Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Aestethically the J-20A looks more well proportioned now due to the protruding hump behind the cockpit.
The protruding hump behind the cockpit reduces drag.
My bad. You are right.

@Deino Does it mean the WS15 has higher dry power? The WS10C above is using afterburner.
Not necessarily indicative of a lack of power. There are many reasons why jet fighters take off using after-burner

Jet fighters often use afterburners during takeoff to achieve the necessary thrust for rapid acceleration and lift-off, especially when operating from shorter runways or aircraft carriers. Here are a few key reasons why afterburners are used:

  1. Increased Thrust: Afterburners inject additional fuel into the jet engine’s exhaust stream, igniting it to produce a significant boost in thrust. This extra power is crucial for quickly reaching the speeds needed for takeoff1.
  2. Short Runways: On aircraft carriers or short runways, the available distance for takeoff is limited. The additional thrust from afterburners helps jets achieve the required speed in a shorter distance2.
  3. Heavy Loads: Fighter jets often carry heavy payloads, including weapons and fuel. The extra thrust from afterburners helps lift these heavier loads off the ground more efficiently1.
  4. Quick Response: In combat situations, the ability to take off quickly can be critical. Afterburners allow jets to accelerate rapidly, reducing the time needed to get airborne and into action2.
While afterburners provide a powerful thrust boost, they are also fuel-intensive and are typically used sparingly to conserve fuel for the mission ahead.

Is there a specific jet or scenario you’re curious about?
Not necessarily indicative of a lack of power. There are many reasons why jet fighters take off using after-burner

Jet fighters often use afterburners during takeoff to achieve the necessary thrust for rapid acceleration and lift-off, especially when operating from shorter runways or aircraft carriers. Here are a few key reasons why afterburners are used:

  1. Increased Thrust: Afterburners inject additional fuel into the jet engine’s exhaust stream, igniting it to produce a significant boost in thrust. This extra power is crucial for quickly reaching the speeds needed for takeoff1.
  2. Short Runways: On aircraft carriers or short runways, the available distance for takeoff is limited. The additional thrust from afterburners helps jets achieve the required speed in a shorter distance2.
  3. Heavy Loads: Fighter jets often carry heavy payloads, including weapons and fuel. The extra thrust from afterburners helps lift these heavier loads off the ground more efficiently1.
  4. Quick Response: In combat situations, the ability to take off quickly can be critical. Afterburners allow jets to accelerate rapidly, reducing the time needed to get airborne and into action2.
While afterburners provide a powerful thrust boost, they are also fuel-intensive and are typically used sparingly to conserve fuel for the mission ahead.

Is there a specific jet or scenario you’re curious about?
I'll try to illustrate the engine with some simple descriptions. (chemical energy engine)

A chemical energy engine is usually referred to. Some substances produce a large amount of gas during a chemical reaction and use the force formed when the air expands to propel objects into motion.
When a chemical reaction is too fast, we call it an explosion; when it is slower, we call it combustion. There are many means by which humans can control the speed of a chemical reaction.

Direct conversion: a chemical reaction is carried out directly in a conventional environment and its thrust is used to produce mechanical motion directly. Advantage is that it is powerful. The disadvantage is a lot of waste (residue).
Indirect conversion: through some precise control of the technical means, so that these chemical reactions in a confined and controlled space directly into mechanical movement. The advantage is less waste. The disadvantage is less power.

Rocket engines and jet engines are direct conversion. The difference between them is that a rocket engine carries its own oxygen; a jet engine needs to inhale air.

Internal combustion engines, etc. are indirect conversions. Car engines, early propeller airplane engines, etc.

Modern turbofan engines. It is a highly sophisticated machine that combines both modes of conversion. It uses both modes of conversion simultaneously through different culverts.
Large Culvert Ratio Turbofan Engine: Indirect conversion occupies a higher ratio. Thicker and shorter appearance. Slower speed. More fuel efficient. Usually used in civil airliners, transport aircraft, etc.
Turbofan engines with small ratios: Higher direct conversion occupancy. Thinner and longer in appearance. Faster. Consume more fuel. Usually used in fighter aircraft.
Since fighter jets require more instantaneous response, designers have designed a separate combustion chamber system inside the small-container-ratio turbofan engine. It uses large amounts of fuel and air to generate thrust directly to boost the instantaneous explosive power of a fighter jet. This is the additive combustion chamber. It causes a lot of wasted fuel. It is up to the pilot or the flight control system to decide whether or not to use an afterburner.

We've found this: early fighter jets equipped with turbojet engines were generally faster than today's fighter jets equipped with turbofan engines. It is based on the above reason.

Please note: There are some machine translation issues with the above, so please ignore these translation issues.

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