Five soldiers martyred in IED blast in Kurram: ISPR


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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How have they been massively reduced when the attacks see no reduction...

Think about if their was no fence, how many Afghan namak harams would be in Pakistan,, how they would attack in large numbers and then run back to Afghanistan, making pursuit difficult

The fence is VITAL in our defence and it must be strengthened over time with metal fencing replaced with walls and watchtowers


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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The funeral service of Sepoy Haroon William, a 29-year-old resident of Islamabad, was held today at Saint Paul’s Church, Rawalpindi.

Sepoy William, a devoted Christian soldier, made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of the motherland and embraced martyrdom in Kurram District yesterday while on duty in counter terrorism operations.

The ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Defence Minister, Interior Minister, Minister of Information & Broadcasting, Chief of Army Staff, senior civil and military officers, soldiers, citizens, and relatives of the martyr.

The Prime Minister praised the contributions and sacrifices of the Christian fraternity, lauding their role in the country's progress. He emphasized that the Armed Forces of Pakistan are a cohesive unit, comprising individuals from diverse backgrounds, striving for the collective defence of the state.

Chief of Army Staff, General Syed Asim Munir, NI (M) honored the sacrifice of Sepoy Haroon William, Sepoy Anosh Rufun, and their comrades, stating that their unity and bravery exemplify the strength of the nation. He reaffirmed that the nation will always be indebted to their services and sacrifices for the honor of the motherland.

Sepoy Haroon William was laid to rest with full military honors in Rawalpindi. Funeral prayers for Havildar Aqeel Ahmed (Okara), Lance Naik Muhammad Tafeer (Poonch), Sepoy Anosh Rufun (Attock), and Sepoy Muhammad Azam Khan (Haripur) were also held in their respective hometowns with full military honours.

The Armed Forces of Pakistan remain resolute and committed to eradicating terrorism from the motherland at all costs.


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Think Tank
Aug 18, 2015
Basically, through IBOs they kill a bunch of afghans, and everything goes quite for a while

More afghans are trained in Afghanistan, then a gang or a group will get through,

Unable to attack facilities, IEDs are a simple of way of targeting patrols

Until more IBOs happen and you find and neutralize the Afghan gang.

Look at Balochistan, about two years ago you had a number of attacks in forces patrols, then a bunch of IBOs happened and the terrorists quite down again

Until you have nation wide crackdown on afghans you will constantly be forced to manage the situation with the Afghans
Area isn't patrolled properly. It takes time to deploy an IED. Then the remote is used to detonate when forces are in proximity which means the controller is nearby and watching movement.


Think Tank
Aug 18, 2015
Pretty shocking sending our boyz out in insurgent areas riding open in Toyota Hilux trucks. Jharrnailon ko koi sharam ne aati? Where are those 1000 MRAPS? We have 2000 or so Thalla/ M-113 APC's. Are Jharrnail saving them for Christmas?
Blaming wrong entities.

General would deploy certain formation in the area and give orders for the Ops. The formation or unit HQ will draw up plans and get them approved from General's staff. However, the tactics in deployment are the responsibility of the outfit/unit/formation commander.

The MRAP may save lives but the issue stands that who is going the stop the deployment of IED in the area where forces are patrolling. It means the patrol route or movement route was known. It takes time to build an IED and deploy by hiding it. The area was unmonitored when this happened. The vehicle approached the area and got blown up unfortunately.

The unit would be completely sanitized the area had this been a visit from the general or some vIP, these standards have to be maintained 24/7. The engineers regiment can be deployed where there is suspicion of IEDs, but this incident could be an ambush where the unit was unable to keep a vigil eye on its AOR. Transport and patrolling routes have to be kept clear.

Conclusion - freedom of movement of insurgents remains unchecked.


Full Member
Oct 21, 2006
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Blaming wrong entities.

General would deploy certain formation in the area and give orders for the Ops. The formation or unit HQ will draw up plans and get them approved from General's staff. However, the tactics in deployment are the responsibility of the outfit/unit/formation commander.

The MRAP may save lives but the issue stands that who is going the stop the deployment of IED in the area where forces are patrolling. It means the patrol route or movement route was known. It takes time to build an IED and deploy by hiding it. The area was unmonitored when this happened. The vehicle approached the area and got blown up unfortunately.

The unit would be completely sanitized the area had this been a visit from the general or some vIP, these standards have to be maintained 24/7. The engineers regiment can be deployed where there is suspicion of IEDs, but this incident could be an ambush where the unit was unable to keep a vigil eye on its AOR. Transport and patrolling routes have to be kept clear.

Conclusion - freedom of movement of insurgents remains unchecked.
Yaar hur haftay ye ho ra hae ab. Can you imagine what this does to the morale of our boyz? In haramion ko kon sikhata hae IED banana? What is this? Somebody from outside is doing this no?


Think Tank
Aug 18, 2015
For the last 20+ years we have been hearing Pakistan is upgrading their forces around Afghanistan Pakistan border but still our troops are not equipped to deal with the insurgents. We are in big trouble and this insurgencies will continue for many decades.
LEAs will use forensics from the site and match with intel reports, and then conduct a retaliatory Ops.


Think Tank
Aug 18, 2015
Yaar hur haftay ye ho ra hae ab. Can you imagine what this does to the morale of our boyz? In haramion ko kon sikhata hae IED banana? What is this? Somebody from outside is doing this no?
Morale doesn't get low when your buddies are seen in bloodied coffins. It creates another emotion of hatred which is dangerous as that clouds sane judgement. This leads to becoming the law, judge and executioner whenever a situation arises.

Morale gets low when retaliatory Ops are not conducted for fallen soldiers, but it occurs within a few weeks.

ISIS, ISKP, AQ and many other factions thriving in Afghanistan are trained in making IEDs.


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Oct 21, 2006
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Morale doesn't get low when your buddies are seen in bloodied coffins. It creates another emotion of hatred which is dangerous as that clouds sane judgement. This leads to becoming the law, judge and executioner whenever a situation arises.

Morale gets low when retaliatory Ops are not conducted for fallen soldiers, but it occurs within a few weeks.

ISIS, ISKP, AQ and many other factions thriving in Afghanistan are trained in making IEDs.
To me this indicates there is sporadic infiltration from Afghani side. We can't stop them from coming in. It is very hard to seal our western border.


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Oct 21, 2006
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Saving them for the real terrorists, the god forsaken awam...
Ideally we need to seal our western borders ASAP. Prevent our people from going out west, or letting back in the ones who've been goin out west. 2 million+ Pakistani Baloch living in Iran now along with a million Afghani Baloch. And then we got these Pashto daily/weekly/ monthly migrants.

This is a big problem bro......We need to engage da Iranis here to sort out dis bullshit chutiappa.

Problem is not our people or there people going back n forth.......problem is da harami ISIS-K/ Al-Qaeda type gaanddu sneaking in to cause trouble.

Most of these terrorists are not really our people. They are border smugglers/ drug dealers/ criminals/ people smugglers/ Gun runners and they could be Irani, Afghani or our own tribals.

Depending on the season, these bastards can go hide in any of the three countries for sanctuary/ protection/ hideouts.

This is truly the modern day 'Wild West'........


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Ideally we need to seal our western borders ASAP. Prevent our people from going out west, or letting back in the ones who've been goin out west. 2 million+ Pakistani Baloch living in Iran now along with a million Afghani Baloch. And then we got these Pashto daily/weekly/ monthly migrants.

This is a big problem bro......We need to engage da Iranis here to sort out dis bullshit chutiappa.

Problem is not our people or there people going back n forth.......problem is da harami ISIS-K/ Al-Qaeda type gaanddu sneaking in to cause trouble.

Most of these terrorists are not really our people. They are border smugglers/ drug dealers/ criminals/ people smugglers/ Gun runners and they could be Irani, Afghani or our own tribals.

Depending on the season, these bastards can go hide in any of the three countries for sanctuary/ protection/ hideouts.

This is truly the modern day 'Wild West'........

The people in these areas are little better then donkeys, they are raised as donkeys and taught to behave like donkeys

You need to have strict laws so you can control and modify the behaviour of these idiots

It's like hillbilly country out there


Elite Member
Aug 30, 2010
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The 5000 year old un-civilizatoon insists on remaining stuck in 5000 year old era.
Any attempt to bring them to present day goes kaboom.
No surprise here.


Full Member
Oct 21, 2006
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The people in these areas are little better then donkeys, they are raised as donkeys and taught to behave like donkeys

You need to have strict laws so you can control and modify the behaviour of these idiots

It's like hillbilly country out there
Hamaray paas paisay ne hain gay ina di phenttian lugganay k. Irani's got a lotta free money coming out from da ground no? duss colored pitthu palay hain gay iranio nay all over da place? Muftay de paisay? Allah di ghaneemat?

Why don't we talk to them k aap in ko insaan de putter banao bhai, in da interests of being parrosi no?

Hum to ghareeb hain gay? Putting putt-role in toyota hilux and going on dehshat moon riding in their illaqay to subdue illiterates is very hard no?

Hard ass / sang dill supremacist Iranio ne in afghani/ balochio ko sudharna hae aur insaan de putter banana hae. We just need to convince dem bro.

Hum say ye kaam ne know it......We've tried so hard already.
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Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
ISIS, ISKP, AQ and many other factions thriving in Afghanistan are trained in making IEDs.

The Taliban are failing to deal with them, it seems either they are weak or have some kind of deal with the handlers of these militant organisations.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Ideally we need to seal our western borders ASAP. Prevent our people from going out west, or letting back in the ones who've been goin out west. 2 million+ Pakistani Baloch living in Iran now along with a million Afghani Baloch. And then we got these Pashto daily/weekly/ monthly migrants.

This is a big problem bro......We need to engage da Iranis here to sort out dis bullshit chutiappa.

Problem is not our people or there people going back n forth.......problem is da harami ISIS-K/ Al-Qaeda type gaanddu sneaking in to cause trouble.

Most of these terrorists are not really our people. They are border smugglers/ drug dealers/ criminals/ people smugglers/ Gun runners and they could be Irani, Afghani or our own tribals.

Depending on the season, these bastards can go hide in any of the three countries for sanctuary/ protection/ hideouts.

This is truly the modern day 'Wild West'........

If you have 1000s of people crossing the borders everyday, trading, have families on both sides its difficult situation to be in, if you stop them they will turn against you and if you allow it then the trouble makers come with it. The militants definitely have inside help, like how they targeted military bases, they have the intelligence, people who supply them with weaponary. Those on a mission are most likely already inside Pakistan as sleeper cells, and wait till they get the go ahead and are informed where to target and where the weapons are.

The smugglers, drug lords, mafias all operate in those regions. They must have a big network.

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