France offers full support in nuclear submarines, jet engines and underwater drones to India

And for India?
India is still trying to get into big boys club, I'll start taking my country of birth seriously once it is a 10 trillion economy. When you are not technologically advanced enough, someone will take advantage of you, and India is no exception.
There is a catch in every deal. What is the catch ?
usually money, The Australian DCNS sub deal is all about money, they quote 40 bil from the beginning, then charge us 82 bil and 10 years delay for TOT. In the end we paid 2 bil for nothing

Good Luck
There is a difference, For France that milk means money, For US that milk means Sovereignty. For China that milk means your Resources. Choice is yours.
well we made owr choices well very early its better to give them money which is harder and loger way to ultimate goal of properity and self relaince rather share your recources and soverenity

while Pakistani elite chose easy path of selling there resources, startegick loaction and soverenity

and the results are for everyone to see no matter how much they mock us for owr religious belives things have changed where today they hurt there egos most ... funny isnt it ;) :P

its like why not sell those coustmors finished products than selling or offering ONLY " MILK " than letting them MILK your soverenity & resources ?????
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