Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Quick note.

Leaving Zio Hedge alone. Too toxic with all the Jews polluting the comment section. A forum is supposed to grow and develop, not be stuck in the mud, debating the same things over and over. That's how the Jews argue.

For almost eight months, I have been ripping off posts from this forum and reposting over there. 20-40 every day. Fools Nightmare was a great help. Several others here as well. News, that my fellow Americans otherwise will not get.

I think we did a tremendous job educating a few hundred, thousands? on Zero Hedge.

But, I am getting burned out with all the carnage. So is everyone else. What makes us sick (spiritually), is knowing there is nothing we can immediately do about it.

It's right out in the open, ZIONISM controls America.
I think basically the biggest difference between Hamas and Hezbollah is the massive training, Hamas fighters and other groups fighters are putting up stiff resistance against Israeli targets inside Gaza but you see how Hezbollah is using non sophisticated weapons like the Butkan to devastate entire military outpost and damaging bases by getting right under the Israeli military’s noses kind of amazing.
Hamas training is good. It's severely limited by the blockade, geography of Gaza, and lack of resources and funding. Hamas rockets are of low quality because they have to work with available resources. Even their mortars and explosive material of rockets is low quality and cannot come close to matching industrial grade weaponry Hezbollah posses. Israel also carpet bombed Gaza in a unprecedented scale. Which on top of massacring civilians and committing a genocide, it heavily disrupts Hamas's ability to confront the ground invasion.

Hamas has more experience fighting Israel, especially in modern day. But it has severe limitations.

What this is allowing Hezbollah to do is get a idea of Israel's defenses in the north and practice deploying certain weapons system in real time. They get to test launch mechanisms, accuracy and effectiveness of certain weapons systems on a week-to-week basis. Unlike in all-out war, they wouldn't be able to make so many adjustments in short period of time. They also gain experience for their reserves. The Ridwan forces are likely going to be okay in executing what they trained for as they have a lot of training and shared intelligence between Hamas and them to train for Israeli weakness. But the reserves get to gain experience here and also Hezbollah can fine tune some of their processes.

They are acting on a very limited scale of course. And for a full force deployment, they likely already played out the scenarios. The issue is we don't know what Israel would do in a full-scale attack on Lebanon. If Israel carpet bombs southern Lebanon or tries destroying everything and everyone, in a genocidal manner, like what they did in Gaza, then I'm not sure Hezbollah is prepared for such a scenario. They did mention contingency plans in the past if Israel resorted to wiping out entire villages like they've threatened. So maybe they do.

Considering they have air defense capabilities and much better offensive capabilities to make precision strikes, they likely are able to counter that to some extent.

Hamas in Gaza has nothing to counter a genocidal rampage that's being enabled by the US, UK, and many others. Especially when being isolated and having no backing of any sort. Hamas surviving is actually incredible in the face of the genocidal rampage and psychological warfare waged on Gaza and Hamas during the past 8 months. Enduring all of that can really destroy your morale. What Hamas has is popular support, especially in Gaza, and the greater regional public. And sheer faith to believe their resilience will pay off. The tunnel systems all under Gaza play a role too.

If you look at the campaign against ISIS, they folded very fast. Despite controlling a much larger landmass. And facing much less firepower. The sheer terror genocidal campaign on Gaza was meant to make Hamas fold out of pure terror and trauma. People really need to grasp what kind of campaign was waged on Gaza. It's unclear if others can handle what they endured.

It’s also a telling sign how Hezbollah isn’t using more sophisticated weapons until they see the Israelis attempt to make a serious move most of their weapons bunkers are deep underground their men all over the place not in one specific spot they don’t have bases above ground which is the biggest reason they have lost so few men compared to fighters in Gaza.
They're not in a total war or anything near it. And Israel is intentionally avoiding inflicting many casualties. In a full blown war many Lebanese people would be killed. Gaza is being attacked with their full firepower, that is being resupplied repeatedly. Extremely disproportionate use of force for the purpose of committing a genocide and ruining Gaza entirely.

Firepower they're deploying in Lebanon and vice-versa, is nowhere near. We haven't seen what a serious, let alone semi-serious confrontation would like between Hezbollah and Israel.

Truth is though unless this agreement that the Americans are floating brings peace I do think a true war will come soon between Hezbollah and Israel, this fight between the two have shown Hezbollah isn’t blinking like the Israelis hoped they will they are only escalating day after day
They deescalate then escalate, it hasn't been entirely linear. They are not gonna go down a path of linear escalation as that will lead to a full blown war. It's a measured escalation with some twists. If Hezbollah goes down path of linear escalation, it will interrupt Israel's campaign in Gaza. But what will it mean after that, we don't know. Would it be a two-week long battle that results in a ceasefire in Gaza or Lebanon? Or would Israel resume its campaign in Gaza? Or would it escalate heavily until it triggers a regional war? Then what would a regional war look like and mean? Nobody wants it right now. Though they are all prepared to start it, but endgame is unclear. Controlling the conflict would be difficult for any side.
Quick note.

Leaving Zio Hedge alone. Too toxic with all the Jews polluting the comment section. A forum is supposed to grow and develop, not be stuck in the mud, debating the same things over and over. That's how the Jews argue.

For almost eight months, I have been ripping off posts from this forum and reposting over there. 20-40 every day. Fools Nightmare was a great help. Several others here as well. News, that my fellow Americans otherwise will not get.

I think we did a tremendous job educating a few hundred, thousands? on Zero Hedge.

But, I am getting burned out with all the carnage. So is everyone else. What makes us sick (spiritually), is knowing there is nothing we can immediately do about it.

It's right out in the open, ZIONISM controls America.
Their goal is to wear out everyone and make it a toxic environment. Can't do anything when they run the moderation there too. Jews are everywhere on US-based forums. Might as well leave these places, isolate them to Jew echo chambers, and boost other places where truth can be shared.
Their goal is to wear out everyone and make it a toxic environment. Can't do anything when they run the moderation there too. Jews are everywhere on US-based forums. Might as well leave these places, isolate them to Jew echo chambers, and boost other places where truth can be shared.

Still waiting for my free Qur'an and other publications to help educate the locals.

Enjoy your analysis. You have put some thought into it.

Again, I have taken the time to read most of what is posted here (skipping over the infighting) for almost eight months now. This thread is epic. Nowhere else, I can think of, has a better ongoing update and analysis on this ethic cleansing. Hat tip to all of you.
No, because US has already "brought all its navy " to Ukraine and Israel already.

It is more likely true that the Eisenhower aircraft carrier was hit, there are videos on YouTube. Alao why was it moved /tugged to Saudi Arabia exactly soon after the houthis claimed to hit it?

I'm speechless because I don't understand how US with an almost $1trn defense budget and apparently the best military tech is having its military empire Crushed by militias and mid tier armies..all before it wve enters the possible fight against its peer/ near peer China. NATo will not he able to fight any serious war actively and win it within the next 10 years, because its worn put from Ukraine.

Everyone buckle up, we are in for a bumpy rife. If you diss hezbollah today, you are just an ingrate, respectfully.

Houtis and Hezbollah are the wild cards that the Zionists and their Gulf Yankee partners didn't really account for when they began their genocide campaign to make room for Israel and Neom.

The Houtis blockage of the red sea has been a thorn in their side with escalating consequences as this genocide carries on. The Zionist Saudi alliance was hoping that the Palestinians would be exterminated quickly. However Hamas is resilience is something they also miscalculated.

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For a break from the continuous videos of horror.... A moment for a Palestinian youth in Gaza to sing...


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