Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Lol, did you ask Sunnis of Syria when you invaded Syria and brought Russia in? They are definitely not waiting for permission from Christians of Lebanon.

It's waiting to see if conflict in Gaza comes to a end. So that they can stay out of it. If any war on Lebanon happens it will be because Israel initiated not Hezbollah intervening for Gaza situation.

Battle of Syria was Ok for majority Lebanese. It did not bring bombing to them.

Now they don’t want bombings yet. Even Sunnis do not want Israel bombing.

Unless Israel invades. Then Hizbullah and Syria fight starts with Israel.

Then Syrian rebels attack Syria from North with the help of Turkey and Gulfies.

Battle of Syria was Ok for majority Lebanese. It did not bring bombing to them.
I asked did Hezbollah get permission from Sunni's of Syria? Or Iran?
Now they don’t want bombings yet. Even Sunnis do not want Israel bombing.
Keep blaming your helplessness on others. Very simply, Hezbollah and Iran prefer propaganda to actual fighting. They are frauds that don't care about Palestine or Gaza. This is clear to everyone.
Unless Israel invades. Then Hizbullah and Syria fight starts with Israel.
In your imagination. They won't start any fight. Only if Israel attacks Lebanon with major war.
Then Syrian rebels attack Syria from North with the help of Turkey and Gulfies.
Syrian rebels are Syrian and from Syria. Don't why you restrict to Syria to Western Syria. And no, there is ceasefire agreement which Assad keeps violating. Between Turkey, rebels , Assad, and Russia.
Iran and Hezbollah frauds are telling us this situation is acceptable and they'll intervene at 'right time' when Israel expels all Palestinians in this Holocaust. For all we know, Khamenei is a closet Zionist freemason that was trained for his role by France. That might explain why Axis-of-frauds are so adverse to launching attacks on Israel.

It makes sense why they're withdrawing now. It is all due to the high death toll. All the fuzz about building settlements in Gaza is a bullshit bravado.

Only 10% of the media depicts the battles in Gaza
The Netanyahu government’s decision to withdraw forces from northern Gaza to mitigate losses and limit operations due to the destruction of military vehicles and the large numbers of wounded and dead soldiers.
The army suffered huge losses in lives and military equipment.
Iran and Hezbollah frauds are telling us this situation is acceptable and they'll intervene at 'right time' when Israel expels all Palestinians in this Holocaust. For all we know, Khamenei is a closet Zionist freemason that was trained for his role by France. That might explain why Axis-of-frauds are so adverse to launching attacks on Israel.


If it wasn't because of Iran and 4 decades of sanctions and isolation, today Palestinians had to fight Zionists with sticks and stones

You and Zionists are the most disgusting kind of animals on earth
It makes sense why they're withdrawing now. It is all due to the high death toll. All the fuzz about building settlements in Gaza is a bullshit bravado.

Only 10% of the media depicts the battles in Gaza
The Netanyahu government’s decision to withdraw forces from northern Gaza to mitigate losses and limit operations due to the destruction of military vehicles and the large numbers of wounded and dead soldiers.
The army suffered huge losses in lives and military equipment.
It's not a actual withdrawal as of yet. It's because they committed genocidal levels of destruction in northern Gaza there is no life remaining there. And they don't need as many troops to secure it. It will only be considered a withdrawal when they end their terrorist Holocaust and stop trying to prevent the northern Gaza residents from returning to their homes.
Iran sending navy fleet to red sea...
Iran and Hezbollah frauds are telling us this situation is acceptable and they'll intervene at 'right time' when Israel expels all Palestinians in this Holocaust. For all we know, Khamenei is a closet Zionist freemason that was trained for his role by France. That might explain why Axis-of-frauds are so adverse to launching attacks on Israel.


If it wasn't because of IRAN and 4 decades of sanctions and isolation, today Palestinians had to fight Zionists with stones.

You and Jew Zionists are the most disgusting kind of animals on earth

Alas your kind still exist
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Not a single helicopter or plane, or jet has been shot down. Only lowlevel small drones with no self protection systems. Given how many videos we have seen of Manpads, you have to assume the protection systems involving flares are very good on those platforms and that the russian and chinese, iranian manpads are basically useless ?!?!

Jets are too high up to be touched anyway..

The participation of the IsraHELLi copters in the fighting was very limited. They were only used to carry the dead and the wounded. And even when they were picking those casualties up, they were operating in the Gaza envelope. The only time they came to to IsraHELLi forces in Gaza, it is during the battles in and around Khan Younis. And even in those engagements, the mujahideen were challenging them with shoulder-fired SAMs.

Let us also not to forget, the Israelis would never acknowledge any of their helicopters that would've been shot down by the mujahideen.
It's not an actual withdrawal as of yet. It's because they committed genocidal levels of destruction in northern Gaza there is no life remaining there. And they don't need as many troops to secure it. It will only be considered a withdrawal when they end their terrorist Holocaust and stop trying to prevent the northern Gaza residents from returning to their homes.
Why risk more troops live they are just going to keep constantly bombing from the sky no risk to their soldiers Hamas and their Allie’s will not be able to operate above ground at least openly, honestly let’s be truthful sinwar has not actually achieved anything hypothetically they release all Palestinian prisoners was it worth 30 thousand dead Palestinians ano 60 thousand wounded vast portions of Gaza destroyed. I can tell you this unless Egypt grows a pair and starts bringing in reconstruction materials without Israel’s approval 10a of thousands more will die from disease and weather. Not pacifist but a realist Hamas and its Allie’s are putting up a good resistance end of the day they knew what Israelis would do and knew the brunt of the damage and death would be on regular Palestinians they have all these vast tunnels and underground bases that are protected from bombing with vast amount of food and water they should have brought civilians and there.
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You and Wahabis are different sides of same coin. PLO existed before Iranian Islamic Republic. And in one day of strikes on the Israeli enemy, it put to shame entire 4 decades of Iranian revolution during which Iran never fired a missile at Israel.

LOL no, our weapons is not from you. They are old Egyptian and Chinese rifles and gear. Very few of it is Iranian.
Iran has trained and spent billions dollars for resistance axis

Every weapon and weapon how in the region is Iranian origin

Iran hasn't attacked zionists directly because Zionism Western world has thousands of nuclear weapons to destroy a 80 million country and Pakistani generals would not dare to fire a single nuke towards israel even after an Islamic country is totally destroyed
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