Fissures emerge in PTI as '21 lawmakers hint at forming forward bloc'


Elite Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Good luck then. Pakistan has to pay mountainous external debt in the following years - and the current fascist regime has no idea where to get that money amidst the ongoing extreme instability.
Country doesn't has to can simply default

Ideas can be killed.
The only thing that matters is power
British govt lasted for 200 years.. pretty sure military will have no issue holding on for decades to come


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Mar 1, 2015
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Does it matter? The crux of the matter is that Pakistan has been in a debt trap since the 70s. And that no govt managed to pull Pakistan out of it so far.
If it's doesn't matter then why you don't mentioned it. I asked a simple Question,

Name which govt. takes maximum loans in Pakistan History ? and how much? (and how much in comparison to other?)

Simply answer it if you have enough courage.


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Mar 1, 2015
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What's the point? It's a bloody debt trap. Each new govt has to take on more and more new debt to pay off old debt.

I was dam sure you won't answer it.

If it's a bloody debt trap then why to blame govt.? It's the responsibility of every govt. to take out nation from this bloody debt trap. Anyway I still say you can't answer my earlier question even if you try very very very hard. You will only end up with excuses and indirect answers.


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Dec 23, 2023
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If it's a bloody debt trap then why to blame govt.?
I only blamed the govt that put Pakistan in this current debt trap path (Bhutto's first and only govt).

It's the responsibility of every govt. to take out nation from this bloody debt trap.
Which all successive govts since Bhutto have collectively failed to do.


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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If it's doesn't matter then why you don't mentioned it. I asked a simple Question,

Name which govt. takes maximum loans in Pakistan History ? and how much? (and how much in comparison to other?)

Simply answer it if you have enough courage.

I was dam sure you won't answer it.

If it's a bloody debt trap then why to blame govt.? It's the responsibility of every govt. to take out nation from this bloody debt trap. Anyway I still say you can't answer my earlier question even if you try very very very hard. You will only end up with excuses and indirect answers.

I only blamed the govt that put Pakistan in this current debt trap path (Bhutto's first and only govt).

Which all successive govts since Bhutto have collectively failed to do.


There is a reason why I mentioned BECO and Bhutto, and @Forsvaret did, too, to answer your question about the debt trap on the last page.

1) 70% of borrowed funds is used to service debt. The rest is kicked down the road.

2) Can't get out of debt trap, as since the 1970s, after Bhutto raw dogged the industry, it could never stand up again.

To answer your question on borrowing, PTI borrowed approximately $52 Billion, but this was also due to COVID funds for developing countries, as we all were hit; if we took those funds out, we would be around the same at $50 billion the PML-N did in five years.

However, PTI paid down more debt than its time of three years versus five years of PML-N adjusted for inflation.

In economics, you need to export to bring in funds. BECO and others exported outside, bringing in liquidity, expanding, creating jobs, and building a strong internal consumption economy.

To build industry and attract investors, you need a stable and trustworthy government. Chaudhary Muhammad Latif was offered to return, but he saw what lay before him and opted not to return. Unless you solve investors' confidence problems, you will be going around in a circle. Nobody wants to see those faces we currently have operating the civilian government.

Let me tell you, money doesn't care about patriotism; as a businessman, I have people who rely on me to keep the engine running so they can feed their families; if I can't do it, they move on, and it's the end.

Read this article; it's a little vanilla but will get you a good start:

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Elite Member
Apr 22, 2010
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If it's doesn't matter then why you don't mentioned it. I asked a simple Question,

Name which govt. takes maximum loans in Pakistan History ? and how much? (and how much in comparison to other?)

Simply answer it if you have enough courage.
Nope, Pakistan wasn't in debt trap in 2008..

It took mammoth loans in 2013-2016 that has created the debt problem mostly in power sector


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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Nope, Pakistan wasn't in debt trap in 2008..

It took mammoth loans in 2013-2016 that has created the debt problem mostly in power sector

It all went downhill after 2008. Even Musharaff didn't take the full benefits that were in front of him after sanctions were lifted and the West was more open. Then, the heavy burden came with CPEC and other national vanity projects. The lack of proper planning in their utilization, and the absence of an industry to support those projects, has only exacerbated the situation.


Full Member
Dec 23, 2023
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Nope, Pakistan wasn't in debt trap in 2008..
It all went downhill after 2008. Even Musharaff didn't take the full benefits that were in front of him after sanctions were lifted and the West was more open.
It’s actually Musharraf who laid the very foundations that exacerbated the debt crisis in the following years. The balance of trade and thus balance of payment crises began under his rule:


Elite Member
Apr 22, 2010
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It’s actually Musharraf who laid the very foundations that exacerbated the debt crisis in the following years. The balance of trade and thus balance of payment crises began under his rule:
View attachment 52044View attachment 52045
We easily forget the 2008 financial crisis

In 2010 once oil prices normalized and crisis resolved things were great for example


Full Member
Mar 1, 2015
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There is a reason why I mentioned BECO and Bhutto, and @Forsvaret did, too, to answer your question about the debt trap on the last page.

1) 70% of borrowed funds is used to service debt. The rest is kicked down the road.

2) Can't get out of debt trap, as since the 1970s, after Bhutto raw dogged the industry, it could never stand up again.

To answer your question on borrowing, PTI borrowed approximately $52 Billion, but this was also due to COVID funds for developing countries, as we all were hit; if we took those funds out, we would be around the same at $50 billion the PML-N did in five years.

However, PTI paid down more debt than its time of three years versus five years of PML-N adjusted for inflation.

In economics, you need to export to bring in funds. BECO and others exported outside, bringing in liquidity, expanding, creating jobs, and building a strong internal consumption economy.

To build industry and attract investors, you need a stable and trustworthy government. Chaudhary Muhammad Latif was offered to return, but he saw what lay before him and opted not to return. Unless you solve investors' confidence problems, you will be going around in a circle. Nobody wants to see those faces we currently have operating the civilian government.

Let me tell you, money doesn't care about patriotism; as a businessman, I have people who rely on me to keep the engine running so they can feed their families; if I can't do it, they move on, and it's the end.

Read this article; it's a little vanilla but will get you a good start:

Dear I know what you said is right and that's why i didn't ask you or anyone else other than the one specific guy.

Nope, Pakistan wasn't in debt trap in 2008..

It took mammoth loans in 2013-2016 that has created the debt problem mostly in power sector

Agree with you.

Oh, so that’s why @silicon0000 kept asking me which govt took the most loans? He desperately wanted to blame PTI govt in his Bughaz-e-Imran! 🀣

It's not like you didn't know what was I asking with you (and you still don't answer that but the other guy). IK did the same what his predecessor doing and there is no difference between any of them (Infact IK got the biggest opportunity due to Covid when whole world factories are closed and we are running on full capacity, we have more textile orders than our max capacity and we failed to retain that new gained customers) Covid was actually bring lots of blessing for Pakistan (in comparision) but we missed that opportunity. IK, Sharif, Zardari & all other XYZ are same for me and regarding Bughaz-e-Imran, Every PTI-supporter call it Bughaz-e-Imran, every Jiyala says Bughaz-e-Bhutto, every patwari says Bughaz-e-Sharif and every bootia says Bughaz-e-Elites, Nothing new for me.


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Dec 23, 2023
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Infact IK got the biggest opportunity due to Covid when whole world factories are closed and we are running on full capacity, we have more textile orders than our max capacity and we failed to retain that new gained customers…
β€œWe” failed - or the regime change operation and the resulting destabilization led to that failure?

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