Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Wow, they interviewed a diverse pool, a young female student, grandma, older aged male, and all of them are giving psychopathic answers devoid of humanity. Apparently it's cute to Western media. They're not brown and saying it so it's okay.

If Palestinians said wipe out Israel and flatten it it will be all over media and they'd be called a death cult and war loving people.

Yes. Interesting thing is that despite this awakening we've seen across the board since this all started which let's face it, has never been at this level and not even close, the hypocrisy of not just the zionist and their manipulative ways, but that of the US with its brutally disgusting & obsessive loyalty to the little craphole that offers absolutely 0 benefit to the United States except some illusion of democracy in a theocratically-ruled region, still isn't enough. There needs to be much more calling out of the hypocrisy of exactly what you said. "It's good for thee but not for me." Russia bad, Israel good when they've both essentially done/doing the same thing as far as invading another land. This here is even more egregious. I don't see a semblance of anything remotely close to ethnic cleansing or genocide in the Ukraine.

I think the US hasn't been called out enough for its hypocrisy and brutal double standards. Obviously the fear of its power to destroy any country it wishes simply by issuing a bill through congress is enough to deter most. And while it's great to see high officials from Spain, Ireland and Germany finally step up and condemn the zionist for their crimes, it's almost a little too late. On the other hand, chastising Muslim leaders & states for not taking even deadlier measures and ignoring what they're actually doing (or at least what they've done for the Palestinian cause since 1948) is even more disheartening TBH. But it is what it is and we just have to do our end and keep up the good fight.
Hezbollah rocket barrages against Nahariya, Akka, and occupied Golan Heights - causing massive fires

100,000 Israeli settlers sent to shelters, major fires caused:


Notice how the Zionists themselves don't allow their women to marry outsiders. You will barely see Jewish women screwing around. The Zionists control their women very tightly. On the contrary, all these Hollywood Zionist moguls are raping and molesting female actresses like no tomorrow.

Unlike Christianity and Islam, both of which actively seek new converts regardless of ethnicity, Judaism is very restrictive in conversions and 'race' plays a huge role in determining who eventually becomes a true 'Jew'.
Unlike Christianity and Islam, both of which actively seek new converts regardless of ethnicity, Judaism is very restrictive in conversions and 'race' plays a huge role in determining who eventually becomes a true 'Jew'.

It tells a lot about the Zionists. All of this stems from a feeling of superiority. What religion preaches superiority over others?
It tells a lot about the Zionists. All of this stems from a feeling of superiority. What religion preaches superiority over others?

Yes. And a root cause of the current conflict, per Israel's own brilliant Gideon Levy, is the racial superiority idea.
There are many conflicts in the world--warm or cold. Pakistan-India, Pakistan-Afghanistan, India-China, China-Taiwan, Ukraine-Russia and so on and on but none of them have such a strong racism factor as the Israelis have against others. Ultimately all wars are about resources but in case of Israel, it is not just resources but also there is a strong ethnic foundation of racial superiority like the Nazis had against all others who were not of northern/western European types.

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