Eleven policemen martyred in attack by dacoits in Rahim Yar Khan’s Machka area


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Mar 21, 2007
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Eleven policemen martyred in attack by dacoits in Rahim Yar Khan’s Machka area

BR Web Desk | AFP
August 22, 2024


At least 11 police officers were martyred and seven injured when dacoits attacked two police vehicles with rockets in the riverine area of Rahim Yar Khan’s Machka.

According to a Punjab police statement, two police vans were returning from their weekly assignments in the riverine Machaka district of Rahim Yar Khan when one of them experienced a failure.

“The bandits attacked the vehicles with rocket launchers after one of the vehicles in the convoy broke down,” said a statement from the inspector general’s office in Punjab.

“At least 9 policemen were martyred in the attack, while several policemen injured.”

Organised criminal gangs have been active in the riverine border areas of Sindh and Punjab provinces for decades, often making money through kidnap-for-ransom assaults.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif ordered “immediate and effective action” against the attackers, his office said in a statement.

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz denounced the incident and promised that it would not go “unavenged.”

She said officials were sent out with “clear directions to sort them out decisively.”

“The selflessness of law enforcement officers will never be forgotten,” she declared, instructing the relevant authorities to move quickly to locate any missing officers.

Federal interior minister, Mohsin Naqvi, condemned the act and expressed his deep sorrow over the “martyrdom of the 11 police officers”.

In May, two notorious dacoits were killed in fierce clash between forces and a gang of katcha area in joint operation of police and Ranges on Sindh-Punjab boarder.
Dacoits with rockets ? Since when does dacoits have rockets ????
Dacoits with rockets ? Since when does dacoits have rockets ????
In like a shot , hey Mr ChooChoo , because incident happened in Pakistan.
If Naxals can obtain rockets and other high grade weapons, why not others .
Dacoits with rockets ? Since when does dacoits have rockets ????
They aren't indian dacoits like gabbar Singh in sholay movie. They don't carry old bolt action rifles.
They are pakistani dacoits lol. But what baffles me is that if our army can crush far stronger TTP in far dangerous areas near afghan border why these dacoits still exist? There must be something political in this or else army can easily permanently crush them in weeks.
They aren't indian dacoits like gabbar Singh in sholay movie. They don't carry old bolt action rifles.
They are pakistani dacoits lol. But what baffles me is that if our army can crush far stronger TTP in far dangerous areas near afghan border why these dacoits still exist? There must be something political in this or else army can easily permanently crush them in weeks.
Dude this is a law and order situation hence the Police are involved .
You can't deploy army for every situation.
In like a shot , hey Mr ChooChoo , because incident happened in Pakistan.
If Naxals can obtain rockets and other high grade weapons, why not others .

Naxals mostly used IED's, which are made from materials acquired from extorting mining firms. Besides, issue with Naxals were not they were strong. It was simply lack of willpower by central agencies to tackle this threat. Which has changed quiet a bit in last 10 years.

That willpower came after left leaning, politicians lost a lot of support among the states. Wonder if its the same thing in Pakistan, were politicians have back door dealing with dacoits allowing them to do what ever they want.
Daku sambhalay nhn ja rahay, baki sab sambhalain gay.
Thanks to Afghani kanjars, our kachay k daaku now sport M-4's, NVG's and 105mm RCL's with HEAT rounds. They've totally upgraded themselves from the old AK and RPG equipment. I've also seen the 12.7mm KPV in 4 x 4 Toyota pickup/ jeep mounted config. Big upgrade from old DshK.

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Daku sambhalay nhn ja rahay, baki sab sambhalain gay.
Our threat is propaganda through digital media, and not some decoits or any other threat to Pakistanis. They can die of poverty, hunger or coping with inflation.

Eleven policemen martyred in attack by dacoits in Rahim Yar Khan’s Machka area

BR Web Desk | AFP
August 22, 2024


At least 11 police officers were martyred and seven injured when dacoits attacked two police vehicles with rockets in the riverine area of Rahim Yar Khan’s Machka.

According to a Punjab police statement, two police vans were returning from their weekly assignments in the riverine Machaka district of Rahim Yar Khan when one of them experienced a failure.

“The bandits attacked the vehicles with rocket launchers after one of the vehicles in the convoy broke down,” said a statement from the inspector general’s office in Punjab.

“At least 9 policemen were martyred in the attack, while several policemen injured.”

Organised criminal gangs have been active in the riverine border areas of Sindh and Punjab provinces for decades, often making money through kidnap-for-ransom assaults.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif ordered “immediate and effective action” against the attackers, his office said in a statement.

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz denounced the incident and promised that it would not go “unavenged.”

She said officials were sent out with “clear directions to sort them out decisively.”

“The selflessness of law enforcement officers will never be forgotten,” she declared, instructing the relevant authorities to move quickly to locate any missing officers.

Federal interior minister, Mohsin Naqvi, condemned the act and expressed his deep sorrow over the “martyrdom of the 11 police officers”.

In May, two notorious dacoits were killed in fierce clash between forces and a gang of katcha area in joint operation of police and Ranges on Sindh-Punjab boarder.

Well, for once I wish.. if they killed somebody relevant like zardari, nawaz, a corrupt general or somebody? Why only tom dick and harrys get killed? It is so unfair of the dacoits tbh! World is such an unfair place!

I must mention, at least someone is progressing in this country! Congratulations to the dacoits at unlocking the rocket launchers! That's some 5 star GTA rampage level shit! In a country where every fukin thing is in decline, I guess that's the only kinda achievement we get to celebrate! Bravo to the chief of dacoit staff.. at least some one is focused on his people! 👏👏👏

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