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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


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Sep 14, 2022
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"Peace Process" that PA tried is obviously not working as the Palestinians in West Bank are herded into reservations and the number of Zionist settlers has increased nearly 10 fold since "Oslo Accords" were signed over 30 years ago in 1993.

As a Muslim and well-wisher of Palestine, I will support whatever form of resistance that the Palestinians take against their occupier and oppressor and it looks like the Palestinian people have decided that armed resistance is the only way. The Palestinians in West Bank would be fighting like Hamas if only they had the same conditions like territorial contiguity and arms.

I am not disagreeing with some of the things you say about Hamas and anyway I don't know that much about internal Palestine politics, but now is not the time to attack Hamas as this only gives succour to the Zionists and their friends.

After Palestine is liberated, then would be the correct time to argue about who should be in charge. Now is the time to unite as one people and nation.
Agree as I have stated before numerous times I fully back my people in the end allegiances are based along clans Palestinians as a whole back Palestinians they know their leaders are corrupt we say inshallah the next generation will do better


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Dec 16, 2023
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This Jewish congressman is trying to introduce legislation to punish the world for recognizing Palestine as a state. You'd think he is serving in the Israeli government. But no, this is a guy that's supposed to serve Florida. Going on a rampage and fuming that the world has had enough of terrorist Israel. It's always his Jewish extremist priorities over everyone else. These Israeli firsters must be booted out of the government.

He is a US congressman, of course he serves Israel!

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Norwegian physician Dr. Mads Gilbert: “Norway’s recognition of the Palestinian state is an indication that the European unity that unconditionally supports Israel has been broken. The support of Israel’s friends in Europe has begun to disintegrate.”


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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An important intervention from the well-known historian Ilan Pappe: “We are witnessing important paths that will lead to the collapse of the Zionist project... The historical path has begun, and it will take some time, and the next year and the year after will be very dangerous.”



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Dec 16, 2023
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LOL!!! This demon has the nerve to call this "inhumane"! OMGOOOOOODDDD! I couldn't stop laughing when I just saw this Jackson Hinkel X post lmmmaaaaaooooooo!!!!

Apparently them murdering tens of thousands of innocent women & babies and men & sick & elderly and doctors & aid workers & journalist is hoomaine to these demon incarnates but this isn't.

@Meengla you were just saying? How low have they sunk?

To be fair , they are only killing Goys so for them the Goy are not human but Jews on the other hand...

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Professor John Mearsheimer, author of the famous book “The Zionist Lobby and American Foreign Policy”: “Israel is in big trouble. It was unable to defeat Hamas and cleanse Gaza of the Palestinians!” Watch what he said..



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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You guys want to see the true definition of a jackboot thug pig? A filthy cretin vermin cockroach? A scum-sucking vile bucket of puke? A zionist lowlife of the lowest scumbag order? It actually couldn't get any lower than being a zionist anyway, but....well, here IT is - spawned from demon form into that of human flesh, dawning a black jacket & filthy shorts lmao and showing off its 9mm pistol as if.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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European Union foreign policy official, commenting on the decision of the International Court of Justice: Europeans must choose between supporting international institutions based on the rule of law and supporting Israel.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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You guys want to see the true definition of a jackboot thug pig? A filthy cretin vermin cockroach? A scum-sucking vile bucket of puke? A zionist lowlife of the lowest scumbag order? It actually couldn't get any lower than being a zionist anyway, but....well, here IT is - spawned from demon form into that of human flesh, dawning a black jacket & filthy shorts lmao and showing off its 9mm pistol as if.

All that bravado is because he is carrying a gun..face to face with a Palestinian with a gun too..he'll be running like a rabbit..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Axios: International Justice’s decision to stop the attack in Rafah may lead to the Security Council issuing an order for an immediate ceasefire..“And pressure on the Biden administration not to use its veto.”



Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Norwegian physician Dr. Mads Gilbert: “Norway’s recognition of the Palestinian state is an indication that the European unity that unconditionally supports Israel has been broken. The support of Israel’s friends in Europe has begun to disintegrate.”

If you look into the history of European voting patterns in the UNGA for a long time then you'd notice that even America's allies have been either supporting or abstaining in the UNGA votes and in the UNSC, the French don't have to put their neck out for Israel because the US Vetoes.

It was and to a large extent still is tremendous American pressure on most of the European countries which prevents those countries from being 'fair' to the Palestinians. I have rarely used the 'West' to describe the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Europe: There is only one entity which is the player and that's America and America is under the Zionists chokehold. Israelis are well aware of that and they know that Europe is not a friend and even Germany is so supportive because of the backlash to face Germany should Germany decides to be fair--you know, we have seen plenty of Hollywood movies about World War II and so another Spielberg blockbuster is not welcoming to the Germans.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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All that bravado is because he is carrying a gun..face to face with a Palestinian with a gun too..he'll be running like a rabbit..

For sure. Credit the other Palestinian truck driver who stood up to him as much as he could, got a quick little smack in upside the demon's lips.

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