Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

After Iran? Can Israel FIIIIRST go after Gaza then go after Lebanon then go after Syria then go after the Houthis before it goes after Iran?

Also, after Iran it won't be Pakistan- why? Pakistan and Israel have the same "daddy". Only issue is if Pakistani govt/leadership goes "out of line" alot, which they won't, so that won't be an issue most likely.
Israel wont attack Iran , it will be the US and European powers with their Arab lackies and they will use the Iraq model. Unless China and Russia come to Iran's aid they are a goner and will be genocided like the Palestinians. Muslim world is too divided and cowardly to fight. After regime changes let's hope these countries will end up like Taiwan and South Korea and not Palestine.
I guess you don’t know what the boycott was about but had nothing to do with Palestine and had to do with homosexuality and transphobia, most of the supporters of that boycott are right wing supporters and hard line Christian who support Israel. But don’t get me wrong my wife did stop drinking Starbucks and Dunkin after the war she said also have to boycott Pepsi and Coca Cola products, she got mad when I brought frito lay products home I had to start buying generic brand stuff and buy everything from Salam market.
After Iran? Can Israel FIIIIRST go after Gaza then go after Lebanon then go after Syria then go after the Houthis before it goes after Iran?

Also, after Iran it won't be Pakistan- why? Pakistan and Israel have the same "daddy". Only issue is if Pakistani govt/leadership goes "out of line" alot, which they won't, so that won't be an issue most likely.
You guys don't spare anyone from your smears. They won't go after Lebanon as Hezbollah gave them what they wanted - to leave Gaza isolated. And made a natural gas deal with them earlier last year. Syrian regime protects them from Syrian rebels.

Gaza is not a first line of defense for Iran. Have some respect for the victims of this genocide. Russia and US are first line of defense for Iran.
Israel wont attack Iran , it will be the US and European powers with their Arab lackies and they will use the Iraq model. Unless China and Russia come to Iran's aid they are a goner and will be genocided like the Palestinians. Muslim world is too divided and cowardly to fight. After regime changes let's hope these countries will end up like Taiwan and South Korea and not Palestine.
Muslim countries unfortunately are each other’s worst enemies. Iran won’t collapse that easily; as they have hundreds of missiles and drones that can cause havoc to US bases in the region along with global oil supply in the Persian gulf.
Why would US media care why would us people will care if your own brothers arabs are not helping you why would anyone care.
It is in favour of united states to prop up israel as isreal has invested heavily in american politics and economy and not to mention jew population.
To contain iran isarel is needed so it is obvious for so many reasons that US will keep supporting israel.
These condemenation and blaming game should be played on arabs as they have the major responsiblity to help their brothers in palestine.
Isreal only has one active supporter united states and even that is only providing materialistic help even then people are crying against US.
On the other hand palestine has full world support from indonesia, pakistan, iran,turkey, qatar , syria, yemen, iraq, and other muslim countries. But still no materialistic help in terms of military is provided by these countries.
So rather then blaming USA why dont people blame these brotherly brethen countries in middle east, why are they hiding whom they are afraid of??
It really pains to see constant genocide of palestine not a single concrete military action taken by arabs against israel.

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