Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Aestethically the J-20A looks more well proportioned now due to the protruding hump behind the cockpit.
The protruding hump behind the cockpit reduces drag.
My bad. You are right.

@Deino Does it mean the WS15 has higher dry power? The WS10C above is using afterburner.
Not necessarily indicative of a lack of power. There are many reasons why jet fighters take off using after-burner

Jet fighters often use afterburners during takeoff to achieve the necessary thrust for rapid acceleration and lift-off, especially when operating from shorter runways or aircraft carriers. Here are a few key reasons why afterburners are used:

  1. Increased Thrust: Afterburners inject additional fuel into the jet engine’s exhaust stream, igniting it to produce a significant boost in thrust. This extra power is crucial for quickly reaching the speeds needed for takeoff1.
  2. Short Runways: On aircraft carriers or short runways, the available distance for takeoff is limited. The additional thrust from afterburners helps jets achieve the required speed in a shorter distance2.
  3. Heavy Loads: Fighter jets often carry heavy payloads, including weapons and fuel. The extra thrust from afterburners helps lift these heavier loads off the ground more efficiently1.
  4. Quick Response: In combat situations, the ability to take off quickly can be critical. Afterburners allow jets to accelerate rapidly, reducing the time needed to get airborne and into action2.
While afterburners provide a powerful thrust boost, they are also fuel-intensive and are typically used sparingly to conserve fuel for the mission ahead.

Is there a specific jet or scenario you’re curious about?

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