🇮🇷 NEW: Former Iranian diplomat Amir al-Mousavi reveals that Iran has been threatened with a nuclear strike by Israel

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Why would we be obliterated---? We are not threatening the world like Iran is---.
We ain't threatening cuz we can't! They are threatening cuz they can and to be honest, they are winning too. They've pushed over the apple cart and will negotiate a good package for themselves. You's as usual will be sitting around twiddlin your thumbs.
Oh bhai, if they can penetrate a hard core org like IRGC and plant bum under Haaniya's bed, can you imagine how deep is their penetration in our nuke program? or in our GHQ? Our people totally working for the agency. I bet you money right now there are hundreds of moles in our system!

This is nothing to joke about.
100? You must be kidding!!

Pakistan's entire chain of command is compromised. Nukes along with all other 'strategic' weapons are compromised. There is a reason why Pakistan is NOT in news, USA not in Afghanistan anymore and Al Qaeda on long term holidays!

It means everything is "safe" as far as US/Nato is concerned...and that 'safety' isn't in the hands of our Brave Fauj! If sh*t really hits the fan with Nato/US one day, you mark this post - Pakistan's army performance will be worse than that of Iraq. Entire chain of command will dissappear in no time, the onslaught will be like no other and it'll all be over in 3 days and Pakistan will be what Libya is today. The 'all weather' friend next door...will, at best, issue a very strong worded statement and watch the show as spectator.
100? You must be kidding!!

Pakistan's entire chain of command is compromised. Nukes along with all other 'strategic' weapons are compromised. There is a reason why Pakistan is NOT in news, USA not in Afghanistan anymore and Al Qaeda on long term holidays!

It means everything is "safe" as far as US/Nato is concerned...and that 'safety' isn't in the hands of our Brave Fauj! If sh*t really hits the fan with Nato/US one day, you mark this post - Pakistan's army performance will be worse than that of Iraq. Entire chain of command will dissappear in no time, the onslaught will be like no other and it'll all be over in 3 days and Pakistan will be what Libya is today. The 'all weather' friend next door...will, at best, issue a very strong worded statement and watch the show as spectator.
China definitely works with the US in keeping us afloat. There is synergy there, no doubt. China's interest here is to use us as their anti-India proxy and the US uses this to keep India in check. No other reason.

Irani's have destroyed these kind of big power games. They do what they want, not what the big powers want.

If yous ain't sovereign bhai........god help you.
China definitely works with the US in keeping us afloat. There is synergy there, no doubt. China's interest here is to use us as their anti-India proxy and the US uses this to keep India in check. No other reason.

Irani's have destroyed these kind of big power games. They do what they want, not what the big powers want.

If yous ain't sovereign bhai........god help you.
Here take my “Like”
We ain't threatening cuz we can't! They are threatening cuz they can and to be honest, they are winning too. They've pushed over the apple cart and will negotiate a good package for themselves. You's as usual will be sitting around twiddlin your thumbs.

My so desperate ---------------trying so hard to justify the impotency of the iranian Ayotullah's---.

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My so desperate shia brethren---trying so hard to justify the impotency of the iranian Ayotullah's---.

Well I am Shia but I have no love for the regime in Tehran.


Compared to other governments cough cough Pakistani aka crypto Hindus, the Iranian government at least doesn’t sell its women and citizens for $$$&.
trust me, there won’t be any nuclear strikes. These are empty threats of the USA if true.

The worst that I foresee is carpet bombing in Iranian cities but USA will not be interested in occupying Iran similar to what it did in Iraq or Afghanistan
trust me, there won’t be any nuclear strikes. These are empty threats of the USA if true.

The worst that I foresee is carpet bombing in Iranian cities but USA will not be interested in occupying Iran similar to what it did in Iraq or Afghanistan

US has no reason to nuc iran---. The real concern is israel--.

Well I am Shia but I have no love for the regime in Tehran.


Compared to other governments cough cough Pakistani aka crypto Hindus, the Iranian government at least doesn’t sell its women and citizens for $$$&.
True, but it sells out sunnis every chance it gets...it had a golden opportunity to bridge and heal 1400 year scar with sunnis by forming an alliance with the anti-monarchy/wahabi/dictator MB front (Morsi was the first Egyptian leader to ever visit Iran) but resorted back to its centuries old habit of sowing mischief and fitna by first backing Iraqi militias and then Assad as they went full gung-ho sectarian massacring sunnis enmasse.
True, but it sells out sunnis every chance it gets...it had a golden opportunity to bridge and heal 1400 year scar with sunnis by forming an alliance with the anti-monarchy/wahabi/dictator MB front (Morsi was the first Egyptian leader to ever visit Iran) but resorted back to its centuries old habit of sowing mischief and fitna by first backing Iraqi militias and then Assad as they went full gung-ho sectarian massacring sunnis enmasse.
I respectively disagree. My issues with the Iranian government is more inter-Shia than anything else and above . This can go back and forth on what we believe to be true.

Hopefully there is unity as right now rhe Hinoods and Yahud and their puppets are squeezing the Islamic from two pincers.

China can catch these hands too.

My so desperate shia brethren---trying so hard to justify the impotency of the iranian Ayotullah's---.
This is not about shia sunni. They’re on da ball, we don’t even know where da ball is……

Pakistan nuclear power? Irani's got the whole west wound up in a pretzel…...and they're totally winning....…and what have you accomplished with your China supplied nukes?

How about the IMF cuts us off from funding tomorrow? Then what?
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If Iran had nukes, it would have been detected by now. US routinely flies it's nuke detecting airplane in the region which

The logical and prudent thing would have been for Iranians to have high enriched uranium in stock and ready to be assembled onto a nuke on a short notice. But knowing Iran's repeated own goals and high incompetence of recent years, I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't made any contingencies. Also, this could all be noora kushti with the colonial powers.

Netenyahu's only pressure/concern is being out of power and Israeli courts potentially going after him for corruption. Otherwise, he can nuke both Gaza and Iran and Western powers firmly under the Zionists' thumb wouldn't even bat an eye.
I agree with you Iran does not have nuclear weapons. because Iran is party to Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Still who threatened Iran with Nuclear Weapons, I want to know.

Maybe Israel, because Israel is afraid of Iran seeking revenge.
There'a a 10% chance that Iran doesn't have nukes, but I believe that there’s a 90% chance that they do. Any fatwa saying otherwise is just deception.

With my limited religious knowledge I can say that the Quran allows retaliation in the form of a life for a life. It also orders that Muslims prepare every kind of material for war. Where is the logic in sitting and doing nothing when the enemy is threatening a nuclear attack?

Iran would have to be dumb not to have nukes ready to go and I don’t think Iranians are dumb. People who’re dumb don’t get to keep a civilization going for thousands of years.
I hope Iranian version of Samson Option include using whatever they have on that one country that is causing all the chaos in the region. If Iran is to go down, I hope they take some cuntries with them who truly deserve it.
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