Egyptian Armed Forces

We haven’t got an official confirmation from Iran if they’ll take the Russian made su35s. They’re just collecting dust as we speak. It’s still up for grabs as a deal however. It more important to replace the backbone fleet with effective aircraft’s with bvr capabilities and aesa radars. Me personally I would’ve liked to see more mirage 2000s armed with mica ngs as the backbone fleet.
There will be around 30 Mirage 2k-9 from the UAE coming to Egypt..the other half to Morocco..
@GoMig-21 @The SC The Egyptian private/public companies need to changer their marketing strategy. E30 June or 6 October aren't catchy names which can really influence the mind of the buyer.
Egypt is not at that stage is manufacturing for self sufficiency is easy to have new names for export versions..
Egypt is not at that stage is manufacturing for self sufficiency is easy to have new names for export versions..
I am not with your opinion. You can build for self sufficiency and in the same time working on your marketing. Look at EDGE and UAE, they are still trying to build for self sufficiency and their marketing is good (presentation in Expos, names of the products etc...). This is how you can build a network etc...
America storms deals with the Egyptian Air Force by offering an F-15 fighter, a training plane, and Apache and Chinook helicopters.

America storms deals with the Egyptian Air Force by offering an F-15 fighter, a training plane, and Apache and Chinook helicopters.

Egypt has already rejected American offers, whether to develop the F-16 aircraft or to purchase F-15EX aircraft, and set a condition for the F-15EX deal, which is that Egypt obtains AIM-260 missiles as a basic condition, and America of course refused, and we reject all the propaganda. The SU-35 deal has not been canceled, and Egypt has not announced that it has canceled it, and all the rumors about Egypt purchasing alternative air defense systems are not true. They are separate deals, and even Algeria obtaining SU-35 aircraft is not part of the Egyptian deal. The Russians have already finished supplying 28 SU-35 aircraft to their army as a final deal. They are still receiving SU-30SM2 aircraft with specifications similar to the SU-35, and Algeria is replacing SU-57 aircraft with SU-35 aircraft for a simple reason: the Russians’ IL-51 engine production program has not yet been put into full production, and the volume of their production of SU-57 aircraft has not yet reached the level of meeting Russia’s own needs, which wants more than 76 SU-57 aircraft before 2027 with compensation. Losses of aircraft that were hit on the ground also

The Americans just want to calm things down with Egypt, but Egypt knows that the Israelis will escalate the war in the Middle East first, because of the Zionist belief that the war of Hammargodon will happen until the end, the Jews will complete the war by invading Lebanon and Syria, and a sudden war will start with the southern army that will eliminate their country, and they started the war in Lebanon, and Egypt simply knows that its enemy is America and Israel. It is true that we get weapons from them, but not major ones, and with full security for Egypt. Egypt has made the construction and maintenance of Boeing aircraft complete with a plane, whether the CH-47 or the AH-64, and Egypt prefers the CH-47 because China has not yet produced its plane, even the UH-60 plane, Egypt has almost taken it out of service and replaced it with the AW-149/189/139 plane as an alternative to it and to the SEA KING/COMMANDO planes, which are planes whose spare parts are spread internationally. The Egyptian approach to China has been going on for some time, and the negotiations have been going on for more than two years, whether for the planes or the types and specifications, so as a result of the Egyptian need Fast for aircraft We will find the J-10C aircraft will enter service quickly in Egypt. We may hear good news in the coming weeks for this matter related to the speed of deliveries. Egypt should receive large numbers in the 2015 fleet.

The purchase of Chinese aircraft led to pressure from Western arms companies on their governments. The French Dassault fears the cancellation of future contracts for Egypt to acquire additional aircraft from RAFALE, so they want to appease Egypt.

The Italians themselves are changing what they agreed upon in the field of building licenses for their ships in Egyptian shipyards after competition from more than one country.

American companies want to develop part of the F-16 fleet in Egypt and are circulating solutions that meet Egypt's needs, including Egypt's refusal to send any fighter to America for development in America, and Egypt's desire for flexibility in adding any type of ammunition to the F-16 aircraft that is being developed in Egypt by passing any missile produced in Egypt to be directly integrated into the Egyptian F16 aircraft. The contract for the production of the missile PL-15 in Egypt There are promising things not only for Egypt but also for export to other countries on the condition that these countries obtain Chinese aircraft. The Indians are offering Egypt to integrate ASTRA-MK2 missiles into RAFALE & MIG-29M aircraft and to pass engine technology to Egypt, whether fighters or ballistic missiles, with prior French approval to integrate any French missiles into RAFALE aircraft, which is linked to India completing the contract for 26 RAFALE aircraft for the Indian Navy because French fighters need cheap ammunition for heavy use and not high-capacity French ammunition. This is one of the reasons Egypt reduced the number of SCLAP missiles that it previously wanted, which is 300 missiles in addition to 100 missiles in service. The numbers were reduced, and there is a Russian offer to Egypt to produce Russian cruise missiles and another foreign missile by reverse engineering in Egypt to supply Egyptian and Algerian fighters with it.

Pentagon: The US State Department approves the sale of Stinger missiles to Egypt worth $740 million

WASHINGTON, September 24 (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Tuesday that the State Department had approved a possible sale of Stinger missiles to Egypt for $740 million. She added that the main contractor will be RTX.

Egypt will install Stinger missiles on vehicles equipped with the Avenger launch system instead of shoulder-mounted launchers.



740 million dollars for 720 missiles

This means that the price of one missile is one million and 27 thousand dollars!!


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