cooperation in some other areas.
Their real intention is still to buy the F35 with military aid from the U.S. The U.S. has been reluctant to provide Egypt with the F35 based on the Israeli factor.

These analyses are provided for information purposes only.
FC31 uses hundreds of 3D printed parts. The 3D printers used to make these parts are prohibited from being exported.
This means that a situation similar to the JF17 where the airframe is manufactured in Pakistan does not apply to the FC31. unless China lifts the export ban on these 3D printers.

Current Chinese legal conditions only allow the FC31 assembly line to exist outside of China, and do not allow these parts to be manufactured outside of China.

There is no official word from the Chinese-language media.
Some of the more reliable professionals have analysed this as a means for Egypt to pressure the US, and they don't have any real desire to buy the J10C/FC31, including the rumours of the FC31 production line, for this purpose.
China sent a fleet of Y20+J10C show aircraft to Egypt. It is an action to co-operate with Egypt to put pressure on the US. Both sides should have private cooperation in some other areas.
Their real intention is still to buy the F35 with military aid from the U.S. The U.S. has been reluctant to provide Egypt with the F35 based on the Israeli factor.

These analyses are provided for information purposes only.

Thanks for confirming my standpoint!

As such, can anyone explain, why this alleged "major deal", "a true surprise and real breakthrough" should be real when it is so far only reported by Egypt / Arab "sources", while no Chinese news-site even mentioned it or most credible Chinese posters out-rightly refuse it as fake?
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I still stand by my opinion regarding the FC31:
Until PLAAF confirms the purchase of J31, any news about FC31 is fake news.------The case of PLAAF confirming the purchase of J31 but not announcing the news can also occur.

Two exception conditions:
1, Navy ship-based FC31 (J35) purchase/lease model
2, Total external orders over 100 units without PLAAF placing an order
China sent a fleet of Y20+J10C show aircraft to Egypt. It is an action to co-operate with Egypt to put pressure on the US. Both sides should have private cooperation in some other areas.
Their real intention is still to buy the F35 with military aid from the U.S. The U.S. has been reluctant to provide Egypt with the F35 based on the Israeli factor.

These analyses are provided for information purposes only.

It is not only US, but everyone ahaha, i do not now if you read the Arab side of the forum. Time to time Egyptians officals make a deal or breakthrough talks with countries. You will read something about Pakistan and ther JF17, after that Indians or Italians. Lateley China is in talk...:p

This is not healthy approach, if i can see this what would goverments see :p.
It is not only US, but everyone ahaha, i do not now if you read the Arab side of the forum. Time to time Egyptians officals make a deal or breakthrough talks with countries. You will read something about Pakistan and ther JF17, after that Indians or Italians. Lateley China is in talk...:p

This is not healthy approach, if i can see this what would goverments see .:p
But China often turns this ‘fake news’ into real news.
In China, this is known as ‘亦真亦假,谁真谁假? also true and false, who is true and who is false?’ .
Egyptian F-16 fighter pilot stated the following:
The Egyptian pilot's name is Ahmed El-Malah
"I am looking forward to the cooperation between the Turkish and Egyptian air forces. I am an F16 pilot. It was great for me to fly with HÜRJET. It is a very good aircraft at the beginning. It will improve in the future."


This statement is consistent with what I was saying. I do not object to the plane being Turkish, but simply the issue of its entry into actual service in any country requires years after its entry into service and for it to gain accreditation in the Turkish Air Force. Negotiations on aircraft require years. For example, aircraft deals with China require delivery of aircraft two years after the contract, although Chinese production lines can provide aircraft simply because the amount of modifications requested by Egypt requires some time from the Chinese. This is what happened previously with the K-8E training aircraft, where the first developed model flew two years after the contract for the aircraft to implement 33 modifications requested by the Egyptian Air Force at the time. It also explains why the price of the J-10 aircraft requested by Egypt was high at $65 million, while Pakistan obtained it for $50 million. This is related to the modifications requested by Egypt and at the same time the integrated ammunition with it. Therefore, the entry of the J-10 aircraft into service in Egypt requires time. It also explains why the initial deal is low in number. Simply after the success of the modifications, Egypt increases the number of aircraft to more than 50 aircraft to make the aircraft more economically feasible in operation. Maintenance and reconstruction locally, as the numbers accept the establishment of a local maintenance line in an economical manner.
Is there any concrete source for Egypt getting Meteor other than speculation? I haven't seen it yet.

Apperantly, LRIP missiles were delivered to TurAF few days ago.

It is unlikely they will buy 952 AIM-120C-8. It is well know tactics to get the approval for maximum numbers of equipments from Congress+state department at once so you don't have do it all over again in the future if new procurement needs arrive.

Türkiye can't integrate it's own weapon system onboard new F16s as well as those that would be upgraded to block 70 standard. They will have 120 F16 that would require US wepaons. Rest of the aircrafts modernized locally will have local weapon package.


Meteor is the next generation Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM) system

As long as Egypt pays the cost of arms deals from the Egyptian treasury, it gets the highest specifications.
When Egypt contracted for Rafale aircraft in 2015, the tests of integrating the METEOR missile into the F3R model were not completed, but rather after the contract was concluded for a period and after the first batch of them had already been received.
The conditions for completing the second deal for Rafale aircraft, with a number of 30 aircraft, include METEOR missiles and also include 200 additional SCLAP missiles, which is less than the numbers that Egypt wanted for the SCLAP missile. Egypt is currently negotiating the third batch of Rafale aircraft. Does anyone think that Egypt will contract for aircraft with prohibited ammunition? When America banned the delivery of SCLAP missiles to Egypt, France offered Egypt a first batch of 25 missiles from the French stockpile at a free price, so that Egypt would accept completing the deal until the US administration released the SCLAP missile deal, and Egypt received another batch of SCLAP missiles for free, in addition to the first contract for SCLAP missiles.
India also offers Egypt to produce the missile. ASTRA-MK2 locally, the missile is worth half a million dollars as a missile parallel to the PL-15 missile to work on aircraft serving in the Egyptian Air Force. Egypt exceeded the American restrictions because the arms deals were entirely funded by the United States, so Egypt did not pay a single dollar, while when Egypt buys the weapon, it gets it with the best specifications and highest performance as well as at a good price. Egypt's negotiations with some countries require time because the negotiations are long to get the best available from the supplier.
Regarding Turkey's request for more than 900 AMRAAM missiles from America, the entire deal is under review and negotiations. The Turks themselves have seen the deal's figure as very exaggerated. $23 billion is unacceptable, and this is what we have been talking about from the beginning. This is also simply bad news because since 2019 Turkey has not been able to obtain any fighter or develop the F-16 fighter fleet. In comparison, all Middle Eastern weapons have executed deals and received fighters, which means an imbalance in the military balance for a long time to come because fighter production projects or contracts require years. When we say that a fighter like the KAAN requires many years to enter service, it is not out of hatred for the Turks, but simply out of awareness of the reality of the situation regarding the aircraft's requirements. Long tests require many years and also require securing the supply of engines. America has only given Turkey 20 engines for testing. Simply put, America can betray and prevent the supply of production aircraft engines. Perhaps all of this explains the correctness of Egypt's orientations to stay away from the Americans in major arms deals. It is possible to accept from them a part of the transport aircraft or even Training aircraft, but fighters represent a means of pressure on armament. This is completely unacceptable, and the Americans know very well that Egypt will not buy fighters from them again.


We had previously announced before the exhibition that Egypt is interested in a Turkish OPV ship because it is less expensive than the German, French, Italian and South Korean offers. Perhaps what is mentioned is that it will be fully armed with a corvette, which is integrated with the ammunition that Egypt integrates into fighters, such as the ATAMCA missile, which is believed to be complementary to the Harpoon missiles on Egyptian F-16 fighters.

Apart from the possibility of manufacturing the MRTP-45 or MRTP-51 launch in the Alexandria Arsenal, perhaps also for later export to Somalia and Kenya.

The same applies to small tank landing ships that will be manufactured under a local license.

Regarding drones,

Establishing production lines in Egypt for the local market and export, because the Egyptian Military Research Authority established a local company to produce drones and offered 5 drones out of 28 drone projects and Egyptian suicide drones. Therefore, the Turkish side, in order to open a local market, must do like the Russian side by establishing local production lines.

One of the Turkish drone ammunition is believed to be manufactured in Egypt as well and integrated into the Egyptian fleet of drones as well

Perhaps one of the Turkish anti-tank missiles is produced locally after improvements to it

The IFV vehicle has not been settled on. The Egyptian side is not pumping investments, although Egypt already has the Pradal chassis and the BMP-3 chassis that work with the air defense forces as a radar carrier platform. As we know, the import mafia prevents spending on research and development in a big way in major weapons and they exploit the huge Egyptian requirements in production requests under license from different countries

Cooperation with the Turks will be like cooperation with the Serbs in weapons components developed specifically for Egypt or Egypt requests their development for the benefit of integrating them into Egyptian weapons. This will be within a long-term program

Like some components of air defense missiles and not complete systems. Although some expect Egypt to produce an air defense system with the Turks, matters remain linked to the efficiency and modernity of the Turkish radars as well as the Turkish fire control systems compared to the German ones

Cooperation with the Turks will be like cooperation with the Serbs in weapons components developed specifically for Egypt or Egypt requests their development for the benefit of integrating them into Egyptian weapons. This will be within a long-term program
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For the second day...the activities of the first edition of the Egypt International Air and Space Exhibition continue, in the presence of delegations and decision makers

But China often turns this ‘fake news’ into real news.
In China, this is known as ‘亦真亦假,谁真谁假? also true and false, who is true and who is false?’ .
The topic is very political. And it started to get better and better.
Today, after the strong Chinese emergence. The issue became clear, especially after rumors emerged that China would make a deal with Egypt, including a full technology transfer. Of course, if we thought that this was a deal that was born today, yesterday, or last year, we would be joking...!!

There is a major strategic partnership between Arabs and China. It appeared economically, but we did not understand it. Economically, BRICS, oil security, and the beginning of the entry of the Chinese army into the Gulf region. Obviously it's a plan.

Technology transfer will not only be to Egypt..!! But rather, for the three countries, even if the front is Egypt..

Some people won't understand that any weapon manufactured in the Emirates and Saudi Arabia is also made in Egypt and vice versa. Of course, according to each country's capabilities and infrastructure.

PBS Aerospace
Exports several turbojet engines for Egyptian drones and small missiles
6 October UCAV can be developed using the English engine PBS TP100
which provides 241 horsepower with a weight of only 61 kilograms instead of the diesel engine with a capacity of 145-155 horsepower and a higher weight Which they succeeded in manufacturing locally

Egyptians care about high survivability and low operating costs for long-term operation and widespread deployment of aircraft in large quantities.

As Egypt preferred the diesel engine which uses less expensive fuel and is more available, the company has previously launched its engines on the versions
30--JUNE and the version Yabhon United 40


The British company is concerned about the high price of the engines it offers, as it offers a 30% discount on engines similar to Rolls-Royce engines, but they are still higher than the prices of the competing Serbian engines, the TSE-200, which is offered at half the price of the British engines.
I agree on almost everything, since that's what the FC-31/J-31 is made for: EXPORT!

But ... to portray as if it is already a done deal, as if Egypt once had a fighter production (namely the HA-300) and as such is experienced and what needs to be done is to refurbish the hall is both factual false and impossible especially for the production of a high-end 5th generation fighter. Even more so it will at best be an "assembly in Egypt" with certain parts manufactured locally but not a full transfer of technology! To believe this, is as naive as to think India would get full ToT for the GE engines!

And even more ... that all AFTER the PLAN has its own J-35 in service!

By the way, can anyone confirm?

Would be indeed a major success!
So congrats if true … and he also mentioned, Egypt might be interested in acquiring Y-20 transports.

PS: Some Chinese friends however say it's 假新闻!(FAKE) ... maybe @Michael knows more.
Where is Egypt getting the money from to buy J-10C, Rafales J-31, and drones? Its under severe economic crisis...
The five drones on display at the outdoor exhibition and two at the indoor exhibition belong to Robotic Engineering System, a subsidiary of the Military Research Administration,
which is working on 28 different drone projects locally and is cooperating extensively with countries such as the Czech Republic and Serbia to transfer subsidiary and complementary technologies.



The three aircraft use a single-engine diesel panel technology from one of the Eastern Bloc countries.

GWoCWVSX0AAMAop.jpgTiba 1

tiba - 2

The medical aircraft series is an aircraft that works with air target versions and suicide aircraft. It is believed that it was produced after obtaining some Emirati target drone and redesigning them and then producing a different version of them, taking advantage of us for large-scale production to reduce the cost.

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