BJP started the process of breaking India : Arundhati Roy

This is map of new states that Indian raw and Afghanistan and USA are working towards

So be careful trying to forment trouble india
As Ajit Doval once threatened you provide insurgency in Kashmir or Punjab we gave ten times your resources to give to Baluchistanid and pashtuns etc

What goes round comes round
Might always prevails
These posters are sick in the head....along with their equivalents from other parts of world.

Lot of free time and no actual power/influence or any competence in real world that matters.

So they air out their dumb thinking and get off on it.....i.e ramping up volume for their personal mental needs rather than any basic attempt for analysis of facts, logic and proper debate.

The feeling that if you simply throw crayons when you arent sticking em up your nose.... and throw a tantrum enough in constant infantile way, it deflects from inability to do basic colouring within the lines.

I abhor the online scape I see in general regarding this crap. India has its size of the generic problem for its context.
The problem is that it’s no longer anonymous posters but common extremism percolating among so called educated society. Even though from a very personal perspective their “hinduism” in this context was never threatened nor were they part of “discrimination”.

It’s the same with the situation of dalit discrimination in the NRI tech sector and literally no law could target it - like why bring that baggage here??!

Meanwhile - the local imam at my place spent a 30 minutes out of the 45 I can take for Friday prayer repeating the same ad nausem idea that all science comes from muslims, there should be no taking anything from western culture, speaking at 300 Words a minute while we sat in a borrowed space from a Lutherian church.

That bloody hypocrisy and self entitlement of Desi culture riles me to no end

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