Forum Updates and DDoS attack

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Thank you for the updates, good idea to make the move to cloud flare
Good luck man, and I love the honesty and clear communication of the issues and what's been done to mitigate them, rather than keeping things hush hush.
It's easy to hire DDOS attacks from Russia, if you know who to contact .
But it costs money and not everyone can do this.
Question is, who did this and why?
It's easy to hire DDOS attacks from Russia, if you know who to contact .
But it costs money and not everyone can do this.
Question is, who did this and why?
Many times no one needs to do anything. Many of "DDoS" attacks are not even DDoS attacks. They are really really badly configured crawlers to crawl your website, some are highly distributed crawlers and scrappers and some are just scans for possible vulnerabilities.

There is a market for data of all sorts. There are "vendors" who allow you to get a "freshly" collected dataset having whatever part of internet you want to cover. Their crawlers just do not follow any rules of road on the internet. They ignore robots.txt, they do not throttle their scan and they sometimes just hammer your website too hard, even deliberately try to go around caches.

My employer operates one of the largest (rather largest, perhaps?) business website on the planet... and lets say, too many of DDoS attempts are just badly configured scrappers.
Software updated again?
Software updated again?
No software updates, just unwanted traffic blocking the servers but we are fighting back and under control 99% of the time.
Interesting. ISI fighting back to regain their lost traffic (old PDF) or you mods kicked out MSS bot account and they went crying back to Beijing and Chinese initiated a warning shot.

Whatever it is, we all SpeedLimited folks😉 stand solidly behind you Mr X.

Plz take your time, fight back and get back OUR forum from these DDOS morons.
I don’t want to speculate but it could be anyone. There are too many possibilities to mention such as a user not happy with the forum or got banned and trying to take a revenge to the conspiracy theory of involvement of CIA, RAW or Mossad or individuals from rival forums hiring professionals to do this activity.
I don’t want to speculate but it could be anyone. There are too many possibilities to mention such as a user not happy with the forum or got banned and trying to take a revenge to the conspiracy theory of involvement of CIA, RAW or Mossad or individuals from rival forums hiring professionals to do this activity.
Most likely some IT Cell/Scam center in Noida pooled together their family's collective savings to pay some russians for a DDOS attack
But today there was a global cyber attack against multiple airlines, banks, media, and microsoft.
But today there was a global cyber attack against multiple airlines, banks, media, and microsoft.
It’s always good to know that we are not alone in this sh**
Thank you for updates. Respect !
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