🇮🇷 NEW: Former Iranian diplomat Amir al-Mousavi reveals that Iran has been threatened with a nuclear strike by Israel

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Probably Israel and America.

The two rogue states.
America has no need to nuke Iran nor does it want to.

Netenyahu however is under pressure from US and seeing internal politics crumble so his only alternative is more war to stay in power via chaos and let his right wing genocidal maniacs “solve” the Palestinian problem with displacement and murder.

He may be threatening nukes but it’s not a card he really can play unless Iran makes a provocation. Iran right now has choices that are changing every instant with none of them great but also not all horrible
An old speech from Iranian Supreme Leader:

We will not build nukes, but for our defence we will attack the USA and zionist with exact similar power that they attack us. "28:40"

I think that horse has bolted the barn.

Only way to stop a Nuclear Iran is to invade, subjugate and occupy. If they didn't do that to North Korea then unlikely to do to Iran.
Oh bhai, forget these Irani turani north korean.......Da Fuq we goin do if they put us up on da pedestal like dis?

You see da dramay going on?

Anybody who believes our nuke program has not been long been infiltrated is living da life of a dalit convert!

Who wouldn't pimp out his daddy in our country for a couple of million? and US passports for yous n da family?

Bukvaas narratives no?........idiotas.
supreme leader fatwa on nuke weapon ban will obliterate Iran
One atomic bomb is enough to extinct Jewish race.

I hope they are not so stupid as to think that they will bomb Iran and they will not be bombed in return.
They already have nukes

Don't be so naive. Otherwise, they would have attacked Iran by now.
If Iran had nukes, it would have been detected by now. US routinely flies it's nuke detecting airplane in the region which

The logical and prudent thing would have been for Iranians to have high enriched uranium in stock and ready to be assembled onto a nuke on a short notice. But knowing Iran's repeated own goals and high incompetence of recent years, I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't made any contingencies. Also, this could all be noora kushti with the colonial powers.
America has no need to nuke Iran nor does it want to.

Netenyahu however is under pressure from US and seeing internal politics crumble so his only alternative is more war to stay in power via chaos and let his right wing genocidal maniacs “solve” the Palestinian problem with displacement and murder.

He may be threatening nukes but it’s not a card he really can play unless Iran makes a provocation. Iran right now has choices that are changing every instant with none of them great but also not all horrible
Netenyahu's only pressure/concern is being out of power and Israeli courts potentially going after him for corruption. Otherwise, he can nuke both Gaza and Iran and Western powers firmly under the Zionists' thumb wouldn't even bat an eye.
If Iran had nukes, it would have been detected by now. US routinely flies it's nuke detecting airplane in the region which

The logical and prudent thing would have been for Iranians to have high enriched uranium in stock and ready to be assembled onto a nuke on a short notice. But knowing Iran's repeated own goals and high incompetence of recent years, I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't made any contingencies. Also, this could all be noora kushti with the colonial powers.

Netenyahu's only pressure/concern is being out of power and Israeli courts potentially going after him for corruption. Otherwise, he can nuke both Gaza and Iran and Western powers firmly under the Zionists' thumb wouldn't even bat an eye.
Oh bhai, if they can penetrate a hard core org like IRGC and plant bum under Haaniya's bed, can you imagine how deep is their penetration in our nuke program? or in our GHQ? Our people totally working for the agency. I bet you money right now there are hundreds of moles in our system!

This is nothing to joke about.
Iran had nukes, it would have been detected by now. US routinely flies it's nuke detecting airplane in the region which
Hi, growing up in the 90s, I read a book from my local library (clash of civilization and remaking of the new world order), Iran bought multiple warheads from the former central Asian countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
If Iran had nukes, it would have been detected by now. US routinely flies it's nuke detecting airplane in the region which

The logical and prudent thing would have been for Iranians to have high enriched uranium in stock and ready to be assembled onto a nuke on a short notice. But knowing Iran's repeated own goals and high incompetence of recent years, I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't made any contingencies. Also, this could all be noora kushti with the colonial powers.

Netenyahu's only pressure/concern is being out of power and Israeli courts potentially going after him for corruption. Otherwise, he can nuke both Gaza and Iran and Western powers firmly under the Zionists' thumb wouldn't even bat an eye.
This is the correct assessment.

I find it hard to believe Iran has nukes and there was zero effort to prevent it. Especially given the level of penetration by the CIA and Mossad.

Remember this nuke stuff is also used as a propaganda weapon to rile up war mongering.
Hi, growing up in the 90s, I read a book from my local library (clash of civilization and remaking of the new world order), Iran bought multiple warheads from the former central Asian countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Plus North Korea would not be averse to selling some in exchange for some cold hard cash, and oil...
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