Extreme hatred of foreign colored people in the West

To All Indian folks you do realize they killed off all the previous Brown people who , were present in North America (Native Indigenous people)

They have been giving you a easy ride , because they were hoping you would do what Ukraine is doing to Russia - fighting someone bigger then them.

Their expectation is/was that you would play Ukraine Role , and fight China for them , while they will sit at home and eat their Turkey Dinner with stuffing.

They see Color people as an object which can be used if it favor their interest

I see India has engaged Russia Strategically to counter things

The Backlash you see now is because they feel you are not playing your part against Russia
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To All Indian folks you do realize they killed off all the previous Brown people who , were present in North America (Native Indigenous people)

They have been giving you a easy ride , because they were hoping you would do what Ukraine is doing to Russia

Their expectation is/was that you would play Ukraine Role , and fight China for them , while they will sit at home and eat their Turkey Dinner with stuffing

They see Color people as an object which can be used if it favor their interest

I see India has engaged Russia Strategically
Bhai they've already brainwashed South Koreans, Taiwanese, Singaporeans, most Latin Americans/ Africans. Now they're trying to brainwash the Indians, to hate each other. :p
You are a smart man you know what they are cooking

  • The black folks in USA were not even given right to vote till 70's and how long is USA a Country 200-300 years
  • In some USA states they don't even let a Black person vote if they were convicted in crime
  • That is number one reason why the Black people are easily sent to prison to Nullify their vote
  • I have read statement from Black people that , now they understand the system better they are fighting against this injustice so they can vote

There is a Cult controlling over US politics
You are a smart man you know what they are cooking

  • The black folks in USA were not even given right to vote till 70's and how long is USA a Country 200-300 years
  • In some USA states they don't even let a Black person vote if they were convicted in crime
  • That is number one reason why the Black people are easily sent to prison to Nullify their vote
  • I have read statement from Black people that , now they understand the system better they are fighting against this injustice so they can vote

There is a Cult controlling over US politics
Check dis bhai:

So much violence against colored migrants:

It is terrible

Such things are not what people in Pakistan even like

They (Protestant Cult ) have a problem

  • In 1800 they invited Chinese into their country , and then they feared they will become politically strong , so they banned them from owning land - They Chinese built their train /railway network - They were forced to go back to China
  • WW2 they put Own citizen Japanese origin in Concentration camps
  • They took Sea facing property from the Japanese people and never returned it back
  • Bombed Cambodia / Vietnam well documented

The Cult , also broke all the Peace treaties with Native Indigenous Tribes who were their allies - and push their people to deserts and barren lands - After wars , the Friendly tribes wanted to acquire their own Nation as it was promised to them but the CULT then decided to change their mind

They mock Indigenous Tribe / Culture in schools , sports events
Using the name of the tribes as "name of weapon"

Ask any Indigenous People of North America they will be not happy knowing their "name is used for weapon which kills others" (Example Tama Hawk Missile or Apache Helicopter)

Build Oil polluting pipeline over grave yard for the Indigenous tribes

How they treat South American / Central Americans?
  • They put the people immigrating into detention camp , separated children from parents
    • heard about people discussing it in political circles, children being abused
  • Forced them to sleep with Aluminum Tin Foil , why because they came to America

However it is in their own constitution , any person who lands on America becomes a resident that is how they themselves came to North America

They only requirement was that you step on USA soil to become a resident (all rights)

Because they (The Cult) want to retain control over decision making , they don't allow poor Immigrants to come , and call them Illegal, even if the immigrants poor ones are not breaking any law they "Arrived" in America but because they are poor , they are

They CULT have made two parties

Protestant Cult Democrats
Protestant Cult Republicans

They are practically same group minor differences you vote for one or other , matters not , as they are both "SAME"

Now the People who listen to CULT radio stations feel superior because they are brain washed , they feel they are better then all other humans on planet

This is why you see these violent crimes or hate
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This is so mainstream now, it ain't funny no more. Daily incidents and the off n on killings/ lynchings:

Ah, Karens. Always angry, they married a useless plumber in a pickup, wishing it could've resulted in a successful life like immigrants' have with a lovely house, car, and strong nuclear family unit. I've seen them upfront despise people of color. Some with a brain will choose the color.
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Ah, Karens. Always angry, they married a useless plumber in a pickup, wishing it could've resulted in a successful life like immigrants' lives with a lovely house, car, and strong nuclear family unit. I've seen them upfront despise people of color.
Even in Canada they mistreat migrants this bad now?

Daily drama bhai:


I will say this, after 9/11, there was some color on color; where the Mexicans joined whites to confront Muslims as if these beaners were more white than whites and felt more significant pain than their white master if he were hurt. We asserted ourselves and beat them down. Then comes Trump with his border policies and ICE arrests, and these chalupa-looking freaks asked us to join hands and fight racism. Like, where were you when I was fighting for survival? Only the blacks sided with us because they had enough common sense to get even with the whites and settle scores.
More than 240 Indian students have been murdered in the US alone within da last decade. Isn't that unbelievable?


I will say this, after 9/11, there was some color on color; where the Mexicans joined whites to confront Muslims as if these beaners were more white than whites and felt more significant pain than a white if he were hurt. We asserted ourselves and beat them down. Then comes Trump with his border policies and ICE arrests, and these chalupa-looking freaks asked us to join hands and fight racism. Like, where were you when I was fighting for survival? Only the blacks sided with us because they had enough common sense to get even with the whites and settle scores.
Man remember the beatdown our boyz handed to the Chicano's near Devon in Chi-Raaq........Our boyz destroyed them hired thugs when they attacked our shops. Therewas a hired U-haul truck with a bunch of tough chicanos driving around Devon with baseball bats trashing our businesses. Our boyz got wind and followed their truck and beat the living shit out of them.

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