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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Israel’s ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, also decried the statement in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

Prosor added that Germany’s “Staatsräson,” a term that refers to ensuring Israel’s security as one of the European country’s “reason of state,” was “being put to the test.”



Protecting Israel is one of the reasons Germany exists?

Put to the test? Is this a threat?

Israel has been exposed as a bandit state and paper tiger. I think we will start to see more and more countries distance themselves from Israel.


ALL YOUR POLITICIANS ARE GIVEN A SCRIPT BY THE ISRAELI LOBBY Here they attack the ICC Watch they will attack the ICJ next… as scripted.


America is the wild card.

We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Wasn't it Edgar Casey who predicted some seventy years ago that Russia will be the light of world and America will descend into anarchy? (Too lazy to look it up).

The point is, there has been many over DECADES, warning Americans we were on the road to Jewish Bolshevism (See Winston Churchill's White Paper just over one hundred years ago) and we have done absolutely nothing to stop it.

This problem of voluntary servitude among people has been written about for 500 years, or even longer. The classic:



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Sorry I lost you somewhere? My comment is related to the opportunity to cut of all formal relations trough diplomatic and economic sanctions with zios without any consequences due ICJ decision. Previous arrest order was not on my mind at all.

I was slow in read of your reply and share irony sentiment, it is scharade, correct me if i understood you wrong.

No no no, you're good. I was just adding to your post about any countries being able to legally sanction Israel with the news coming out of Germany today that it will arrest Netanyahu if he "sets foot" in the country. And how crazy that is considering how Germany has been forced to be guilt-ridden for over half a century because of Hitler and how subservient it is to the zionist entity. And now it's announcing it will abide by the ICJ if the arrest warrants are issued? That's pretty incredible considering it is Germany after all.

Will American media cover any of this?

@Get Ya Wig Split @F-22Raptor this is an amazing way of showing you have the right to defend yourself, ey?

Of course, because God forbid they would have to go through the huuuugeah hassle of transporting all those weapons of mass killings from an airport a few miles away from Gaza! Why ask so much of them, let's make their murderous intentions even easier on them Khawalat w'lad sharameet kuss okhto7om w'omohom w'yekhrebthum w'bet abuhom w'lad el a7bah.

Israeli officials continue to display their genocidal intent by demanding a forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza to steal their land. International criminal court must do its job to prevent this. Israeli's are still trying desperately to complete a land grab and exterminate all Palestinians. They're still trying to exhaust the world until they can achieve that. That's why a end to this brutal genocide is necessary.

lol, look at that slimy sleazy scum-sucking cuck Joe Scarborough and that other clown cuck talking about how Egypt could've allowed the Palestinians to take "TEMPORARY" refuge in Sinai and then stopping just short of how there were no guarantees or agreements for their right to return hahaha. Sneaky bastard that joke of a joe. Yeah we know how that story would end don't we, ya Nisr? lol

I checked and this is not authentic

What isn't? That he said that or that those particular things are not true?

Please bring something to back that up. A link or anything and I'll be more than happy to retract it.

As far as I know from years of being fascinated be the Kennedy assassination that indeed he had intentions on eliminating the federal reserve as well as he despised the secret societies in particular Freemasonry but others too, Klu Klux Klan being one of the major ones also.

The great John Kennedy was a strong advocate of the Non-Proliferation Treaty which led him to strongly pressure Israel to end its nuclear development in the early 60s. This is a well-known fact.

That he wanted zionists out of the country? That I can't attest to for sure but considering how much he despised lobbies working against the interests of the United States, I wouldn't doubt that would be one of his convictions. But like I said, if you can bring facts to support your point, please do and define which part is not authentic, if he said the quote or if the 3 specific details are incorrect and I'll be happy to retract it.
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Sep 14, 2022
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Some people aim for perfection that will never be reached.

Only Hamas has stopped the slide into permanent Bantustans as a “Palestinian State” and for the issue to be forgotten and buried.

Yes it is not perfect but the only option for Palestine freedom and independence.
Problem all said and done let’s say Hamas wins would they believe in a free open society, truth is no my brother in laws family is from Gaza so whatever some people might think Hamas leadership on top is only worried about keeping themselves in power as much as the PA, a few people can attempt to twist my words because I don’t believe any of these “leaders” and I remember I also put down most Muslim and Arab “leaders” end if the day the top Hamas and PA men are living nice lives in Qatar, UAE and turkey while Palestinians as a whole live in poverty and despair. 😂 though I had that particular person on ignore,as I said we can have different opinions but on this particular thread the opinions and facts on matters Palestinian issues matter most if you have never been to Gaza/West Bank/Palestine honestly those certain people who don’t know what they are talking about can follow blindly over the cliff……..excuse the pronunciation.
P.s. we can all have different opinions I’m not against that people who think they’re smart to attempt to belittle people two different things, I respect your opinions doesn’t mean I always agree with your opinions nor do you always agree with my opinions we should all speak to each respectfully.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Problem all said and done let’s say Hamas wins would they believe in a free open society, truth is no my brother in laws family is from Gaza so whatever some people might think Hamas leadership on top is only worried about keeping themselves in power as much as the PA, a few people can attempt to twist my words because I don’t believe any of these “leaders” and I remember I also put down most Muslim and Arab “leaders” end if the day the top Hamas and PA men are living nice lives in Qatar, UAE and turkey while Palestinians as a whole live in poverty and despair. 😂 though I had that particular person on ignore,as I said we can have different opinions but on this particular thread the opinions and facts on matters Palestinian issues matter most if you have never been to Gaza/West Bank/Palestine honestly those certain people who don’t know what they are talking about can follow blindly over the cliff……..excuse the pronunciation.
P.s. we can all have different opinions I’m not against that people who think they’re smart to attempt to belittle people two different things, I respect your opinions doesn’t mean I always agree with your opinions nor do you always agree with my opinions we should all speak to each respectfully.

"Peace Process" that PA tried is obviously not working as the Palestinians in West Bank are herded into reservations and the number of Zionist settlers has increased nearly 10 fold since "Oslo Accords" were signed over 30 years ago in 1993.

As a Muslim and well-wisher of Palestine, I will support whatever form of resistance that the Palestinians take against their occupier and oppressor and it looks like the Palestinian people have decided that armed resistance is the only way. The Palestinians in West Bank would be fighting like Hamas if only they had the same conditions like territorial contiguity and arms.

I am not disagreeing with some of the things you say about Hamas and anyway I don't know that much about internal Palestine politics, but now is not the time to attack Hamas as this only gives succour to the Zionists and their friends.

After Palestine is liberated, then would be the correct time to argue about who should be in charge. Now is the time to unite as one people and nation.


Full Member
Dec 11, 2023
Mikey chanting verses from Talmud LOL Fat hypocrite.
Indeed, Trump's confidant and his former CIA official Mike Pompeo is an immoral puppy and propaganda expert, and spy official leaders are pathological and arrogant liars.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Israeli terrorists are bombing civilian tents in Rafah. After forcing everyone to evacuate to Rafah. They now bomb civilian tents too. They can go ahead and tell us what's a military target about this.



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Jan 5, 2015
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She rectified.

She didnt mean only a "Palestine" from sea to river, but a "Israel and Palestine" from sea to river.

I suspected it, and she confirmed it, she just didnt know what the motto she said can mean.

00:47 "The recognition of two states that they share from river to sea".


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
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There is no better source than shithedge dot com?

I understand if USA undercovers deceive their own people, it's their job, but dont try to fool the rest of the world, and keep your nonsenses lies inside your country.

Here a source from Yemen houthis related press:

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Davey Crockett

Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
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There is no better source than shithedge dot com?

I understand if USA undercovers deceive their own people, it's their job, but dont try to fool the rest of the world, and keep your nonsenses lies inside your country.

Here a source from Yemen houthis related press:

I call it Zio-hedge.

Thank you for the link.

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