Four Taliban Intelligence Officials Killed, Several Wounded in Targeted Attack by NRF in Kabul

Looks like other groups have taken up arms again. This is not ISISK, and they are also active.
Looks like other groups have taken up arms again. This is not ISISK, and they are also active.
The Afghan Taliban had a golden chance to work with Pakistan. Instead they chose to support TTP as a weapon against Pakistan. So now it is better to keep them destabilized with infighting…having a bunch of militias in the mix each thinking their cause is more righteous. All the while seal the border, fence it, monitor it, patrol it…let them all weaken each other.
The Afghan Taliban had a golden chance to work with Pakistan. Instead they chose to support TTP as a weapon against Pakistan. So now it is better to keep them destabilized with infighting…having a bunch of militias in the mix each thinking their cause is more righteous. All the while seal the border, fence it, monitor it, patrol it…let them all weaken each other.

All the Afghans had to do was settle down, we would have reasonable and easy border trade and transit and issues could be resolved through talks

Instead we have donkeys like PTM and TTP creating trouble and Afghanistan as usual unable to stop meddling which they forces Pakistan to respond, in the end everyone suffers but the Afghans suffer the most
All the Afghans had to do was settle down, we would have reasonable and easy border trade and transit and issues could be resolved through talks

Instead we have donkeys like PTM and TTP creating trouble and Afghanistan as usual unable to stop meddling which they forces Pakistan to respond, in the end everyone suffers but the Afghans suffer the most
The reason being greed. There is still a hope(delusion) in Afghans that by destabilizing Pakistan, they can somehow gain Pakistani territory(enough of it) to gain access to the sea. These retards don’t realize that not only are they far outmatched…but they could’ve essentially had that ambition realized through cooperation. Pakistan would have no issue to let Afghan trade transit through Pakistan. If anything…this recent exit of US and Afghan Taliban takeover right around the time that CPEC was in full swing…there couldn’t have been a better time to cooperate and work towards peace and prosperity.

Pakistan has no reason to have animosity towards Afghanistan of any kind bcuz Pakistan has no claims on Afghan territory. There are no conflicting interests…geopolitics, religion, etc…all these factors would line up nicely without even trying much…
…but these morons(Afghanistan) went ahead and created a territorial dispute(Pakhtunistan) and then by working with Pakistan’s enemies(India) and aiding anti Pak militias(TTP) created an adverse geopolitical situation. Then they cry that Pakistan restricts cross border movement, hinders their trade, etc. They don’t realize that they themselves created a problem that wasn’t even a problem and are now desperately trying to solve it in all the wrong ways…that ensures the problem continues to exist.

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