Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Using money and connections while hidden in plain sight. Appear 'local' while loyalty to a remote tiny nation. Hire your own kind in movies, shows and corporate ladder climbs. The locals wouldn't even know who is doing what--life is a busy affair and if someone who speaks like you, appears like you is succeeding then so what? But I wish it were that simple.

It is not hard in America to succeed professionally in anything as long as you have someone with resources supporting you. You know, the famous saying: 'It is not what you know. It is WHO you know!'. There is incredible talent in America and not just among the Jews. But look at who they hire and promote in their movies and shows and in disproportionate numbers.

While other communities would they that too, it is mostly the Jewish people who actually work against their host countries and to the benefit of a remote country in the Middle East and do so for generations after generations. Eisenhower was the leader of D-Day against Germany. Would a Jewish Eisenhower ever be?? I doubt that.

They don't have 'dual loyalty'. They have only ONE loyalty and it is seldom to their adapted home, barring a minority of them.
Good insight.
Yes, those who were once discriminated themselves develop a more keen sense of seeing the discriminated ones; the Irish also fall into that category and so do the Black people.

Now that's some good insight! I couldn't have said it half as well as you just did.
So seems highly suspicious he’s either attempting to get attention or get attention or maybe he’s trying to get attention.
Yemen's Houthis or as they call themselves Ansarullah claimed to have hit the US aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. The US military officials stated the claim is false.

Now, the Yemeni Houthis/Ansarullah leaders are challenging the American officials to prove it in a live stream that the aircraft carrier was not hit. They promised they will not hit the ship while the live stream was on. We will see if the American military officials respond to the Houthis/Ansarullah's challenge.

Yemen's Houthis or as they call themselves Ansarullah claimed to have hit the US aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. The US military officials stated the claim is false.

Now, the Yemeni Houthis/Ansarullah leaders are challenging the American officials to prove it in a live stream that the aircraft carrier was not hit. They promised they will not hit the ship while the live stream was on. We will see if the American military officials respond to the Houthis/Ansarullah's challenge.

But if it really hit, wouldn't USA bring all her Navy to bring democracy to Yemen? At least they would have answered with massives air raids, tomahawks attacks?
Yemen's Houthis or as they call themselves Ansarullah claimed to have hit the US aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. The US military officials stated the claim is false.

Now, the Yemeni Houthis/Ansarullah leaders are challenging the American officials to prove it in a live stream that the aircraft carrier was not hit. They promised they will not hit the ship while the live stream was on. We will see if the American military officials respond to the Houthis/Ansarullah's challenge.

Yeah if they had actually struck an aircraft carrier what the Israelis have done in Gaza would be child’s plays there would have been a thousands of air strikes by now I definitely believe they attempted to hit the aircraft carrier but as I said before better for the Houthi to focus on Israeli targets less blowback that way if they actually ever achieve a hit on an American warship it would be devastating for yemen
By the time that momentum shift policy... There will be no Palestinians left alive. Too little too late.

And whle i generally agree with what @A1Kaid said in the post you quoted, we still have not seen "Young Americans " successfully and continuously fight and dismantle racism in America, because many of them benefit from it- they seem passionate about fighting for every external case of justice, but if they dont fight and defeat racism in America, they are 100% fake and hypocritical. Anyone can say they are against racism in their living room- its way harder (and undesirable apparently) to fight it in reality, because what do Gen Z, Millennials, baby boomers, old AF Americans have in common? they are white- they are all still interested in protecting their white supremacy,- through different tactics and rubbish- Gender equity is one of young white Americans way of letting racism live and be healthy- because by focusing on and getting others to focus on gender equity bs, they inadvertently pull peoples attention away from the societal cancer and disease that lives off America and White America lives off of- racism.
I think basically the biggest difference between Hamas and Hezbollah is the massive training, Hamas fighters and other groups fighters are putting up stiff resistance against Israeli targets inside Gaza but you see how Hezbollah is using non sophisticated weapons like the Butkan to devastate entire military outpost and damaging bases by getting right under the Israeli military’s noses kind of amazing.
It’s also a telling sign how Hezbollah isn’t using more sophisticated weapons until they see the Israelis attempt to make a serious move most of their weapons bunkers are deep underground their men all over the place not in one specific spot they don’t have bases above ground which is the biggest reason they have lost so few men compared to fighters in Gaza.
Truth is though unless this agreement that the Americans are floating brings peace I do think a true war will come soon between Hezbollah and Israel, this fight between the two have shown Hezbollah isn’t blinking like the Israelis hoped they will they are only escalating day after day
But if it really hit, wouldn't USA bring all her Navy to bring democracy to Yemen? At least they would have answered with massives air raids, tomahawks attacks?
No, because US has already "brought all its navy " to Ukraine and Israel already.

It is more likely true that the Eisenhower aircraft carrier was hit, there are videos on YouTube. Alao why was it moved /tugged to Saudi Arabia exactly soon after the houthis claimed to hit it?

I'm speechless because I don't understand how US with an almost $1trn defense budget and apparently the best military tech is having its military empire Crushed by militias and mid tier armies..all before it wve enters the possible fight against its peer/ near peer China. NATo will not he able to fight any serious war actively and win it within the next 10 years, because its worn put from Ukraine.

Everyone buckle up, we are in for a bumpy rife. If you diss hezbollah today, you are just an ingrate, respectfully.

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