Five soldiers martyred in IED blast in Kurram: ISPR

If you have 1000s of people crossing the borders everyday, trading, have families on both sides its difficult situation to be in, if you stop them they will turn against you and if you allow it then the trouble makers come with it. The militants definitely have inside help, like how they targeted military bases, they have the intelligence, people who supply them with weaponary. Those on a mission are most likely already inside Pakistan as sleeper cells, and wait till they get the go ahead and are informed where to target and where the weapons are.

The smugglers, drug lords, mafias all operate in those regions. They must have a big network.
Irani in ko maar daaltay hain…..they have no mercy and they have a few major incidents each year, depending on US/Israeli intervention. In our case this is a weekly occurrence.

You notice da diff?

We can’t do it bro……we are not hard enough nor do we have da experience of these irani’s no?

Kuttay key tarha maarna aur tribals ko insaan de putter banana is not something wes good at.
Irani in ko maar daaltay hain…..they have no mercy and they have a few major incidents each year, depending on US/Israeli intervention. In our case this is a weekly occurrence.

You notice da diff?

We can’t do it bro……we are not hard enough nor do we have da experience of these irani’s no?

Kuttay key tarha maarna aur tribals ko insaan de putter banana is not something wes good at.

What's stopping Pakistan from forming a joint security force with Iran to conduct operations inside each other territories. Jointly destroy the terrorists and their hideouts, do the same in Afghanistan but our rulers chicken out each time. The problem is alot deeper than we know.
What's stopping Pakistan from forming a joint security force with Iran to conduct operations inside each other territories. Jointly destroy the terrorists and their hideouts, do the same in Afghanistan but our rulers chicken out each time. The problem is alot deeper than we know.
Gen Raheel Sharif tried doing the right thing……sorting out this issue, and he almost succeeded…..but when he was gone, the problem has resurfaced to haunt us full on.
To me this indicates there is sporadic infiltration from Afghani side. We can't stop them from coming in. It is very hard to seal our western border.

Latest attack on fence and FC posts from Afghanistan in this area as this is one of the TTP's infiltration route into Pakistan.

Latest attack on fence and FC posts from Afghanistan in this area as this is one of the TTP's infiltration route into Pakistan.

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yaar can't we like mine these deep ravines in hopes so maybe these guys step on the mines and blow off their feet or legs?

Inhon nay baaz to ne aana.......we both know. Soviet butterfly mines come to mind. Millions of them.

They'll keep on trying infiltrating with desperate hopes of killing our soldiers or doing some sort of khud kush hamlay in our country.
Gen Raheel Sharif tried doing the right thing……sorting out this issue, and he almost succeeded…..but when he was gone, the problem has resurfaced to haunt us full on.

He certainly did, he went to the UK and mentioned "we will never allow shadow of ISIS in our region" Alot of people thought Pakistan is incapable of starting operations against militants but Raheel Sharif proved Pak army is fully capable, he prosecuted terrorists in military courts, took the war to the militants but after his retirement Pak army went on the back foot again. Noone can explain why? Pakistan should have destroyed them all and their networks, supported the tribal lashkars and anti ttp militants and took the war to Afghanistan, today taliban would have respected us and we would have more allies than the taliban.

yaar can't we like mine these deep ravines in hopes so maybe these guys step on the mines and blow off their feet or legs?

Inhon nay baaz to ne aana.......we both know. Soviet butterfly mines come to mind. Millions of them.

They'll keep on trying infiltrating with desperate hopes of killing our soldiers or doing some sort of khud kush hamlay in our country.

They will keep on coming for decades, just like for the past 20 years, the area is 100s of KM long, with valleys, forests, villages. Anyone can come.
They will keep on coming for decades, just like for the past 20 years, the area is 100s of KM long, with valleys, forests, villages. Anyone can come.
It all fell apart when Gen. Raheel left office. Corrupt worthless people are at the helm now. Nalaiq/ NaEhl begherat…..

That’s why our boys are dying for nothing.
The funeral service of Sepoy Haroon William, a 29-year-old resident of Islamabad, was held today at Saint Paul’s Church, Rawalpindi.

Sepoy William, a devoted Christian soldier, made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of the motherland and embraced martyrdom in Kurram District yesterday while on duty in counter terrorism operations.

The ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Defence Minister, Interior Minister, Minister of Information & Broadcasting, Chief of Army Staff, senior civil and military officers, soldiers, citizens, and relatives of the martyr.

The Prime Minister praised the contributions and sacrifices of the Christian fraternity, lauding their role in the country's progress. He emphasized that the Armed Forces of Pakistan are a cohesive unit, comprising individuals from diverse backgrounds, striving for the collective defence of the state.

Chief of Army Staff, General Syed Asim Munir, NI (M) honored the sacrifice of Sepoy Haroon William, Sepoy Anosh Rufun, and their comrades, stating that their unity and bravery exemplify the strength of the nation. He reaffirmed that the nation will always be indebted to their services and sacrifices for the honor of the motherland.

Sepoy Haroon William was laid to rest with full military honors in Rawalpindi. Funeral prayers for Havildar Aqeel Ahmed (Okara), Lance Naik Muhammad Tafeer (Poonch), Sepoy Anosh Rufun (Attock), and Sepoy Muhammad Azam Khan (Haripur) were also held in their respective hometowns with full military honours.

The Armed Forces of Pakistan remain resolute and committed to eradicating terrorism from the motherland at all costs.

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This means nothing this piece of crap is only there as a photo op. If he really cared or if bajwa really cared why did they never respond to the deaths by doing something practical and allowing the same mistakes to repeatedly happen.
Back in 2019 scores of pak soldiers were getting killed in the LOC bajwa just stood and watched and shrugged his shoulders.
Trust me on the old forum whenever ppl brought up the losses of shaheed we were banned.
ISIS, ISKP, AQ and many other factions thriving in Afghanistan are trained in making IEDs.

How comes the Taliban who is Pakistani ally doesn't take action against them, are they weak or simply have changed their friendship. When Turkey tried to increase their influence in Afghanistan, Pakistan wasn't happy and many senior PDF members claimed Afghanistan is our backyard etc. So what is going on now?

How comes the Taliban who is Pakistani ally doesn't take action against them, are they weak or simply have changed their friendship. When Turkey tried to increase their influence in Afghanistan, Pakistan wasn't happy and many senior PDF members claimed Afghanistan is our backyard etc. So what is going on now?

Because at the end the Afghans have always considered you lesser people from history who have stolen lands from them . Compound that with the overall impression in Taliban that Pakistan betrayed them and then the general Afghan “blame” on a people for the Afghan war… the same people who hosted them for 40 years.

Unless that border is sealed off with money spent that ensures anyone outside of crossings gets a bullet or a missile - which is extremely expensive as a perpetual situation


You Sanitize your area and then expand a massive covert network in Afghanistan that guides kill strikes on an almost constant basis which reminds them of the PTSD from the US occupation.. and maybe you get some respite… but it’s still expensive.

Either way, thanks to the decision makers who made the screwed up decisions that led to this economic situation… you really can only spend lives since you have money
We can’t do it bro……we are not hard enough nor do we have da experience of these irani’s no?

Kuttay key tarha maarna aur tribals ko insaan de putter banana is not something wes good at.
and how many pukhtoons will rise up if you use such tactics? they are in every city of the country. not mention two entire provinces. thne you will have a proper civil war on your hands.
Unless that border is sealed off with money spent that ensures anyone outside of crossings gets a bullet or a missile - which is extremely expensive as a perpetual situation


You Sanitize your area and then expand a massive covert network in Afghanistan that guides kill strikes on an almost constant basis which reminds them of the PTSD from the US occupation.. and maybe you get some respite… but it’s still expensive.
why not both?

need to cut other wasteful expenditures, both civil and military, and invest in security.
why not both?

need to cut other wasteful expenditures, both civil and military, and invest in security.
Golf is life
Cannot be done

Wastefulness is culture
Might as well break up the country

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